Easter Eggs by Imanewme

Easter Eggs

Title: Easter Eggs

Author: Imanewme

Genre: Humor

Word Count: 260

Rating: Mostly G.

Warnings: None

AU/Cannon: Cannon-ish.

"Damnit Sesshoumaru, can't you just have fun for once without picking it apart with that brain of yours? Arghhh..." Kagome was flustered by the demon lord's questions, again.

"You will explain this, Miko."

"Oh don't you 'Miko' me, mister. Now shut up and decorate the egg."

"I fail to see the logic in purple eggs."

"It's supposed to be fun okay. F.U.N. Don't you even know what fun is?"

"Wasn't this morning fun, Miko?"

Kagome flushed bright pink and stomped her foot. "We are NOT discussing THAT in front of Rin, pervert!"

Sesshoumaru furrowed his eyebrows, seemingly deep in thought. "So, purple eggs are fun?"

"Yes, they are." Kagome huffed.

"And then you hide them?" Sesshoumaru asked.

"Yes..." 'is he really getting it?' Kagome thought to herself.

"And after Rin finds them we eat chocolate rabbits?" For once, Sesshoumaru looked truly baffled.

"Yes!" Kagome was getting excited. Did he finally 'get' it?

Sesshoumaru narrowed his eyes at Kagome's sudden excitement. "I'd rather have a real rabbit."

"Ugh! You're horrible!" Kagome smashed her purple and pink egg against the table in frustration.

Rin, who had been happily decorating eggs and watching the two argue again pipped up, "Lord Sessoumaru, can I have your chocolate rabbit then?"

Laughing, Kagome took Rin's hand. "Sure, Rin. You can have his chocolate rabbit. Let's go hide some eggs, shall we?"

The two skipped off into the field, baskets in hand, leaving Sessoumaru with the little cups of vinegar and dye that Kagome had brought with her.

"Hn." He thought, "The things I do for Rin."