Wait, are you done with this story now? Because you want to become an author? Like, I understand that, and you go because you have real talent, but I think its kind of unfair to leave us at this point in the story. And if this is not the case, please ignore me. I'm just confused.
Koree (Chapter 4) - Sun 13 Sep 2015
Sigh :/ so saaaad
katie (Chapter 4) - Wed 15 Jul 2015
Wow that is so good please keep going I would like to know if kagome leaves sess or stay with him. the little girl is she naraku's daughter? From what u wrote it sounds like it is of his blood I would like to know
The next chapter better be up soon! After that cliffy you have me on edge! !!!!
Sooo sad... I want Seshh/Kag now!! I think Sayumi is Naraku´s... Mmm I need know the true identity of Sayumi´s Father!!! I am waiting ;)
Please update more! and faster if you can please! love it so far!! ;)
I hope Kagome listen to her mate and children and stay a family.
Ariel (Chapter 4) - Thu 02 Jul 2015
Oh the drama! I'm seriously curious about Sayuri's background. I can't help but feel manipulated into supporting/hating the characters in your story. XD That means you're an awesome writer and we need MORE!
Aziza (Chapter 4) - Thu 02 Jul 2015
I need to know what happens! I am very curious...please continue updating I love it
Aziza (Chapter 4) - Thu 02 Jul 2015
I need to know what happens! I am very curious...please continue updating I love it
Sarah (Chapter 4) - Thu 02 Jul 2015
Good god let Sesshoumaru win, i hate this Kagome, she's childish and for a smart professional woman she's completely stupid and just do not like her character. If Sesshoumaru is a dog demon then how did he or none of his family smell that his daughter wasn't his?
Holy crap! Dude I do think I know what happened to Kagome! Was she raped?? While Sesshoumaru was away??? if so thats so sad!
Ah I hate jumping to conclusions but it ended and in left guessing ! I wonder just who is the culprit!
W (Chapter 2) - Thu 02 Jul 2015
How people can say this is great I do not understand.
Naughty kagome!
Is sayuri really not sesshomaru's daughter? Then whose? Is it inuyasha's? I think sesshomaru really want to fix this, but why kagome so rockheaded? Why she's not try to forgive him? I'm feeling sorry for sesshomaru. If kagome don't want take him, i'll take him!
i wish sesshomaru is real..
*sigh#justback anddreamdroolingabautsesshomaru#
Who is Sayuri's dad?? And why is Bankotsu starting to be featured in a bad light?? Please update quickly, I love this story!
lattie (Chapter 4) - Thu 02 Jul 2015
Was kagome raped? I hope the anger she has starts from more than his overworkin.Love the story.
rose (Chapter 4) - Thu 02 Jul 2015
next chapter please
I'm not saying this to be mean or rude, but f*** Kagome. Even if they were to get back together, the lost of trust is there. How could you look at you soul mate again without know whether or not she going to cheat on you again because of some bogus reason. At this point, she doesn't deserve her friend or family sympathy. You've been blessed with two loving children, a husband, people that care about you but everything that goes wrong in you life isn't your fault? This is a nice story but it's too much nativity for me. She acts like a child instead of this powerful women she's supposed to be. Kagome, you have issues.
Ps. Pls don't take this as discouragement. You're a wonderful writer!!
Saiya (Chapter 4) - Thu 02 Jul 2015
Wow that was so Great and So Much Drama!!! Then who is Sayuris dad.
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