Akumu by Koishii_Beloved

Chapter 1

3:30 PM

Takeda Corp.

Sesshoumaru watched as the woman of his nightmares walked into his office. Placing his files upon his desk, she rolled her eyes as she walked out of the room slamming the door behind her.

When she slammed it, a couple of the files fell off of his desk and he'd be damned if he picked them up. He glared at the door and in less than a minute he had called her back into his office. She walked in with a huff and narrowed her eyes at him.

In a bored tone she asked, "What is it Mr. Takeda."

He glared at her as his eyes traveled down to the files on the floor. "You dropped something." he said expectantly.

She rose an eyebrow as she crossed her arms. "I do not know what you're talking about."

He growled as he glanced at the fallen files again. "The files on the floor. Pick them up."

"Are you asking or telling?" she asked challengingly as she placed her hands on his desk.

He wanted to smirk. This woman was something. "Commanding."

Kagome laughed sarcastically as she leaned closer to him. "Make me." she challenged as she smirked at him.

Sesshoumaru leaned in closer as well, their noses almost touching. Kagome still did not move. Their eyes locked as they stared at each other. Neither was going back down.

"I will fire you." he said coolly as he stared into her vibrant blue eyes.

Kagome quirked a brow. "Is that right? Who would want to put up with your demanding ass anyway?" she asked as she stared into his honey depths.

He did not answer. He knew she was right, but he would not admit it. "Pick up the papers woman." He emphasized the 'woman' part knowing how much she hated it.

Kagome's eyes narrowed as she glared at him. "Do not call me that."

"Pick them up." Sesshoumaru said, smirking.



"Never." she replied stubbornly.

Give him 5 seconds.

"Now Kagome." he said sternly.


"No, Sesshoumaru." she said a little louder.


"Don't make me do this." He warned.


"Do what you have to do Sesshoumaru."

Okay, so he lied. It was 3 seconds.

As soon as those words came out of her mouth, Sesshoumaru covered her lips with his. Moving them dominantly over hers. Kagome's eyes widened as she felt his lips come into contact with hers. Sesshoumaru knew what he was doing was unethical, but he's been wanting to do this for the longest time now. Kagome finally pulled away from her boss's lips and stared at him disbelievingly.

"Damn you." she whispered as she stared at him, her fingertips on her lips.

Sesshoumaru only smirked as he leaned back in his chair and stared at his favorite employee. "Is something wrong Ms. Higurashi?"

Kagome glared at him before turning on her heel and stomping her way to the door, opening it, and slamming it shut behind her. Sesshoumaru let a rare amusing smile cross his lips as he licked his lips. Liking how her lips tasted. He would make sure he got to do that more often. He leaned back in his chair and was about to close his eyes when something at the end of his desk caught his eyes.

It was the files.

He growled low. The wench still didn't pick them up. Pressing the button to call her back in, another voice answered.

"Where is Kagome?" he asked coldly.

There was silence, then the woman on the other line answered uneasily. "Kagome has left for the day, Sir."

Sesshoumaru did not answer her back as he growled. Looking at the clock on his wall, he saw that it had said 3:57. She still had three minutes left of work and he would be sure to remind her of that. Phoning another line, he waited patiently.

When they finally answered, he said, "Get me Higurashi, Kagome." He demanded.


Kagome huffed as she opened the door to her lavish suite. Slamming the door, she mentally took note that she needed to stop doing that, in fear of damaging her door. Upon reaching her room, her cell phone rang and judging by the ring tone, she knew she wouldn't want to answer it.

The phone rang for some time as she took off her clothes, took a shower, and put on a pair of gray sweatpants. Happy for now, she walked into her living room and cut on her big screen T.V and flip through the channels for a movie. Finally after maybe the thousandth time it has rung, she answered it.

"Hello?" she answered dully as she flipped through more channels.

An irritated growl was heard on the other line. She smirked as she laid down on her couch. "Oh, it's you."

"Is there a reason why it took you so long to answer your phone?" The angry voice replied.

Kagome smiled as she propped her arm up on the arm on the couch as she watched looked through the T.V Guide. "I was kinda busy."

"I believe you were doing it purposely." he said darkly.

Kagome fought back a laugh. "Oh, what's wrong? Little Sesshou doesn't like being ignored?" she teased as she twirled a strand of hair around her finger. When there was only silence she went on.

"Whatever. Why are you bothering me?" Kagome asked sitting up on her couch with her legs crossed.

"You never did retrieve those files from the floor." he said.

