Changes are a part of life, but some changes are harder to accept than others. For Kagome Higurashi she went threw many types of changes, from living in the future to being forcefully pulled down her families well to discovering demons existed and having a powerful jewel in her body, having to finding all its scattered pieces then having to defeat a half demon who was bent on taking over everything in sight. She had to adjust to being stolen from the past she came to love and live in her world for three years till the well opened once more allowing her to travel to the past. She had overcame many changes but never let affect who she truly was inside.
From everything kagome ever endured she remained loving, compassionate, always thinking of others. She had been much happier upon returning to the past finding her best friends had married with three young children. Being with Inuyasha was the absolutely best thing to happen after being allowed back into the feudal era, having him reaching down into the well, pulling her the up into his arms. She had truly been happy, now once more was she having to endure another change in life.
Inuyasha had suddenly become more and more distant from her, he would leave with Miroku to assist villages in need. He would no longer ask her to accompany them on their journeys, nor would their goodbyes filled with passion or the slightest affection. After a year of being back it seemed as if the love they once posessed for each other was slowly fading away, the entire time she had been back they had only once been intimate with one another.Even then they had no fully made love, Now at the age of twenty one years old, she was older than most women who had already been settled down with the very least one child.
Kagome sat outside her hut as rain fell upon her head, her miko clothes becoming soaked as she stood outside looking at nothing in particular. The villagers took notice of her saddened state but had no clue as to help her. Rin would come visit Kagome to go pick herbs along with helping villagers who might need tending to. Considering there was a storm out, no one had come to visit Kagome. Shaking herself out of her deep thought she turned to return to her home.
Missing Inuyasha was no lie, yet it was fine being alone at the moment as she reflected on her thoughts along with the many conversations with her mother when she was down. Her mother hated seeing her only daughter unhappy and heart broken. She could still hear her mother's wise words echoing in her head, 'kagome dear, sometimes our first love is not our true love... I have been in the same position as you... sometime we are destined to be with the most unexpected person in our lives.' The words spoken so softly at the time when Kagome had first returned home. Maybe her mother was right.
What would be the reason she had been allowed access to come back to the feudal era? If not to be with Inuyasha than what was the true reason, what was her destiny now? Theses were the changes that caused her to gain a migraine. Sighing to herself as she sat by her small fire she prayed to the heavens for an answer, if Inuyasha and herself were meant to be together or was there another out there. Hoping the heavens received her prayers she laid upon her futon, maybe Inuyasha would return shortly.
Morning seemed to come quickly to the raven haired miko, sunlight filtered in from the flap that covered the entrance of the small hut waking her from her short slumber. Kagome stood placing more wood on her dying fire, then to relieve herself away from the village. It sprinkled lightly even with the sun shining there were few rain clouds lingering in the sky. Upon returning to the village she could see few villagers outside their homes near Keade's whispering low about the lord being present.
Walking past the few gathered Kagome entered Keade's hut to see Sesshomaru sitting on a mat next to Rin as Keade sat across from the Western lord. All occupants looked to her as she enter causing her to blush lightly. Keade smiled sweetly, her wrinkles deepening with the expression. She gestured to kagome to sit besides her, Rin smiled at her with a nod of the head to greet Kagome.
"Lord Sesshomaru, it's nice to see your doing well." Kagome gave a small bow of her head.
"Like wise miko." He looked to her, Keade leaded over to stir her contains in her cooking pot as Rin was talking quietly to Sesshomaru, happy to have her lord visiting her. Sesshomaru sat still no emotions displaying on his stotic face.
"How is the western lands fairing my lord?" Keade looked up to him as they sat.
"My lands are well miko." His reply was short as he looked to her.
"That is good to hear." She turned to look at kagome who sat beside her staring into the flames of the small fire.
"Kagome are ye well?" She could see slightly dark circles under the younger miko's eyes.
"Oh huh, yeah I have just been lost in thought." She replied with a smile plastered to her face not wanting to make the elder miko worry for her. She never liked having people worry over her, she would rather do the worrying and tend to others who would need her. "Well Keade, Rin, Lord Sesshomaru... I need to return to my hut, I have many duties to attend to for the day." She stood with a smile before turning to the door. As she was about to exit the hut she heard Rin called out to her.
"Kagome! Later when m'lord leaves can we continue my lesson about medicinal herbs?" Rin smiled widely to Kagome as she asked.
"Of course Rin you may come over when Lord Sesshomaru departs." Kagome nodded to her before leaving the hut, few villagers stood still wanting to catch a glimpse of the great demon lord within the hut. She shook her head as she passed by, returning to her empty hut. Rin would be coming later in the afternoon to continue her lessons on how to recognize different herbs as well as what each herb can be used for. She wanted to prepare for Inuyasha in case he would return from the 'neighboring' village. Her mind made up she would sit down with him to discuss their relationship, maybe they would decide if they should continue being together or try seeing if they could find the person the were meant for. Unknown to her the day was going to be far from simple as she had planned.