I just found this story and I love it so far! I spent several years studying Mandarin, and I like the little bits you've incorporated into the story! I hope you update this regularly! I can't wait to see more!
This story is amazing Anna! I absolutely am hooked.
By the way, I noticed a minor spelling error in this story because "Little Bird" is spelt "Xiao Niao" in chinese not "Xiao Nao", but it's nothing too major.
If I may ask, how many chapters do you have planned out for this story? It's absolutely amazing and I hope you will update very soon!
Nice chapter, keep it coming Happy New Year
This was witty. Brilliant concept, afterall the way through a man's heart is through his stomach. The idea of Sess running off to find her was adorable and I had a terrible gigglefit the entire time I was reading this chaper. Your story is lovely and your update does not dissapoint. (BTW love congee!) Life happens, but don't worry about it. Return whenever you have time/ are ready to continue. I'll wait. ;)
Oook...discovered your story just now...read all 6 chpaters and have to say......it's awful....how do you expect me to wait for another chapter after getting to read such a wonderful story...oh how could you...now i'm addicted and have to pretend to be patient and nice....noooo i am crazy....about your story....
Meaning...very please update soon
Koi (Chapter 6) - Tue 25 Nov 2014
This was so good! Can't wait until the next chapter!!!
Great chapters, keep it coming.
alice (Chapter 6) - Fri 31 Oct 2014
Anna, I love this story. The melding of culture is superb! I majored in History and am delighted to read this. Your accurate portrayal of the region and all the comes with it, is phenomenal! Truly a gem. I take it, your focus was Eastern cultures. Mine was the 2nd (technically 3rd) World War and Ancient civilizations; Indus valley, Greece, Rome, Egypt, Mesopotamia, et al. Very interesting things happened throughout Asian that commonly gets overlooked. Thank you for this wonderful respite from my mundane worked filled days.
Theresa (Chapter 6) - Thu 30 Oct 2014
Great chapter. Kagome shows some spirit. :)
Zyren (Chapter 6) - Wed 29 Oct 2014
I was wondering how she would end up with sesshoumaru. perhaps her ability to see through their disguises is because she is miko. I wonder how that will affect everything. I feel bad for her sister but she's so mean. And her poor little brother lost both his sisters. I hope he gets to see them again. Can't wait for the next chapter! This story is so good!
Eh he he he he. Yes. Good. I love how true to characters you are. Kagome made me laugh and her feisty sass-attacks have always been my favourite thing about her. Sesshoumaru on the other hand is great here too. He is cold, arrogant, and in his own way mischievous. I love it. Can't wait to see more banter between them.
Theresa (Chapter 5) - Wed 29 Oct 2014
I can honestly say, I don't like Ching-Lan. :D It is sad, what happened to her. Bound feet and so on. But her attitude and behavior towards Xiao-Nao are so...Can't find a word to describe my thoughts. And she is promised to Inuyasha now... Will she be Kikyou?
And Sesshoumaru's father appeared! One of my favourite characters from Inuyasha. :)
Sesshoumaru said, that Xiao-Nao isn't as pretty as her sister. But that doesn't mean, she is ugly. At leats I hope so for Xiao-Nao. :D
I'm excited about the next chapters. The clash between the chinese and japanese culture should be pretty thrilling. And Kagome's struggles to adapt in her new enviroment.
I am eager for more. :)
Wahhh this is awesome! I cannot wait to see what happens next. Oh Sessoumaru, he's such an ass. I love him, he's perfect. You did a great job with your depiction.
Koi (Chapter 5) - Wed 29 Oct 2014
Wow what a chatper! This is getting good. I wonder if ching-lan's name will change to Kikyo? Now that Xaio is Kagome, I wonder what her life will be like now? I can't wait until the next chapter!
Zyren (Chapter 4) - Tue 28 Oct 2014
Jeez Louise that was painful. I do like the story so far though!
Panther (Chapter 1) - Tue 28 Oct 2014
Hi! I just wanted to drop by to let you know that I really like your story. I find it very original, and your writing's excellent. Keep it up and good work! ^^
Theresa (Chapter 3) - Tue 28 Oct 2014
What a cruel cliffhanger! :D I really like the relationship between Xiao-Nao and her little brother. But Ching-Lan.... I don't know. So far I don't really like her. Seems like that kind of girl, that is beautiful but unable to get a decent husband and because of this is such a poor thing. A little bit like Jane Bennet from the book "Pride and Prejudice". I don't like Jane, too. :D
I can't wait for the story to continue. :)
Sad chapter, keep it coming.
This story is very.... Thought provoking? It's hard to figure out how this ties with all the other characters and the name changing and setting change to China! Very interesting, I hope to read more from your creative plot and story!!
Great chapter, keep it coming.
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