Seat Dancing by Breezy

Seat Dancing and Pop Champagne

Response to challenge 'Seat Dancing' by LC Rose.  My first attempt and rushed but I love it anyway.



5:00 AM

That was the time that Inuyasha had woken her up and told her to wait outside for Sesshomaru. In nothing more than her nightgown and a small robe, she had been the recipient of lustful gazes and catcalls for the past half hour. Just when she was about to forget the idiot and walk back in, she saw the cab roll up, music blasting. Stomping over to the taxi and throwing open the door before slipping in- Kagome froze- believing she must have died and gone to some alternate universe because she could not believe her eyes.

There in the backseat of the taxi, Sesshomaru, Lord of the West was drunk out of his mind and dare she say it...

Seat dancing.

Oh this was too good. Barely able to hold back the peals of laughter that threatened to send her to her knees, the taxi driver glared at her, muttering under his breath.

How we ball in the club I know you hate it

Mami dancin' on the floor like she naked

When she layed up wit you I know she fake it

All the girls give it to me I aint gotta take it

Waving the champagne bottle in his hand, Sesshomaru was rapping the lyrics, one hand extended in front of him pretending he was a DJ. God, where was her camera? Even when he was drunk the focus he had was fascinating. Did she forget to mention hilarious? Because it was. Just when she thought it couldn't get any better, he started grinding his hips into the seat in front of him. That one sent her out the cab and out on the cold pavement snorting, (which she rarely did by the way, because she found snorting unattractive) in laughter. Brilliant, sheer brilliance. Getting back into the cab because the glares the driver was giving her was steadier getting icier and icier; she turned her attention back to Sesshomaru.

"Sesshomaru, come on it's time to gooooo" she said, wrapping a hand around his shoulder trying to move him towards the open door. God, for someone so lean he was ridiculously heavy.

"Ka-Kagoooome. Baaaaby hey- hey listen to me-

We pop champagne. I aint in da club wit da mean screwed face. I'm lookin 4 a girl wit the mean cute face body, ice heel's with the mean lil waist givin shots of patron" He was staring into her eyes and if the situation wasn't bordering on hilariousity and annoying, she would have found it slightly endearing. Shaking his head to and fro, he started to rock his shoulders and take small sips. Snatching the bottle from him, she lured him out of the cab like a little doggy (he would kill her if he ever found out she was degrading him like that but eh it was his own fault.) When she managed to get him out of the cab, she apologized profusely to the taxi driver before throwing money into the cab. 

"Hey boy...come on..." she coaxed, it was freezing cold and she needed to hurry this up if she was ever going to get back inside. “We're so close...right up the stairs...” so close “inside...Yes yes good boy!" Finally getting him into the house, she quickly closed the door behind her, sighing in relief. Turning back, she found Sesshomaru still dancing and sipping from the bottle. "Time for bed big boy." Ignoring how good he smelled in spite of the champagne he'd spilled down his shirt, she took off his jacket and started to walk away.

"Oh no no where do you think you're going?" She never noticed how husky his voice was getting.

"To hang up your coat and then to bed where I will then sleep." She huffed when he grabbed her. She was not in the mood for games but before she could tell him off, he wrapped his arms around her; pulling her into a light kiss. Moving to her collarbone, he nipped her lightly before replacing his teeth with his tongue. Kagome held back a moan as a war waged in her head.

'Ignore him, Kagome. The man was seat dancing for gods’ sake!' Wrapping her arms around him, she lured him into the bedroom, slipping her slip off a shoulder. 'That's right, doggy. Come to mama.' He joined her on the bed and settled on his back, letting her straddle his prone form.

"Let me take care of you..." she cooed, with a kiss to his lower jaw.  His citrine eyes closed in pleasure and she barely restrained the victorious look on her face.  She slid his pants off him before returning to his face, peppering kisses on his seeking lips...her hands sunk in his hair, pulling pleasurably...before scratching at his scalp. 'Foolish dog.'  3 minutes of some scalp scratching and he was out, counting sleep and curleing their comforter around him.

"You'll pay for this in the morning, dog" and she joined him.


Feeling a poke to her rib, Kagome swatted away the hand.  Another hour was all she needed. However, the owner of the hand didn’t seem to think so and the poking continued until she growled and opened her eyes, flinching at the man glaring at her. Shifting to sit up, she blinked, turning her attention to the very distraught demon.

"What did this Sesshoumaru do?" he paused, looking self conscious for a moment. "How bad was it?" 

Laughing, she noticed his wince. "Oh bad, really bad I don't think you want to know."

"You will tell me woman."

"Are you sure?" he teased. He simply nodded. "Two words Sesshomaru... Seat. Dancing." She laughed as he flushed and pressed his face into his hands. "Oh it was bad Sesshomaru. I don't know how you could possibly redeem yourself in my eyes." Wiping the sleep from her eyes, she felt him tackle her to the ground.

"Oh I could think of a few" his hand traveled up her thigh and circled around her waist.

"It may take a while" she said nonchalantly. “You were dancing and rapping to Pop Champagne.”

"Hn then It is crucial that I start right away" and they got to work.


I couldn't help myself! Sorry ya'll I thought it would be humorous to have Sesshomaru's pride damaged so much. Anyways I'm off!

Sassy Cat Attack