The Western Lords Miko by Jin

Too High a Price

The air was thick and still. There was no wind, no sound of animals; just silence. Faint traces of miasma lingered around us. Not enough to kill you. Yet just enough to let you know that he had been here. The usually blue sky had been overcast with clouds for the last few weeks. I set my hand against the bark of the dying tree. The grass and flowers had long dried up and crumbled to dust, leaving only the dead soil behind. Everything had withered away. Things had been like this for quite some time. The village had suffered a shortage of food because of it. I had taken a considerable amount of trips to my time. To bring back food and other necessities for them. They wouldn't survive if things went on like this. My eyes trailed over to Kaede. The worry on her face was evident. This had been taking a toll on her more than anyone else. Someone her age shouldn't be going through this much stress. I'd be lying if I said this wasn't taking a toll on me too. I barely slept these days. I kept watching over everyone else, with little regard for myself; despite who else was up on night watch. I felt like something terrible would happen. If I was not on guard at all times. I was losing my mind over every twig that snapped. Every rustle of a leaf. I'd been staring into the dark thicket of trees; not sure if something or someone was staring back at me. I was paranoid and had every right to be so. Still, I wasn't sure how much longer I could go on like this. Naraku was coming soon. I'm sure he was somewhere watching at this very moment. I exhaled deeply, my eyes darting from my friends to Koga and his men. He had called for help from other tribes, but would it be enough? Would we be able to kill him? I looked over to Shippo, he had grown so much, but he was still just a boy; only sixteen. He shouldn't have to fight in this war. No one should. We just sat here for the past month like sitting ducks, training, playing his waiting game. Unsure of when he would show his face. It had been too many years; it was time for this to end.

"This isn't enough." I'd said, finally accepting it.

We needed more help. Hell, we practically needed an army. These scared villagers could help fend off Naraku.

She sighed. "Aye child. It is not, but more demonic power is not what ye need."

"What do you suppose we do.?" I asked.

She gave me a sympathetic look.

"Kaede you can't mean..." I said trailing.

"Aye. I am no longer in my prime. My Miko powers are not nearly enough at my age. Or nearly as strong as ye may be. However, with the three of us together. We would stand a better chance. We could win."

I bit the inside of my cheek, balling my hands up at my sides.

"To ask her for help. After what she has done. I can't stomach it Kaede." I bit out.

"All of these men here could hack away at Naraku for days to come, but he would only regenerate. We need her child. With her here, we could avoid many more casualties. This is not the time to let old wounds fester and reopen."

I swallowed the lump in my throat.

"Do you know where she is?"

"Aye. A small, abandoned village about six miles west of here. Ye will know ye have arrived when ye see the soul collectors. "

I knew that she was right. It would give us a better fighting chance, but still. Having to ask for help deeply hurt my pride. But my pride didn't matter at this moment. It was about stopping Naraku once and for all. This was for everyone's sake. I nodded, standing and walking over to Koga. I knew what I had to do. Still, I did not like it.

"Koga, would you mind helping me with something? There is somewhere that I need to go."

He stood stretching.

"Sure, where are ya headed to? Back to the well again?"

Before I could open my mouth, we were interrupted.

"Where do you think you two are going? This isn't the time to be taking breaks. Or some unnecessary trip home."

I put my hands on my hips. "Where I go is none of your concern Inuyasha."

I hopped on Koga's back, pointing in the direction we'd be traveling, and he took off, which I was grateful for. I didn't want to entertain Inuyasha's foolish jealousy. Nor did I have time for it. I ignored Inuyasha's calls from behind us, and so did Koga. He always had the audacity to do and say things he shouldn't. To question me about where I was going. He had lost the right to ask me anything a long time ago, much less speak to me. I was no longer that teenage girl who'd helplessly pined over him. I held onto Koga, making sure not to fall off. At the rate we were going. We could probably get there in about twenty minutes or so.

"So, care to tell me where we're going? Or are ya gonna bite my head off too?"

I sighed. "I'm sorry about that. You know how makes me get. As for where we're going." I smiled. "You'll see when we get there. That is if you can still run like you used to." I teased.

He grinned. "I'll take that as a challenge."

We had made it to the village in no time. Even without the shards, he was still as fast as ever. I slid off his back when he had stopped.

"Kagome those Kikyo's..." he said trailing off.

I nodded. "Her soul collectors? Yeah." I sighed. "Would you mind waiting for me here? This shouldn't take too long."

I could see the look in his eyes. He was unsure about all of this. Me being in the same vicinity as her. As well as going in there alone. I set my hand down on his shoulder.

"I'll be fine. There is no need to worry about me. I can handle myself." I said reassuring him.

I turned away from him and made my way into the village. I followed the trail of the soul collectors. The deeper I ventured the more of them there were. In the distance, I could see them surrounding a small hut; a single candle sitting in the window. I picked up my pace. I had to get this done now. I'd been standing in front of the hut. For what seemed like forever. I played with the half jewel, that hung around my neck. I knew she was in there; I could feel it and I'm sure she could feel me here as well.

"Come. You must have something to say if you've come all this way."

I pushed the flap to the side and made my way inside. We stood there staring at one another. I wasn't sure if one minute or one hour had passed. It felt like a lifetime. As I stood there looking into her lifeless eyes.

"The dog still follows you around I see."

I narrowed my eyes at her, not saying anything. I was biting my tongue. I could not argue with her, knowing I had come here to ask for help.

"It has been two years. I never expected to see you again. Or, anyone for that matter. Why have you come?"

I clenched my jaw and breathed deeply.

"The battle with Naraku is drawing near. We need all the help that we can get. Kaede-"

"Told you to ask for my aid." She said interjecting.

I nodded.

"You have come all this way for nothing. I don't wish to help you."

"What!? Do you not care about what happens to the village? To your sister! There are people's lives at stake Kikyo. Naraku will not stop until he has destroyed everything; including you."

She averted her gaze, staring out of the window.

"I am already dead. If he were to destroy this clay form of mine. It would make no difference to me. That was a long time ago. I am no longer that Woman. I have long been void of emotion. The life you speak of is long behind me. Your pleas are falling on deaf ears."

I balled up my hands into fists at my sides. I knew all too well how much she didn't care about other people.

I stepped forward. "What is it going to take for you to help us? Name your price."

She looked me in the eyes. It felt as though she was looking through me. For a moment, I could have sworn. I saw a modicum of emotion in her eyes.

"The rest of my soul."

I felt a pang in my stomach. It was as if I had been punched in the gut. She had lied; she was not void of emotion. She and Spite were still very acquainted.

"That is the price." She said sternly.

She walked over to me and stopped a few inches from my face. I could smell the scent of soil and death on her skin.

"Can you pay the price?"


INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000
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