Lord of the Future and Lady of the West by AnimeGirlMiranda

Chapter 1

  Hiya! First chapter of my next fanfic is here! This is completely au but the characters themselves personality wise will be about the same.

Some seem a bit oc at first but stick with me it’ll be explained! Thanks for reading! I really worked hard on this!

Hope you enjoy it!  


  -give me an hour I will fix the wall of text it always does that when I post here :-/


Sesshomaru walked briskly up the long set of stairs. His destination a small shrine his family had been in charge of for generations.

  “I don’t know what’s got your briefs in a twist, this gets us out of that stuffy office.” Inuyasha called out smartly out of arm reach from

his half-brother.  

“Shut up half breed or I will do it for you.” Sesshomaru growled out at his half sibling.

  Inuyasha shut up but rolled his eyes as he hung back giving Sesshomaru more space.

  Yes, Sesshomaru thought, he should indeed be happy to be out of the office however

to be ordered by his father to undertake this particular job had him seething.  

He had refused at first, until given the ultimatum. “Check on the shrine or I’ll demote you.”    

Never in his fifty years of life had his father given such a command. 

  His father owned and ran a large company, Sesshomaru was second in command, after him was several mangers one including Inuyasha.

And it would be a cold day in hell before he was on the same level as him.

  “Sessy darling why didn’t you tell me you were coming? I would of dressed up!” A loud obnoxious voice rang out

as Sesshomaru stepped up the last step.  

Sesshomaru’s eye twitched.

This human woman was the very reason he did not want to be here. 

  Inuyasha suddenly remember why Sesshomaru hated going here.

  “Hey Saya just here to check the shrine.” Inuyasha cut joining Sesshomaru on the top step.

  Sesshomaru eyes flicked in his direction, silently reminding himself to let the hanyou get one pass on a beating

from distracting the idiotic woman.

  Saya a heavy set middle age woman who acted much younger pouted at the half demon.

   It was ironic really. They were about the same age but because demons aged one year for ever two human years,

until reaching the age of twenty-five, he actually looked much younger than her. 

  Demons after reaching twenty-five  (really fifty in human years) slowed down aging where now a year took fifty-hundred years

depending on the demon.  

 What wouldn’t Saya do to have the looks of a twenty-five year old for fifty to hundred years? 

  “Oh, Yashy it’s just so sad your taken now, I had such hope for you.” Saya said flipping her fake blond hair away from her shoulders.  

 Something stupid Sesshomaru supposed shaking his head slightly.  

He was already yards away checking the grounds to make sure everything was up to par.  

The grounds were swept and in good standing. Sesshomaru noted as he walked up to the main shrine.  

He walked under the torii glancing briefly at it noting that a new coat of paint had been added recently.

  He continued on pausing to look at the komainu that seem to glare back at him. Blinking he turned from them and entered the main shrine.  

The room was clean, it held the normal candles as well as the bell.  

What was unique with this particular shrine was right underneath the bell lay an ancient well.  

The bone eaters well.

  Sesshomaru walked up to the bell, looks like all was in order.  

Some sprinkling of a feeling told him he should ring the bell just to be sure.

  With a quick tug on the rope the bell rang.  

The ringing echoed around him as it did he froze.  

The water that had been peaceful in the well below rippled to life.

  “What in the -“ Sesshomaru said looking down at the now bubbling water.

  He took a step back as the water got fiercer.

  “Hey Sesshomaru you so owe me one!” Inuyasha said opening the shrines doors.  

Sesshomaru put his hand up to stop Inuyasha as the water now had swarmed around him in droplets.

  “What the hell!?” Inuyasha shouted.   The water launched itself at Sesshomaru encasing him.

Within seconds the water had sucked Sesshomaru back into the well.  

Inuyasha ran over to the well looking in.  

“Sesshomaru!” He called. Looking down the well was empty.

  Sesshomaru was gone.  


  Kagome sat on a silk cushion, as the head miko of the shrine she was visiting, poured her tea.

  “It’s an honor to have you here my lady.” The head miko said.

  Kagome nodded at the woman as she glanced around at her guards.

  One stepped forward dutiful and took a small sip of the tea offered.

  After a moment, the guard nodded and stepped back in line.  

The head miko was clearly upset by this although trying to hide it.

  “Can never be too careful these days.” Kagome said eyeing the old woman and waging her reaction.

  “Here my lady.” Her General Sango said coming forward and offering her a handkerchief to wipe the tea cup with.

  Kagome slowly wiped the edge of the cup then looked up at the miko. “Now why have you asked me here?”  

The head miko gulped. She really hoped she had been right in calling lady Kagome of the four lords.

Her shrine was in the middle of the four territories It was vital to keep the peace.

  “My lady I have discovered some unusual activity and wished to report it.”  

Kagome raised an eyebrow at her. “Go on.”  

“The bone eaters well has become active again, My lady.” The old miko said.

