It Started With a Letter by coolfire_30
Prologue - Her
Chapter 1: Prologue - Her
Pairings: - Kagome x Sesshoumaru
- Kagome x Lucifer
- One-sided Archangels X Kagome
A/N: This will eventually have or contain incestuous relationships between characters, be warned. O.0 and extreme biblical context.
Disclaimer: As the protocol goes I need to ascertain that y'all understand that I don't own anything of the Inuyasha franchise etc. Except for the plot of this story, in which case Is mine cause you imagination.
To whoever's hands, this letter is burdened with,
I truly hope you are prepared, for this letter encloses my deepest fears, my darkest thoughts and the secrets I've hidden so well. Heed my words for I will surely be long gone by the time you finish.
I regret many things for that is human. Human, yes human I once was but human I did not stay. Pitiful beings are they not. Even I who is said to be the bringer of hope, peace, and serenity. One of the holiest amongst my kin, one who should not have any undesirable or less than pure thoughts, was nurturing said thoughts.
You see, I am now one of the fallen. Like Lucifer, once an angel now The devil. Only that I have not fallen so low as to become a devil. Only a demon, a youkai if you wish.
However, my soul is still pure and that makes it difficult for me. Though now I am youkai I must hide my true self in human skin. In skin so dirty so-so filthy that I must cleanse after the sun sets when the day is done. Religiously I have done so, but it still cannot take away that feeling of uncleanliness just by being this pathetic creature.
Ironic is it not? Once a Tenshi became youkai and turned human. To have fallen so low my angel brethren must pity me. To have fallen so low other demons must have abandoned me.
Even the one I wish for, one naturally born in youkai skin. Born not out of Eros or true love but of an agreement, the joining of the most high and powerful clans in youkai court, Pragma. He would never have even looked at me, nevermind thought of me.
He is beauty, lust, and power all in one being. A perfect being, a being who I could never have. So, therefore, I settled on someone lesser, someone who had a past I could use. Someone who was kin to my intended, but their relationship so hateful, Oh so utterly distasteful.
Though my heart still yearns for him, the one who is my supposed intended. Not bound by law but of heart and of the soul, I never had a chance of being with him. Fate has never been kind to me, destiny its sister was kinder but harsh nonetheless.
This human form of mine became useful, I resembled someone who has died but had close ties to the kin of my intended. Kikyou her name, a Miko she was and his mate she would have been. I pity her, I pity them. But I had uses for past love and memories.
I sound so demonic now don't I? Perhaps it is due to being surrounded by humans, surrounded by their dreams, wants and their culture. Or perhaps the contradiction of my Tenshi soul against my youkai heart in human skin. I say youkai heart because it is the truth, I have blood ties to someone demonic.
The father who I say left us, my mother and I, died when I was young. I do not lie but I do not speak the truth either. He is the very first creation of the most high, the very first of my kind who defied God, his rules and fell from grace. My father who is Lucifer, an Archangel by right and The devil he became. He died in the eyes of God when he rebelled against his rule, he died in the eyes of my mother whom he never returned to.
Although he is kin I'm saddened to say that I've never met him at that point in time. I've seen and talked to him though, in the world where dreams are made and prophecies are seen. I see him there sometimes, I watch him in all his glory and beauty. He is sinful, he is a delicacy only meant to be had a little at a time. I was drawn by his allure and attracted by his depravity. If being aroused by your own father is taboo then so be it, I welcome such base and shameless thoughts with open arms.
Like Jesus whose spirit entered the 'Virgin Mary', I too entered my mother in that way because fathers seed was too potent for a human to survive such an ordeal. My mother who is descended from the lines of Midoriko from old legends and of Miko and Priest fell in love with Lucifer during his days of wandering on earth. My dear human mother, the only one in that time who could see him for what he truly was. A fallen angel, one who has sinned and one who was feared but never, no never forgotten.
Father took interest in the human woman and entered her dreams, her nightmares, met with her occasionally and eventually left me his only offspring with her. Her untapped holy power was the deciding factor on it all, again, not for love but for the benefits that could be reaped. And with her my body stayed for 15 years, knowing nothing, acting the naive yet brave woman-child I was raised to become. Mother never asked, never questioned how I came to be when a virgin she still was at the time.
Before everything else, before that fateful moment where Buuyo ran into the well. God took pity on me, and once I was born into this world, he took possession of my spiritual self and left a copy behind. He raised me in his less than humble abode, I frolicked in the revered garden of Eden along with the other angels and seraphs. I learned what must be learned, the true extent of my powers but only of the holy sort. I practiced in the arts of healing, of fighting and literacy. The demonic aura that I exuded when I was born, that father left me was forced into submission never to be unlocked until that fateful day my body in the human realm was dragged into the well and my spirit down with it.
And so my adventures in the feudal era started. The adventure full of lies and deceit, of suffering, lust and unrequited love. The period of time where I met my all-knowing father, where I bonded with him and learned many many things. So I suppose I should start then, start the story of why and how I left without a trace, without a word. How the gears of fate started moving once more as Mistress Centipede had the audacity to bring harm to my person, searching for that accursed jewel that lay on my hip.
1. Eros - Eros is sexual or passionate love, and is the type most akin to our modern construct of romantic love. In Greek myth, it is a form of madness brought about by one of Cupid's arrows. Eros is also considered as a fundamentally blind process of striving for survival and reproduction.
2. Pragma - Pragma is a kind of practical love founded on reason or duty and one's longer-term interests. Sexual attraction takes a back seat in favor of personal qualities and compatibilities, shared goals, and making it work. In the days of arranged marriages, pragma must have been very common.
A/N: hmmm well this is longer than usual and will most likely be for the next chapters as well or maybe even longer. Tell me if I should keep it this length or write longer. I already know where I want to go with this. Although the chapters aren't written yet, I have the general layout so I doubt that updates will be slow. Anyways, as usual, the first review/comment/ favorite/follow (lmao I know right) will leave me with no choice but to update, If the reader so wished of course...Or maybe if I just wanna update lmao. Till then I'll be patiently writing future stories and chapters.