Pleasure Principle by Crisalide

Pleasure Principle

A/N: This was written for LJ prompt - Primal. One of those SessxKag communities...

Disclaimer: I do not lay claim to Inuyasha. Inuyasha is the property of Rumiko Takahashi.

EXTRA: I am aware that this fanfiction shares the same title as Miss OnyxIvyStone's story, The Pleasure Principle. The bases of idea between our stories is also the same, hence the title. My story and hers, however, are completely different. I, in no way or form, have plagiarize her story, The Pleasure Principle, in any manner into the following words below. I reiterate: The plots bewteen our stories are completely different. Thank you for your time.


For eons and ages, sexuality has been the base factor in primal urges. The pleasure principle, coined "id" by Sigmund Freud, is the basic drive for immediate self gratification. New born babes are shown to only know of the "id", the desire for pleasure unhindered by the constraints of society's norm. Unfortunately, as one grows older with time, the ego, id is developed further. Self awareness is ensued and now long term pleasure has replaced immediate pleasure.

Sesshoumaru had more than half a demon's lifetime in order to develop and perfect his ego. So much, so, that it has become his "super-ego" in which his desires and libido are completely under his control. The perfect specimen under the name of Sesshoumaru; so perfect that even holy powers have little-to-no effect on his great demon self.

But of course, there is no such thing as absolute perfection in the sense of perfection. Many have seen the mighty Lord Sesshoumaru lose himself into his demon's baser half, his more primal nature taking place when provoked. None can escape the terrible instincts born from the very beginning of the universe. Not even Ka-go-me.

For too long, Sesshoumaru's sexual desires have been suppressed. Once an eon, or so, Sesshoumaru would find one lucky female to rut. However, with recent events -especially now with Naraku- the rutting had been put on an undefined hiatus. Really, he had tried his very best to deny the urges, those damned urges. But any healthy and weaker male would have already bent to their knees in submission to his baser half. Sesshoumaru glowered at himself. Pathetic. He was utterly pathetic to fall prey to his own urges. His own urges!

Many things, he had tried. The first was the most reasonable answer - to go on a demon killing spree. Indeed, it did help to relieve the pain in his loins only slightly, however after the fifth hundred, or so, had fallen, Sesshoumaru found himself unable to find pleasure in that particular act any longer.

It was then that Lord Sesshoumaru decided to pursue the vile half-demon Naraku with more energy than ever before displayed. Though, of course being the perfect Sesshoumaru, his frenzied state was only noticeable to those who knew him well - such as his petite ward, Rin and his bulbous eyed retainer, Jaken and, surprisingly enough, the empathetic Kagome. But soon, the fast paced traveling proved difficult for his entourage, and so he left them alone in a cave to their own devices, if only for a little while.

The search for Naraku eventually led Inuyasha to cross Sesshoumaru's path. It is never Sesshoumaru to cross Inuyasha's path, of course, because Sesshoumaru would never willingly cross the mutt's path.

After a very quick, one-sided battle, Sesshoumaru went on his way again, leaving a very bruised and battered Inuyasha to be tended to by his human companions.

It wasn't long until Sesshoumaru came upon the great Goshinboku. He could literally feel the ancient powers of the tree channeling into his wearied body as he rested his forearm against the great tree's trunk, soothing the aches only just a tiny bit. So enraptured in his pain, was he, that he made no notice to the approaching presence until her foot had snapped a twig.

Feral red eyes snapped to her now still form. His heated eyes stared her down, not yet trusting his voice to demand her to leave. All too easily he imagined his claws as they ripped through her flimsy fabrics. She was alone and without protection. Foolish. And Sesshoumaru found himself utterly disgusted at the way his thoughts had turned.

Kagome froze. Why had she come? It was because she had noticed that there was something off about the mighty Lord Sesshoumaru when he was fighting Inuyasha. It was because he was also heavily injured but didn't seem to notice as he left, leaving a bloodied trail for her to find him. "You're hurt," Kagome stated the obvious that obviously Sesshoumaru did not notice.

"Why have you come?" He snarled in her direction, his once somewhat peaceful mind now completely broken. Of course, it was the smell of blood that always seemed to calm his nerves. Perhaps more blood was to be had this evening. Sesshoumaru's eyes took on a predatory gleam.