  “Interesting.” Kagome said taking a sip of her tea and glancing the direction of said well.

“Tell me, why have you told me this, and not the other lords?”

  The old woman swallowed. Of course lady Kagome would already know she was the first to be told. By what means she had no idea.

  “My lady, I thought a powerful miko like yourself would be the best suited to know such a thing.” The elder said bowing her head.

  Kagome smiled. “Yes, well done, I will remember this.”  

The old miko relaxed some. She had been correct in giving the information to her.

  “Now tell me more of what the well being active entails?” Kagome asked.

  Before the old miko could answer a wave a power was felt. The power coming from the direction of the well.  

“Miroku! Sango! Go investigate.” Kagome directed.

Her generals nodding and running out the door on her orders.


  Sesshomaru didn’t know which way was up.

  He was hurling through the air to some unknown place.

The lights flickering and swaying around him made him dizzy.

When he thought he could take it no more, it abruptly stopped.  

With a loud thud, he was unceremoniously thrown out of the well.

  Quickly getting his bearings he landed on his feet in a crouching position his eyes trained downwards.

Grass? Was he not back at the shrine?  

Standing slowly, he looked around the new area he was in.

  A forest lay to his right and left, ahead of him a small path that lead to an old timely village.  

Was he at some kind of feudal Japan reenactment? When had his father given Saya the ok for this?

  “Stay where you stand demon!” A voice rang out, much to his irritation.  

Looking forward at the two humans that stood a few yards ahead of him.

  “Enough I have no wish to be part of whatever game this is.” Sesshomaru said taking a step forward.

  The well sprung back to life as he moved away from it an energy like he had never felt before engulfed him.  

“What in kami’s name is going on?” Sango asked as Miroku pulled them both back.

  Sesshomaru felt as his very soul was being torn apart as parts of his yokai and self were ripped from him.

Green energy balls flying from him. The pain was agonizing and yet he could do nothing to stop it.  

He watched in horror as is nails shrank on his hand. His sliver hair whipping around him turned jet black.

His fangs turning blunt and harmless.  

Next his senses, his eye sight weakened, his hearing lessened and to his dismay his sense of smell was all but completely gone.

  With a thump Sesshomaru landed back on the ground.   Miroku and Sango looked on with their mouths agape.  

The great Sesshomaru had been reduced into a human.  


Kagome stood outside the shrine eyes trained in the sky as she watched green balls of yokai fly through the sky at random directions.

What on earth was going on.  

“My lady what are your orders?” The old miko asked.

  Kagome looked back at her. “Tell no one of what has happened here, if anything new transpires send word immediately.”  

“Yes my lady.” She bowed.   Kagome instructed that some of her guards were to stay at the shrine.  

Then proceeded to make her way up the hill that held the bone eaters well.  


Sango grasped her hiraikotsu as she watched the stranger cautiously.  

“Please, uh, sir won’t you come with us?” Miroku asked.  

Sesshomaru stood shaking his head. All of his yokai was gone. He had no acid claws, no strength or speed.

His yokai cloud and acid whip surely gone as well. Just terrific.  

“If you would kindly come with us, I’m sure our lady would much like to meet you.” Miroku tried again.  

Lady? Glancing at their clothes and then the village his stomach sank.

This wasn’t a reenactment. This was the real. He was in the past.


  A dark being watched a ball of green light fly through the sky from his palace window.

  With clawed fingers, he swept his looks long black hair back from his face turning towards the door.

  “Guard!” He shouted and guard came running at his command.  

“Go tell the general he and his men are to get that green power.”  

“Yes my lord.” The guard said bowing lowly and running to do his orders.

  The Lord’s pointed ears twitched following the movements of his guard.

  His navy-blue gash of his demonic markings warmed in the light as he turned back to the window.

  He chuckled low to himself licking his fangs as he did. Things were finally starting to go his way.  


  His powers and yokai may have been stripped from him, but Sesshomaru was still a wonderful tactician.

  Bending down he grabbed two fistfuls of dirt then quickly threw it at the humans in front of him.

  Both yelped as the hard dirt sunk into their eyes.  

“Dammit! Come back here!” Sango called as she desperately tried to clear her eyes with her hand.

  Miroku washes his eyes with water he had in a pouch handing it to Sango when finished.  

“Why can’t any of them be civil? Come peacefully? No, much rather throw dirt in your eyes.” Miroku muttered.  

Once their eyes had been cleared they started to run towards the forest where Sesshomaru had surely run off to.  

“What happened.” Kagome rang out as Miroku and Sango turned to see Kagome walking towards them.  

After an explanation, Kagome frowned.   “We must find this man, if he is as powerful as just one of those balls of yokai I felt,

we do not want our enemies getting him first. Kagome said.

  Nodding her guards and generals ran in to the forest.


    Sesshomaru was exhausted a something he wasn’t at all use to feeling.

