To Destroy Love by KaiKami
The Blue Stone
A voice called angrily through the darkness. Footsteps sounded through the empty hallway, echoing through the deserted mansion. The white haired demoness turned her head slowly towards the sound.
A dark haired man rounded the corner, fists clenched at his side. Dark blood covering his clothes had clearly dried some time ago. His long hair moved as if by some unseen force, blood red eyes narrowed with hate.
“Show me.”
The mirror resting lightly in her hands pulsed, the image flickered on the surface as if struggling to see something very distant.
A woman with long dark hair was hovering over a man. Blood was still soaking through his already red robes however he was apparently unconcerned. The woman moved towards him as if to inspect his wound but her hand was pushed away as his golden eyes glowered in her direction. She sat back, clearly frustrated and turned her head away. Something pink flashed in the sunlight, resting around her neck.
Naraku had once again failed. A snarl escaped from his lips.
The half-breed Inuyasha was never this strong before. Something had changed.
There was a look, it was so brief that if Naraku had nearly missed it. As the woman turned her back, the white haired man glanced at her.
Naraku chuckled darkly.
Naraku knelt, now eye level with the small demoness in front of him. His hand was outstretched and in his palm lay an almost completed shikon jewel which began to glow.
The mirror flashed again, this time a thick darkness seemed to struggle to free itself from the mirror. Narkau’s hand touched the surface and slowly slid through. A bright blue stone fell heavily into his hand. Naraku pulled free of the mirror and sat back, leaning against the wall. His red eyes rested heavily on the stone. A menacing grin spread slowly across his face.
“Did you learn nothing last time, Inuyasha?”
Another day, another dark cave.
Kagome sighed, glancing back at Inuyasha. He was in a foul mood. The full moon was only hours away. He was being completely unreasonable.
Naraku had come the night before, his timing this close to the full moon had put everyone on edge. Naraku’s knowledge of things he shouldn’t know had been steadily increasing. It felt like only a matter of time.
They had escaped with the final shard, and barely with their life.
Kagome sighed again, turning to look out the mouth of the cave. The sun was just passing the horizon when she decided to get to her feet and try to reason with Inuyasha again.
The setting sun caught something near the back of the cave. A sudden light flashed briefly. Kagome froze.
Kagome jumped slightly and turned to smile at Miroku. “Sorry, I was just a bit distracted. How are you feeling?” Kagome’s eyes flashed to the rear of the cave cautiously.
Miroku also turned his head, peering around Kagome to see what she was looking at. “I am well; your medicines work wonders as always.” He glanced up at her. “Is everything alright?”
Kagome frowned, looking behind her once more. “I just thought…” she shook her head. “Never mind, it’s nothing.”
“Kagome!” she jumped again, throwing an annoyed look at Inuyasha. “When is dinner ready?”
His hair had already gone black; his arms were crossed as he glared angrily out of the cave at the moon hovering innocently in the sky.
She sighed heavily again looking sadly at Inuyasha. She couldn’t blame him, not really. She knew how much it bothered him to be vulnerable during the full moon.
She returned to the rear of the cave where a small fire was built, sheltered against the side to hide itself from anyone who might look up towards the cave. Kagome stirred the food, and sat back, staring blankly into the flames.
A bright blue light flickered next to her. Her eyes slowly followed the movement until they found, nestled between two large rocks, the most beautiful stone she had ever seen.
She reached over as if entranced and picked it up. A sapphire, the size of a mandarin, rested in her palm. The light from the flickering fire seemed to dance within the depths of the stone.
“Kagome!” Inuyasha’s voice startled her as she tore her gaze away from the stone unaware that so much time had passed. She jumped to her feet, mentally kicking herself as the smell of burning food slowly started to filled the cave.
She quickly glanced around at her friends who were deep in conversation with a growling Inuyasha. Noticing a serious lack of pockets in her school uniform she glanced towards her school bag on the opposite side of the cave with longing. Seeing no other option, she placed the stone in her bra. The stone was surprisingly warm against her bare skin.
“Sorry!” Kagome grabbed the food and started to dish it out, the burned remains stuck to the bottom of the pot. She glared at the crusted remains not looking forward to cleaning the next day.
They set off early the next morning, Kagome eager to find a spring to clean the dishes in before the burnt food turned into tar at the bottom of the pot.
Inuyasha, back to his normal self, kept glancing back at Kagome with a strange expression and lifting his nose in the air. Kagome frowned at him.
“What are you sniffing at?” Kagome crossed her arms and jerked suddenly at the feeling of the stone shifting in her bra. She had completely forgotten about it.
“Nothin’” Inuyasha’s eyes narrowed and his cheeks reddened slightly.
“What’s up with him?” Sango moved next to Kagome to speak with her. “He looks like he just swallowed a lemon” Kagome laughed lightly and looked at Sango. She let her mind drift as they walked through the trees. It was a beautiful sunny day.
Kagome’s mind constantly drifted to the stone. ‘It is very beautiful isn’t it’ she thought to herself. It was only when she walked straight into the back of Inuyasha had had to steady herself against him did she realise that all of her friends had also stopped moving. Kagome stood on her toes to pear over Inuyasha’s shoulder.
“Sesshoumaru?” Kagome whispered under her breath.
The taiyoukai stood motionless, staring into the distance as the wind picked up his silver hair and brushed it away from his expressionless face.
It was so slight she barely saw it; his chest rose as he inhaled deeply and turned to look directly at her. She froze, her eyes wide as she stared back, something close to panic making her take several steps backwards.
Inuyasha growled and pulled out his sword, standing protectively in front of Kagome. “What the fuck do you want, Sesshoumaru”
He was gone, and then he wasn’t. His claws scratched her skull as his hand fisted in her hair, wrenching her neck back. She gave a startled cry as he bent low over her neck and inhaled again. Her breath left her lungs with a soft explosion.
His other hand was on her waist, it travelled up her side to graze lightly against her breast where the stone grew almost painfully hot against her skin. Something deep inside her stirred.
The warm summer air was suddenly bitter cold against her skin when he moved away. Her whole body was covered in goose bumps as her knees gave way and she fell to the ground. She gasped for breath, as if she had run a long distance, staring up into cold golden eyes.
Without a word, he turned and walked into the forest.
“What the fuck?” Inuyasha spoke, looking into the trees where Sesshoumaru had vanished. Only seconds had passed and no one had even had a chance to move. Kagome took a deep calming breath. It seemed like an eternity. He turned and jogged quickly back to Kagome, his voice filled with concern. “Are you ok?”
Kagome’s voice shook as she pulled away from his touch, suddenly wanting to be alone. A hurt expression fell across his face. “I’m fine Inuyasha. Just shaken, that’s all.” She unsteadily got to her feet as Sango moved to help her. “I just need a moment”
“What the fuck was that about?” Inuyasha looked into the trees where his brother disappeared. A breeze ruffled his hair and his head whipped around towards Kagome. He took a step closer and sniffed.
Kagome looked sharply at Inuyasha, a dark blush falling over her face daring him to say something.
Miroku cleared his throat, trying to ease the tension. “Well… That was certainly odd” He stared out into the trees where Sesshoumaru had departed and shook himself slightly. “Shall we be off then?”
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