"Something is wrong, Lord Sesshoumaru," Kagome replied back respectfully. She held out the rolls of bandages that she carried with her, hoping that he did not notice her trembling knees. "I want to help you!"

Sesshoumaru barked out a vicious laugh. He studied her form for a minute longer before his lips upturned into a smirk, fangs and all. "Come closer then, Miko. This Sesshoumaru will allow you to help."

Kagome hesitated now. What she once thought was a hurt puppy she realized only now was always a predatory dog. Stupid, stupid! She cursed to herself in her mind. But it was too late to stop now. She had offered, and he had somehow miraculously accepted. Kagome gulped down her fears and slowly approached the demon lord.

Sesshoumaru's blood eyes were hooded in anticipation. Carefully, he watched the female as she warily approached him. When she was close enough Sesshoumaru wrapped his capable and clawed hand around her delicate throat. In a move that left her breathless and dizzy, he had her pinned against Goshinboku.

Kagome gasped out in surprise as the rolls of bandages fell out of her shaking hands. Weakly, her hands grasped Sesshoumaru's muscular forearm, urging him to release her to no avail. She could faintly feel the pinpricks of his claws against the fright of impending death. Death. Dying. Dead. "NO!" Kagome shouted out with one last burst of energy. Her miko powers flared to life and beat against Sesshoumaru's dark demonic aura. She was dismayed to see that her sparkling light did little more than give Sesshoumaru's skin a bit of a rash.

His calloused fingers pressed deeper into the grooves of her neck in response to her last act of rebellion. Small rivulets of blood streamed down from his claws and stained her once white blouse. The tantalizing coppery smell aroused Sesshoumaru and he bent his head to take a taste of what she unwillingly offered.

He closed his eyes and hummed. Pure euphoria entered his mouth with the taste of her virgin holy blood. His hand now released her tender neck, only to be replaced with his sensuous mouth. When Kagome tried to use her fragile hands to push him away, he only captured them in his now free hand and held them firmly above her head. Slyly, he had pulled his sharp talons through her white blouse as he moved. Her chest was now exposed and a thin line of red blood ran from her navel to her breast band. Sesshoumaru left her succulent neck in favor of the creamy skin that was now uncovered.

Kagome found her body unable to move. No, it wasn't because Sesshoumaru had completely pinned his whole weight against her smaller frame. It was because the things that he doing to her body made her unable to move. If she moved, would this intense feeling of pleasure go away?

She began to writher against his body. Long since, he had released her hands in favor of more pleasurable explorations of her body. Her hands, she found, were entangled in his silky mane of silver, urging his head forward into her exposed skin.

Sesshoumaru nipped at her skin in warning. Kagome stilled her hands. More blood flowed and he eagerly lapped it up. Sesshoumaru's mind was still clouded, but he had enough sense to remove himself from Kagome's contact.

"Your clothes," he ordered, "remove them." Already he was free of his armor and haori.

Kagome was already shrugging out of her stained uniform top. Why was she following his orders? She was more than this, right?

Kagome had taken too long. In two seconds, Sesshoumaru shredded the cloth that once covered her body. Red welts appeared where Sesshoumaru clearly showed no mercy to her tender human skin.

She did not even have time to cover her bare breasts with her pale arms before Sesshoumaru swept her up and, surprisingly, gently laid her down upon the hard earth's surface. Her face was flushed from the heat and from her own modesty. She turned her head sharply away from Sesshoumaru's well endowed form.

He smirked at the girl's obvious virgin response. Adorable was not usually in his vocabulary, but in Kagome's case, it just might be an exception. His ruby eyes slowly trailed over Kagome's naked form, pondering on which way to begin the plundering of her delectable body.

Her neck. He decided that he quite enjoyed her sensitive neck and the way she mewled for him when he lapped up her blood. Sesshoumaru bent over her form. She could sense his movements from the corners of her eyes as she had turned her head away. Good. Sesshoumaru had better access to her jugular.

His fangs pierced the tender skin and his eyes alighted with the fresh scent of her human blood. His tongue caressed the tender spot and he was not disappointed to hear her soft cries of pleasure. Sesshoumaru always was an attentive lover.