  He had run until the sun set, and continued more carefully because of his now human senses.  

He has surmised that the humans chasing him would stop for night fall so if he continued on even at a slow pace he should be able to avoid

capture. At least for now.   As he walked he heard a soft humming.  

He turned to the left in the direction the sound was coming from. When he did he noticed a soft green glow.

  Feeling compelled he walked towards it. An eyebrow raising as he took in the sight.

  A young girl no older than eight was humming softly as she crouched low.

She held a stick in her hand and was poking at a green ball of his yokai.  

“What are you doing?” Sesshomaru asked the child.

  The child quickly looked up at him dropping the stick.  

Noticing her nervousness Sesshomaru added “I will not harm you child.”

  The little girl smiled up at him a few teeth missing he noticed as she did.

  “What is your name?” He asked.  

“Rin.” The little girl said quietly.  

“Where are your parents?” Sesshomaru asked looking around.

  “They were killed.” Rin said looking down and picking the stick up again to continue to poke the ball of yokai.

  “Hnn, Rin, I am Sesshomaru.” He said  

Rin smiled at him “Do you want to poke the green ball with me Sesshomaru?” She asked.

  Sesshomaru couldn’t help the softening of his eyes as he looked down at the small child.

“That green ball actually belongs to me, it is my yokai.”  

“Oh.” She exclaimed backing up and letting him pick up the green shimmering ball.

  When his hands clasped the ball, light flashed lighting up the clearing in a green glow.

It shined bright around them before returning into Sesshomaru.  

Clasping his hand on his chest at the sudden surge of pain he felt as his body began to change.  

His claws and fangs grew back and his sliver hair and gold eyes returned.

All except his markings his appearance was back to normal.  

Sesshomaru looked down at his now clawed hands in satisfaction. But his hands became blurry as his returned yokai and exhausted state

caught up to him.

  The last thing he saw before his eyes were forced close was little Rin looking worriedly over him.


Kagome was frustrated.  

The search party she had sent out had just returned empty handed.  

They had stopped searching as they hit the end of the western land border.  

If this person they chased had gone into any other territory she could of had her people follow him.

But no, it he had to go into the northern lands.   That lord and herself were not on good terms.  

She grimaced at remembering his proposal on them joining their lands together by marriage.  

She would never marry that slime ball.   Aisanai Kage, his very name meant unwelcomed darkness.

  And that was indeed what he was.  

Kagome would have felt sorry for him if he had not lived up to that name he was given.  

His mother, the lady of the north had been forced by a demon to bear his child.  

Threatened by the demon her husband, lord of the north, could not end the pregnancy nor the child without the demon killing her people.

  Aisanai’s birth brought his mother’s demise. The only one that regardless of circumstance did indeed love him.

  When the lord of the north died Aisanai took over, no heir from the lord and no one daring to stop him.

  His first act of business was hunting down and killing the demon that sired him.

One of his very few good deeds, although for his own benefit.  

Yes, Aisanai’s story was a sad one but that did not excuse his actions.  

He ruled with an iron fist, no mercy was given by him. He believed an eye for an eye and regardless of circumstance

the law was to be followed out.  

No matter if the offender was a mere child or elderly, rich or poor none were spared.

Even those acting in their defense were still punished.  

Kagome sighed as she sat on her silken cushion in her palace.

  If it had only been his unwavering laws that would be one thing. But he also sought out power ravenously.  

Which Kagome summarize was the only reason he even wanted to marry her in the first place.

  That was why she had to find this powerful being that had come from the bone eaters well.

If Aisanai was to get ahold of him no telling what would happen.  


  The clacking of his harden leather boots echoed across the grounds as he walked. His guards and servant bowing and trembling as he past.  

A cold sneer crosses his features as he approached his general.

  “Explain.” He simply stated cold red eyes assessing the general as he swallowed.  

“Lord Kage we have found the source of power you were looking for.” The general said bowing.  

Aisanai smirked. “Bring it to me.”   Nodding the general motioned for a soldier to come forth.  

The soldier knelt and opened a box and held it out to his lord bowing.  

Aisanai grinned as he picked up the glowing green ball of power.  

As he held it he felt the power swarm into him. Like wasps flying rapidly it buzzed around inside him.

He flexed his clawed hands and watched as acid dripped from them.  

“Interesting.” Aisanai said watching as it dripped. Looking at the soldier on front of him his grin widened as he flung the acid his way.

  The soldier shrieked in pain as he collapsed on the ground the acid eating through his face then skull.  

The soldier lay motionless as the acid continued to eat through him slowly.  

Lord Kage let out a cruel laugh as he turned from the scene pocketing the ball of yokai.  


After searching all of the shrine grounds and questioning Saya, Inuyasha was stuck with only one option.  

Taking out his cellphone he called the one person who could surely help.

  “Hey dad, you’re not going to believe this...” Inuyasha said with a sigh.
