A New Day by Raven Winchester
A Spring Day
**Hi guys, so I decided to go ahead and write the sequel to Silent Night! Thank you so much for the kind reviews and I hope y'all enjoy!
It is spring now the flowers are in full bloom and soldiers training, the Lord was seemingly needed for every little thing and the Lady was to accompany him.
“Sess! I need help up!” Kagome didn’t even get to finish her sentence before her mate was picking her up, cautiously no less.
“Thanks!” Her cheery mood did nothing to improve his indifferent one as she waddled to relieve herself.
After she had finished her business, she waddled back into their shared bedroom and took note of the still indifferent expression on her love's face “Honey?”
He raised a brow at her, tying the knots on his armor as best as he could. His arm may have been regenerated but it was still hard trying to get used to using it again.
Kagome’s eyes narrowed, turning into little slits as she said his name forcibly “Sesshomaru.”
She didn’t even get a response this time, so in turn she waddled forward until she was as close as she could get in this state “Sesshomaru what’s wrong?”
He bent over, pressing his forehead against hers and closing his eyes “I do not know.”
Eyes softening in understanding Kagome reached up and finished tying his armor before she pulled his head down and gave him a soft, sweet kiss “It’ll be okay my lord.”
“Of course my lady.” Finally, there was a hint of a smile before he backed away and strapped his swords at his side.
After he helped her dress in one of his kimonos, he opened the door to their chambers and was greeted with the sight of a servant raising her hand to knock “Pardon me my lord, my lady but your presence is requested in the library.”
Nodding her head at the small rabbit demon, Kagome placed her forearm in the crook of her mates elbow as they slowly walked together. Sesshomaru allowed his mate to move at her own pace and let her use him for support knowing that she required it at this stage of pregnancy.
Finally they reached their destination and Sesshomaru was thrust into the two faced world of politics while his mate read a scroll, positioned on his right with a pillow beneath her and one placed behind her as well to help support her.
During the meeting, Sesshomaru’s eyes kept trailing to his right; watching Kagome’s brow furrow and her rubbing at one particularly sore spot on her lower back. He knew something wasn’t right when her heart rate began to increase and she began to rub at that one spot more.
She looked up at him, her eyes dilating as she whispered “We might have a problem.”
Looking at the lesser Lord before him, he raised his hand as a motion for the man to pause “I will send a messenger with the needed supplies.” The man’s face had hope now, hope for his family and for the future of his people. He stood up and gave a low bow to the Lord and Lady then escorted himself out of the Palace of the Moon.
“Mate?” Noticing her silence he looked over at her, Kagome’s face was pink and all she had to do was point.
He saw the slow growing puddle of fluid and knew instantly what was going on “Call for the midwife!”
Several choruses of “Yes my Lord!” echoed back at him as he stood up and carefully pulled Kagome up with him, paying no heed to the stain on his kimono and the slow trickle of fluid down her leg.
“Sess…” Kagome didn’t know what to say, fear and embarrassment radiated from her. Here she was in her mate's kimono, staining it with the fluid trickling down her leg.
“It’s alright, it’s natural.” Sesshomaru spoke softly to her knowing that he was walking on very thin ice at this moment.
“I need to walk.” With the support of her mate, Kagome began to walk around the vast palace slowly. Soon the pressure on her back started to get worse, it was slow too slow for her liking but it was agonizing.
After 4 hours of nothing but swaying and pacing, she was in tremendous pain “Sess!”
“Where is the damn midwife!” Sesshomaru growled out, he hated seeing Kagome in pain and knowing that this was caused by him definitely didn’t settle his ire.
“She isn’t coming milord.” A brave boar demon spoke out, keeping his cool as Sesshomaru whirled around and set his heavy gaze on him “She said that she refused to help a human Miko.”
“There aren’t any others?” The threat was clear in his words as he began a slower pace with Kagome, trying to keep her moving as long as she could.
“No milord. They are all busy.”
“Sesshomaru please! I can’t walk anymore, take me to our room!” Kagome pleaded, voice laden with pain as Sesshomaru picked her up as carefully as he could and set a brisk pace towards their room. Once he had reached it he discovered that the servants left extra furs and pillows for their beloved lady.
“Mate?” Sesshomaru set her gently on the bed, arranging the furs and pillows where she wanted them as she was propped up.
By the Kami's she looked exquisite; the front of his kimono opened upon her laboring body, stomach clenching and face flush as she threw her head back against the pillows keeping her in a vertical position.
There was a small knock on their door before it flew open, a midwife standing before them “Lord Sesshomaru I request that you leave. A birthing is no place for a male.”
“No! I need him here!” Kagome cried out her body was slowly succumbing to the pain and she wanted, no needed her mate there to support her.
Pursing her lips, the midwife allowed it; Sesshomaru took place behind Kagome. She leaned up against his muscular body and groaned in pain, her body felt like it was being torn apart to be put back together over and over again.
Getting down between Kagome’s legs, the midwife could’ve screamed at the sight she was greeted with.
The pup was already crowning, its head was about to be expelled already!
As expected, with a screech of pain from Kagome and a small wince from Sesshomaru the first pup’s head was now out. Kagome cried and cried when she reached the shoulders, it just wouldn’t budge until Sesshomaru began to whisper encouragements in her ear.
“You are strong mate, you can do this.” Pushing her sweaty hair aside Sesshomaru gave her a kiss on her temple. Just that small action gave Kagome enough energy to push their child from her body.
“Congrats milord, milady it is a male.” The midwife smiled before she noticed a second head rapidly approaching.
Kagome gave one final scream and expelled this child from her quickly, the midwife helped her by slowly pulling on the child in tune with her body’s natural urge to push.
Cleaning the twins; cleaning their nostrils, airway and cleaning off their skin and helping her lady deliver the after birth, the midwife set them to latch onto her lady’s breasts.
“Two healthy males.” After the final announcement, the midwife excused herself and went back to her cottage on the edge of the western province.
“Two baby boys Sess. How did we get so lucky?” Kagome whispered teary eyed as she looked down at the two silver haired babes that were feeding.
Sesshomaru tilted her head up and gave her a long hard kiss “You have blessed the House of The Moon mate, not only with your presence but with our two pups as well.”
Kagome began to cry, upon closer observation her children had their father’s silver hair and facial structure while they also inherited her dimples, smile, and sapphire blue eyes. Each twin had two magenta stripes on their cheeks, crescent moons on their brows and even more surprising was the fact that they had a star shaped scar on their left and right hands respectively.
Supporting the left twin, Sesshomaru lifted him and looked into his eyes “His name shall be Daichi.”
Kagome looked at the small child sleeping against her breast, his tiny hand was splayed out and his claws were displayed “Touga, for your father.”
Sesshomaru gently lowered Daichi back to his dam’s teat and rested his head against Kagome’s shoulder “I love you.”
Feeling her shoulder vibrate when she spoke, he turned and watched his pups. He couldn’t comprehend how he, a dai-youkai and a ruthless killer could produce such pure beings.
Kagome turned her head to look at him, a smile playing on her lips as she whispered “It’s a new day.”
*I absolutely love how this oneshot came out, so I hope y'all enjoyed and as always please review!