Glad to see an update thank you.
They kissed *squeals*
I like this concept of Kagome being the Celestial Princess because to me she is a character worhty of being more than just a Miko or Human....if you know what I mean. Anyways, I'm glad that Sesshomaru is attracted to her~ I can't wait to see where your next chapter leads.
Okay, I adore authors who can keep Sesshomaru in character when he speaks! There are many times when I think 'Sesshomaru would never say it like that'. But I haven't felt that once in your chapters so far. I am really intrigued! Great job! I can't wait to read the next chapter!
This was a short chapter, but I applaud you for doing a well job of portraying Sesshomaru. You've described the characters well into your style. The beginning has captured my attention with this Celestial Princess thing you have with the two main characters. I can't wait to see where you head with this idea. I see great potential :) Keep up the great work!
Loved it! Great job!
Great story hope to see more.
Mona (Chapter 3) - Sat 12 Sep 2015
update soon please
Mona (Chapter 2) - Wed 09 Sep 2015
Mona (Chapter 1) - Wed 02 Sep 2015
Great! Looking forward to reading more soon.
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