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Mutnodjmet (Chapter 34) - Sun 06 Jan 2019 thinks that Kagome may be pregnant with Sesshomaru's child.  What a surprise it would be for him.  lol  :)

Could the secret Kanji be a way to re-open the shrine's old well and allow Kagome to go back in time to the feudal era and what would she find there after being gone so long?

Would Sesshomaru want to go back in time if the well was re-activated and he could pass through?  

If Kagome is preggers, how would all this affect her and Sesshomaru's child...also their so-called toxic relationship?

I'm all excited about this new development in the story and excited to read the upcoming chapters.

Go Miroku!!!

Very nicely written.


LadyoftheLemons (Chapter 33) - Fri 04 Jan 2019

Awesome awesome

LadyoftheLemons (Chapter 33) - Wed 31 Oct 2018

Please keep going. I need to know is Kagone prefers or sick 

LoveAndFaith (Chapter 32) - Mon 09 Jul 2018

All twelve chapters are good, please update the next chapters quickly!

Inuyaoi (Chapter 1) - Mon 09 Jul 2018

The smut in this has become my new favorite. And honestly my previous favorite had been the long awaited screw in Tales from the house of the new moon. Sesshomaru's banter.. In this... Wow. I'm yeah just over here reading and thinking "yeah baby, talk that sh*t! 

Dryft (Chapter 18) - Thu 05 Apr 2018

I really like your Sesshomaru in this story as really Kagome would often keep her eyes closed about the feudal Era and keep dressing in her high school uniform instead of trying to blend in. She needs to realise they arent human! Inuyasha wasnt human and despite her saying she accepted him for him, she humanized him all the time and would deny him being as mean as other demons or capable of it. Good on you!!!This story is captivating

Dryft (Chapter 16) - Thu 05 Apr 2018

intense chapter and I'm surprised Sesshomaru is the only person she is mad against when the others got her that drunk

Dryft (Chapter 15) - Thu 05 Apr 2018

I am so confused....Shippo admits to stalking her for a while now which is basicslly admitting that for the 9 years she was suffering/mourning he was just watching her destroy herself. He breaks into her apartment and she doesn't even blink an eye at that as if it's completely normal. He then turns into Inuyasha who is dead and tries to make out with her aka his mom and she basically reacts downright normal to her son doing so for his own selfish desires.....Then she agrees to go out with him?? So far I've been really enjoying the story and concept but that section just blows my mind. *kaboom*

erika (Chapter 30) - Tue 02 Jan 2018

This was a very beautiful chapter to read and nicely written, I hope you update soon!!! Love the story!!!

beachvilla (Chapter 30) - Mon 01 Jan 2018

Beautiful. even if it was a bit sad, I enjoyed it. Can’t wait for the next update. 

Alashia (Chapter 29) - Wed 29 Nov 2017

Wow! So in love with this story. 

SammyJams (Chapter 28) - Fri 06 Oct 2017

Amazing chapter! Can't wait for more! 

Utsukushi tenshi (Chapter 27) - Fri 25 Aug 2017

Such a wonderful update! I've been waiting for these! Finally kagome learned how to use her power and kick sesshomaru ass hahaha!!! ( laughing evily ) but i wonder when the two would learned how to get along nicely and could lead to new start of friendship....

Thank you for sharing this with us! You're awesome!

Jessi (Chapter 27) - Thu 20 Jul 2017

Wow! The description of his injuries was so well done. I was thoroughly creeped out! As another reviewer mentioned, it was a refreshing reminder that Sesshomaru is not infallible. 

hana sora (Chapter 27) - Tue 18 Jul 2017

As always this isn't enough. . Please keep it come! Thank you for update

Crimson Rose (Chapter 21) - Mon 17 Jul 2017

You have probably written the only fan fiction where I wish Kags got with Kouga for a bit either for a relationship or just a few more sexual encounters! Lol and this is coming from a long time Sess/kag fan. I really enjoy your story and I can't wait to see how you build more of their relationship!

Natalia (Chapter 27) - Sun 16 Jul 2017

hm... the scene with his description struck me to the core! the way you showed even his fangs, t sent shivers down my spine! compliments!

it is a matter of perception and belief, or maybe my passion for mythology and history, but i do not see youkai as biblical demons. strictly my opinion, everyone one is entailed to its own. they have animal spirits and are more animals and beats that demons that suck your soul. here for the first time, i felt him not as a youkai but literally demon and it scared me a little, honestly! the way you portray them is so i wouldn't say "real" cause they don't exist but the closest to reality. that's real talent!. kagome is human, enough said even if her power is still there. this is a fic that i always remember the plot even after a while and when the update comes i don't need to reread. thx for updating its amazing!

on another note, i do not see deep love in their future. i don't foresee the passion of that overwhelming, mind blowing emotion, just that they will grow comfortable with each other and just settle down. it's just my opinion, no offense. this doesn't mean it's bad cause it's not, on the contrary, is very unique. we have fics where Sesshoumaru is acting like a lovesick puppy (i may be guilty of the same, the hypocrite that i am!) attachment created based on life circumstances? is like a breath of fresh air! yes, something like that, but not deep passion and love. i don't see him changing himself for her, his core essence will stay the same "immutable and cold" (quote from my favourite love poem about Luceafarul a hyperyon god that fell in love with a human girl!) maybe she will but he, not sure.  I am so eager to see more! i thank you for writing this and sharing with us! a deep bow toward your talent! i have no words to describe how amazing i find your writing! wishing you good luck! take care and have a good week ahead!

AngelMomma101 (Chapter 26) - Fri 12 May 2017

wow!!! that was so exciting to read!! what happens what happens??? *jumps up and down excitedly*

Jessi (Chapter 26) - Tue 25 Apr 2017

This is the first chapter I'm experiencing in serial form--the first one I had to wait a month for. I was lucky to have been able to binge the first 25 chapters since I found this so late. First, thank you for continuing to write in spite of all you are dealing with in the real world. It is appreciated and hopefully it brings you joy in these difficult times. Reading a single chapter is torture, but it is the same beautiful torture that the story itself is.

Savoring every word of this chapter did allow me to appreciate things that I might've rushed past. Somehow, her grieving for Inuyasha struck me more than it had before. I felt the tingle of her hope and then the sting of reality. I'll say again how much I love that you're exploring a storyline that we all knew was possible, but that few or no other fan fiction writers would touch. It's difficult to rip apart our beloved Inuyasha and Kagome, but it's so real and so well done. I already said all of that before...but I don't just really nailed the emotions in this chapter. 

I'll agree with another reviewer and say thank you for making her struggle with her powers. Anime itself can sometimes be annoying with the whole "OH LOOK! I instantly am insanely strong, capable, and in control," and you scaled back on that. I can't even foresee where you're going with it or how important it'll be for the overall plot, but I like it. 

Loved her fight with Shippou! Well, loved is kind of weird to say. Just, again, well done! He went against her wishes, tried to give her a reality check, and (it seemed) got pretty annoyed himself by the end of it. It's good to see them having a range of interactions within their relationship because it would get dull if he just adored her and never challenged her or got agitated. I never thought about Shippou all that much so it's fun to see an exploration of his adult self and his relationship with his crush/mother figure. I hadn't ever thought of Kagome as his mother figure before this fic, either, but of course it makes sense. Lots of confusing emotions for poor Shippou to marinate in for 500 years. 

Until next time!

Neelixonee (Chapter 26) - Tue 25 Apr 2017

Go Kagome! ?

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