Kagome smiled on the other side of the phone. "I know."

"I'm sure you still want to keep your job, so I suggest you get back over here and pick them up." he said expectantly.

Kagome's jaw dropped. She couldn't believe this! This man was still wanting her to pick up the files! This was crazy!

"Now you listen Sesshoumaru, I-"

"Sesshoumaru?" he asked amused.

Kagome huffed. "Yeah. Sesshoumaru. That is your name isn't it?" She snapped as she stood up from her couch. "Now you listen to me! Get your fat, ass, up, from that chair, bend down and get them yourself! That is if the size of your over large head from your arrogance and massive ego don't pull you down in the process. Get over yourself!" she yelled as she closed her phone rather harshly.

Kagome's face was red with anger as she threw her phone onto the couch, which bounced off and onto the phone making a loud thumping sound. Kagome tried her best to calm herself as she closed her eyes and slowly tried to count to ten.

That slowly dissipated when her cell phone starting ringing again. She the began using the most unladylike of vocabulary as she grabbed the phone, walked over to the large window behind her big screen T.V, opened it, and dropped it. Smiling evilly she watched as it fell on the cement, breaking into tiny little pieces. Nodding in approval and waving at the people at the bottom of the building who was looking up at her, she pushed the window closed and after eating a small bowl of ramen, she went to bed.


Sesshoumaru smiled menacingly as he waited for the elevator doors to open. That bitch Kagome was in for it early this morning. No one hangs up on Sesshoumaru Takeda then ignores his calls. No one. Especially her. He was thoroughly irritated. He tried to sleep the night before and he was not able to properly because of her. She kept running through his head, giving him that 'I dare to defy you' look.

That and the aching erection he got that morning for a very livid wet dream he had of her and him . . . on his office desk.

The doors to the elevators opened and he smelled her scent of grapefruit hit his nose. Her scent caressed his body and he had to growl in order to keep himself in check. He was angry with her! He did not want to do her on his new, shiny, expensive, desk that he had just bought a couple of days ago. He didn't want to feel her legs wrapped around his waist as he--



Kagome heard a growl outside her boss's door before he slammed it open and closed simultaneously. She hid her smirk behind some papers she was supposedly "reading" as she kept herself from laughing. Kagome felt his glare permeated through the papers she was hiding behind as he growled low once more before walking into his own office and slamming the doors to those as well.

As soon as they closed, Kagome went into hysterics. That didn't last long though, when his doors opened just as fast and Kagome sucked in her breath tying to keep herself from laughing as she saw the angry look in his eyes. She also took note that his hair was almost out of its braid. Ignoring the piercing look in his eyes, she lay the papers on her desk and got up to inspect it.

Sesshoumaru heard her laughter from outside his door before he could even sit down. Hell, he was going to hear it anyway, but she was doing it so freely. He opened the door and as he thought and knew, she was laughing at him. The damned woman was laughing at him! He saw that she was trying her best to keep the laughter to herself now that he was present, but he knew that wouldn't hold long.

He saw her stare at him with furrowed brows before standing up and coming towards him.

'What is this woman doing?'

Sesshoumaru eyes widened when he felt her slender fingers go through his hair, though he didn't say a word to her as she did. Kagome smirked as she unbraided the rest of his hair and began braiding it back, the hair tie between her teeth. Her warm fingers massaging his scalp before going into the braid of his hair.

Sesshoumaru thought time went still when she started to re-braid his hair. He almost felt relaxed, almost. It was until he felt her aura spark. It seemed almost. . .


He bit back a growl. The woman was messing with him purposely. Kagome smiled to herself as she moved herself away from him. She knew that he knew what she was doing. It pleased her to know he was "angry" with her. She noticed that he shifted to turn and look at her and she tried to rip the smile off of her face, but it continued to sit there, tauntingly at him. He growled at her with narrowed eyes.

Kagome quickly looked away, fighting off a smile. 'This is too good.'

In a blink of an eye, he had grabbed her chin and made it face him. Sesshoumaru had his eyes narrowed at her as he leaned down. Kagome, still defiant, just stood there waiting. She, herself, loved this game she played with him. She wondered how long it would take for him to snap and just-

"I know what you are doing, girl." Said Sesshoumaru's cool voice as he stared sexily at her. "I suggest you quit while you're ahead." He warned, letting his tongue flick out and lick his lips, just missing her own lips.

He quickly let her go and went into his office after telling her to get to work. Smiling triumphantly, Kagome covered her mouth in a giggle. Boy, did she love this game. A game she was going to win.