The Toxic Non-toxic Clay by FangedBeasty

Chapter 1

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The Toxic Non-Toxic Clay


Author Note: This is a response to Skye's Weekly challenge, “Toxic”. I hope that you enjoy reading this. I would really appreciate any and all feed back.


Sesshoumaru was playing with his pup, Kioshi, while Kagome was out at the store. Sesshoumaru still remembered their conversation from the night before.


“Sesshoumaru, is it possible that Kioshi has the ability to create the poison and we just missed it?” Kagome asked, worried. She was worried that her son would melt one of the tables at his school. Scaring all of the children in his class.


Sesshoumaru smiled at the worry on his mate's face. “Kagome, it is nearly impossible for a pup to not have shown any potential powers by now. He is in the second grade, and almost all pups will stop finding new talents,” Sesshoumaru said. Knowing, that his words did very little to ease her mind.


Sesshoumaru was helping Kioshi form a puppy out of the green clay he had just gifted him. Normally, Sesshoumaru would allow Kioshi to do as he pleased. However, once he saw what his son called a puppy; he had no choice, he had to help. He showed him how to carefully form the legs, head, ears, and everything else. Once satisfied that the pup properly knew how to make the creatures, he cleaned the goop from his own hands. Growling when he couldn't get it from his claws.  It took him twenty minutes of careful washing to get it all out. Sitting at the table he quickly became content just watching his pup make the dogs eat each other.


After about an hour Kagome walked through the door groceries in hand. Sesshoumaru and Kioshi ran to her. Sesshoumaru to take the groceries, and Kioshi to get his long awaited hug. Kagome, gladly let Sesshoumaru take the bags. She turned towards Kioshi and listened to him as he began his story shaking his hands excitedly in the process. Kagome, focused in on her son's hands that were a faint green. “Kioshi, wait here. I will be right back,” Kagome, hurriedly said to him.


Kioshi was slightly upset. He wasn't accustomed to being told to wait in the middle of a story. He knew though that his mom would be back quickly, so he stayed silent. With the time that she was gone he thought of how he should present his story to his mother. He tried to remember all of the funny parts, like when his daddy got the clay stuck in his claws. Kioshi giggled, that had been really funny.  Especially, the fact that he wasn't supposed to have known about it.


Kagome found her mate putting away the tomato soup. “Sesshoumaru, you were wrong,” Kagome said. Sesshoumaru turned towards her, eyebrow raised. He had no idea what she was talking about.


“Kagome, what are you talking about?” Sesshoumaru asked. He could tell that she was upset, and it bothered him. Kagome held back her tears.


“Kioshi's hands are glowing green, he can give off the poison,” Kagome sobbed. Sesshoumaru couldn't help but look perplexed. He had sniffed the air, and hadn't smelt the bittersweet smell of poison. All he could smell was the house, and the clay he and Kioshi had been playing with.


He then remembered what had happened to his own hands when he had finished playing with the clay. Sesshoumaru didn't mean to laugh, he really didn't. Kagome's mouth hung open as her mate laughed at her! She had just told her that their son was a toxic poison master like his father. She had either expected shock or pride. She hadn't expected laughter.


“Sesshoumaru, there is nothing funny about him making toxic venom!” Kagome tried to scold him, but only made him laugh harder. Sesshoumaru was holding his sides, he was laughing so hard.


“Dearest, I assure you there is nothing toxic about what he was doing.” Sesshoumaru said trying to calm down. When he finally managed to quell his laughter, Kagome started again.


“What isn't toxic about him possibly burning a hole through the carpet? Oh no, the carpet!” Kagome exclaimed. Sesshoumaru chuckled as he caught his mate, preventing her from checking on their son.


“Kagome, there is nothing toxic about the clay. I made sure it said, non-toxic,” Sesshoumaru said showing her the package. Kagome quickly looked at the package then at Sesshoumaru, who still had a huge grin on his face.


“You knew the whole time, and you didn't explain it to me?” Kagome said, how could he not tell her before she made a fool of herself?


“I just thought that the clay might have turned his hands green. There is no way that I would, personally, know. I'm not sure, we should go check it out,” Sesshoumaru suggested. Not wanting his mate to hear that his hands had turned the ugly green as well, or even worse about his claws.


They both walked back to Kioshi, and got his hands cleaned up. “Mommy, can I finish my story now?” Kioshi asked. He had figured out exactly what he wanted to tell her. Kagome nodded her head.


Kioshi told Kagome all about his atrocious attempts at dogs, his father's exact words. Kagome gave Sesshoumaru a glare for his harsh words towards their son, but the glare didn't last long. When she heard about how Sesshoumaru had helped Kioshi make the puppies, and had gotten the clay stuck in his claws.


Sesshoumaru growled low and thought, 'Non-toxic, yeah right, there is was definitely something toxic about the way that clay turned my hands that ugly color.  And I will not soon be forgetting about my precious claws.' As Kagome and Kioshi kept talking about their day, Sesshoumaru was deciding whether or not he should get rid of the, now deemed by himself toxic, clay.