An interesting new story! The plot is fresh!
Just wanna remind you something, I don't know if you just spell it wrongly or actually tend to spell it differently, but the warrior miko of the past name is MIDORIKO..
Keep on going! Good luck to continuing this story!
Saiya (Chapter 3) - Sat 24 Oct 2015
Inuyasha and Sesshomaru are so Nice they are dogs after all so being suspicous at first is normal hehehehe
good to see Kikyo and Kagome in a story that doesn't involve them hating each other right off the bat lol. looking forward to more ineractions between Kagome and Sesshoumaru. Thank you for updating!
Mona (Chapter 3) - Sat 24 Oct 2015
Hmmm, I'm curious as to what the investable will find out, is this the good or bad Kikyo character, I believe that is the question to ask in order to fully know the extent of the situation.
Great chapter, keep it coming.
Yey love to see sesshomaru in the next chapter!!
Saiya (Chapter 2) - Tue 13 Oct 2015
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