Chapter 1: Prologue
Pairings: ~ Eventual InuTaisho x Kagome x Sesshoumaru
~ Past Kagome x Inuyasha
~ Present Kagome x Kaname
A/ N: - See end of chapter -
Disclaimer: Neither Inuyasha nor Vampire Knight belongs to me but their respective authors/owners. ( I mean I would be a hella lot richer than I am now smh)
It did not surprise Kagome with his inability to choose. She saw the signs early on in this relationship, but longing made her decision before her mind could comprehend. Longing is what killed her before, and longing is what breaks her now.
Her spirit weary, her heart broken beyond repair, her eyes dull, her smiles full of lies and deceit and her face... oh her face so beautiful. Beautiful enough to mask the emptiness of her soul. This is who she is now, this is what love left her.
Sesshoumaru looks toward the sunrise seemingly taunting him in all its glory, a new day, a new day without her...
Always, before and even now. A few moments of realization and enlightenment turned to wariness and fright. Those few moments are what haunts him, tears at him at night or in the day when he sees even a hint of those electric cerulean blues on faceless bodies. Those eyes that stared at him during that time in that life-altering moment.
Birds nesting in the nearby forest screeched in alarm and flew as far away as their wings could take them as a burst of tremendous youki filled the area.
Almost immediately after his tight control was broken, a girl-child rose near him seemingly unaware of the immediate danger being close to one such as he, uttered words that only few would dare ask. "Are you well my lord"
Reining his troublesome youki in, his eyes softened if only for a moment at the girl-child. " It is nothing you should worry about Rin"
Though he says that, he knows that the time for waiting is over, questions must be asked and the truth questioned.
A/ N: Well well well... it seems that I finally had the courage to post this...this whatever it is. If people actually like this I'd faint. Heck of even a single person reviewed/commented on this poor excuse of a chapter I'd be ecstatic. I'll update regularly if that one review comes. Unless of course if some poor reason made me unable to do so, but that's unlikely cause I have no life...literally. If any of whoever is actually interested have any ideas on how you want me to go about for this story just PM me, but I have the general gist of the layout/plot. But opinions and ideas are always welcome if that time ever comes where I get writers' block, which is inevitable, unfortunately. Oh and one last thing before I end this ridiculously long authors note, tell me if you want the chapters longer or nah. I'll prolly be inconsistent on the size for a few chapters tho sooo I can't do much about that.