Kagome's very pert nipples pushed into Sesshoumaru's warrior body as she arched from the pleasure he gave to her. He abandoned her savory neck in favor of her twin mounds. He was unsympathetic as he attacked the first breast, his fangs breaking skin to gather more blood onto his deliciously long tongue.

He moved on to the second breast and attacked as viciously as the first, his long fingers now inching their way into Kagome's sweet nectar. Her legs clamped of their own volition and Sesshoumaru easily pried them apart before plunging his first two fingers into her hot core. So unbearably tight were her hot walls, as they latched onto only two of his long tapered fingers. The simulation for when his engorged length would enter her sent him harder than before.

As Sesshoumaru's fangs continued to graze against her soft skin, only to cleanse the mess he made, his hand continued to steadily prepare Kagome's tight sheath for him to enter. Slowly and steadily he continued to add in more fingers. Kagome's loud and vocal expressions of pleasure accompanied her bucking hips into his hands.

He finally pulled his coated fingers out. A suctioning sound accompanied the loud 'pop' when his fingers slipped out. Sesshoumaru made sure he had Kagome's attentions before one-by-one, he slipped the digits into his mouth to suck them dry of her essence.

Her eyes were entranced upon his sinful actions and she found her lower muscles clenching of their own accord in anticipation.

She was surprised to see Sesshoumaru bend his head towards hers and dip his lips into her mouth. Of course her usually wide maw was already agape from surprise, and Sesshoumaru easily stroked his long and wicked tongue against hers. To taste her own essence from Sesshoumaru's strong lips was sinfully divine to Kagome. She vaguely noted that this was her first kiss and thought she didn't do that bad of a job at it. Especially with Sesshoumaru at the wheel.

Kagome sighed into Sesshoumaru's hot mouth. His finger was once more doing something naughty to her down under. She bucked into his hand and into the awaiting penis at her entrance. She was eager for something she did not know.

Her wet sex already coated the head of his length. He playfully pushed in only to pull out again. Sesshoumaru could feel her want as she tried to follow with her hips. He smiled his predatory gleam once more and sealed her lips with his own before his hips surged forward and plunged into her silky depths. Her cries of pain were muffled by his mouth. She thrashed wildly around, trying to remove herself from the unbearable pain that he was causing her.

"Be still," he whispered fiercely into her blunt human ears. A warning. Her movements only made his engorged length even bigger. It pulsed with the heated blood coursing through his thick veins.

Kagome immediately stilled at his dangerous voice, her eyes wide with fright. Sesshoumaru could do nothing but hold her and lick away her tears. She was surprised with the tenderness that he showed to her. Kagome wanted to return his kindness. She still ached terribly, but the feeling was ebbing away slowly.

She took an experimental shift. The pleasure was fine and the pain was passable. She moaned to Sesshoumaru, telling him that she wanted more from him.

Sesshoumaru bit back a groan, his red eyes dark from the pleasure he felt. He pulled out slowly and pushed back in experimentally. The results were very good, he found, and soon he was pumping away into her very wet and tight core. He enjoyed the feel of the human girl's hands running all over his heated body. Her feathery light touches and soft caresses soothed the stiff muscles over his back, his shoulders, and even his derriere.

Sesshoumaru found his mouth once more leaning towards her neck. The delectable piece of flesh covering her very vulnerable life. He bit down. Hard. His hips continued to plunge into her welcoming heat and her cries of pained pleasure grew in volume from the intense pleasure. Her walls clamped fiercely around his member and Sesshoumaru fought hard to piston in and out.

"Sess... Sesshou.... SESSHOUMARU!" came Kagome's last cries of pleasure as her body convulsed in orgasm. Her tight wet pussy was hard to resist and Sesshoumaru soon found himself being milked. He roared to the heavens as he came, his seed so great that it spilled out of Kagome's hot sheath.

He collapsed on her afterwards and together they lay panting for breath under the starry night sky. Absently, he could feel her fingers thread through his now sweaty locks. This evening, he rutted with a human female. As he took in her light and airy fragrance, the scent of their coupling, he couldn't help but curse his primal nature for ruining his self control - no matter how pleasant this coupling turned out to be.

A/N: This is my first attempt at a Lemon. Please regard me kindly.