Do You Ever Think About Your Death? by Hell Fire775

What The...

It was a sunny warm day for the group of travelers as they rested in a meadow after a long morning of walking. Sesshomaru had caught the scent of Naraku that morning ( though Inuyasha swears he did first) and they had been following it since to hopefully track the spider or, one of his incarnations, down. So far though they were coming up short and decided a small break to eat may be a good idea for the moment.

Currently Inuyasha was resting in a tree watching his brother and Kagome as they sat next to one another and Kagome explained some of the contents of her science book to the demon lord. He didn’t like how close the two were sitting but chose to ignore it for now.

‘Keh, not like Lord Asshole would ever want anything to do with a human girl anyway’. 

Miroku and Sango were sitting under the tree Inuyasha was in, enjoying some tea. Or at least Sango was, Miroku was plotting how to get a quick grab of Sango's bottom and duck before she slapped him. A new strategy he came up with, that kagome called his Grab and Duck combo.

Sesshomaru and Kagome were interrupted by Rin, who had been laying on her tummy with Shippo in front of them coloring alongside the fox.

“Lord Sesshomaru, Kagome do you guys ever think about your inevitable death?”

‘Where the fuck did that come from’ Kagome thought bewildered. Before she could even think of an answer though Rin kept going.

“I do, sometimes I think I’ll die peacefully in my sleep but, then I’ll wake up and be in this fiery hell like place standing over the souls of those who died before me screaming in agony reaching out for peace as I laugh over them and step on their hopeful hands” Rin said with a wide eyed looked on her face.

Suddenly she smiled and got up and simply said, “Oh, well who knows” and skipped off to join Shippo who left before she even started talking.






“ one’s gonna….ya know.. question that…” Inuyasha mumbled

“...I’m gonna act like I never even heard that,” Kagome responded with a slightly scared look on her face.

“Agreed” Miroku and Sango said

Sesshomaru couldn’t even try to hide the highly confused look on his face.

The hell was that”




AN : I think this was funnier in my head but hopefully it got a small chuckle out of someone.