Of Love and Jealousy by Farein

Chapter 1

She was cheating on him. He was sure of it.

Sesshomaru shifted his gaze from the laptop screen to his mate, who sat comfortably a couple of feet away, clearly engrossed in her phone. The whole scene in and of itself was foreign to him. Kagome had always spent every hour of the day before seeing to all of his needs, sometimes to the point of being overbearing. He hadn't paid any mind to her spending before, but now... Now, she was sending money to another account. One under her name completely so he had no idea where or what she was doing with it, but he was in a state of ignorance that he couldn't ignore.

Even when he broached the subject with her, she'd only blush shyly and tell him that it was nothing.

Nothing would be her telling him that she'd been buying clothes and didn't want him to see the prices. Not that they couldn't afford it, he made more than enough for her to buy a whole store and still not hurt the bank balance enough to warrant a conversation.

A comely blush painted her face and she hastily moved her hand to wipe the smile away from her lips only to glance up and find him staring at her.

"Who are you talking to?"

Kagome bit her lip nervously before looking down at her screen again. "Nobody."

Never wanting to accuse without substantial proof, Sesshoumaru dropped the subject once more decidedly too annoyed to continue it or the work that he had once said that he would finish. He would wait until she slept to figure out what was going on.

Hours later, he held her little phone clutched in his hand staring at all the call and message logs. There'd been no new names or numbers saved. Either she was smart, or there was something he had overlooked.

After 10 minutes of staring at the screen in frustration, a notification popped up at the top of her screen.

Sylus wants to see you.

There wasn't a picture or a name to it but in his haste to find out who "Sylus" was... he had tapped it only for an app to open and after a small load in, on the home screen a male he'd never seen before. Frowning at the face in front of him, there was a smirk on the male's face, one that he decided that he did not like at all.

The man dripped with sex appeal. When he entered the game, the male had called her "sweetie" and "kitten" in a sensual voice that plucked at his nerves. Was this her actual preference? His short-cut white hair and red eyes that seemed to mock and deride his feelings only served to unnerve him more. Not sure if this was a messaging app or game, Sesshomaru concluded with a huff that she was emotionally cheating on him. That "Sylus" was her online boyfriend, and while he didn't get the chance to see the messages between them, he was sure there was more to it than his avatar talking to her so intimately.

He'd waited up for her until the morning sun had woken her up from her slumber. Kagome didn't look immediately for her phone, which was odd considering that she'd been practically glued to the device for the past month and a half now.

She yawned stretching languidly before jumping at the sight of him sitting beside her in the chair that he'd pulled from his desk.

"Sesshoumaru what-"

"Whose Sylus?"

She didn't pale, but her face did flush, "I can explain."

He didn't respond, waiting to hear her excuse if she could excuse herself from the sin that she'd committed.

"It's an otome game."

Any fire that he'd have to rebuke her for her actions died, "... A game?"

She looked around and then spotted her phone hanging loosely from his grip and opened the app that he'd not too long ago been perusing. She waited patiently she opened it to show him.

"You see, I saw it on that social network, the one with all of the short videos about this game, and I decided to give it a try. There are four men. Zayne, Rafayel, Xavier, and Sylus. There's mystery, and some fighting, but ultimately, you're there to 'woo' them. They all have a past with your character, but you'd have to play the game to understand it. Sylus," She paused in her explanation to pull up the male again, "is a character in the game." After a moment of thought, she furrowed her brows. "Did you... think I was cheating on you?"

He didn't dare confirm her suspicions only glowering at her in a way that served to make her laugh.

"What about the money you've been sending to yourself in your bank account?"

To that, Kagome laughed. "Well... you see..." She pulled out her banking app and the statement and showed it to him. His frown deepened, she'd been buying resources in the game. "I really wanted his "Lost Oasis" memory okay?! I mean I got the other five-star memories for the others but I reallly wanted it. I didn't want you to see that I was spending money on an app."

"I'm not cheating on you, dear sweet mate." There was a hint of humor behind her voice, a small inflection of laughter coloring her words.

"You're not to see him again."

"Come on! You have to admit that he looks a bit like you." she defended with a laugh.

He didn't find it funny at all. "I do not like him calling you pet names, that pleasure belongs to me."

Kagome burst into giggles. "You don't call me pet names, at best you call me 'mate.' You can't be jealous of a fictional pixelated man."

But he could be, she'd been spending most of her time with him recently, and not having her dote on him was strange. He had decided on the day that he made her his that he'd be the only one that she looked at like that.

"I'm the only one that you should ever look at like that."

It took her a full three minutes of laughing and catching her breath, to wipe the tears from her eyes. "Very well then. You're the only one."