Reviews for To Be Free by sesshykagslvr

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Tessitura (Chapter 37) - Sat 26 Dec 2015

Wow, such a tangled web of deciption and misery.  Dang this is great reading.  Missed this soo much!  Keep up the good work!

roberta. (Chapter 5) - Sat 26 Dec 2015

Poor baby

loraine mae (Chapter 37) - Sat 26 Dec 2015

a very very merry christmas indeed! This the best surprise ever!!! I cant tell how many times I have read this story and absolutely love kazue and masahiro I hope the next chap would about our favorite couple... thank you for the update

Ankita (Chapter 37) - Sat 26 Dec 2015

Omg finally an update after so so very long....  Please don't keep us waiting more please update soon soooon sooon 

StormieLikeWeather (Chapter 5) - Sat 26 Dec 2015

I couldn't read anymore, I just can't imagine Sesshomaru in this sort of character. Nice writing style though.

melissa (Chapter 37) - Sat 26 Dec 2015

Great chapter as always love the different view points. So glad that you are back writing this story I can't wait to read more.

Silverblossom (Chapter 37) - Sat 26 Dec 2015

I can't express how happy I am that you have updated. This story is one of my favourites and I'm so happy that I get work with you to see to its completion; it's truly an honour for me. :) Although no real action has taken place in this chapter, it was no filler chapter either because it definitely steered the story for everything that is going to happen in ALL of the characters' lives. I can't wait to see our masahiro, kazue and shippo again - i just love them. (p.s. I have a soft spot for masahiro :P )

Serena530 (Chapter 37) - Fri 25 Dec 2015

Great chapter!  I can't wait to see what happens next, and I appreciate getting Inuyasha's, Sango, Miroku, and Kaede's POV.  Please update again soon. :)

LoveAndFaith (Chapter 37) - Fri 25 Dec 2015

Nice, keep it coming. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! 

LoveAndFaith (Chapter 37) - Fri 25 Dec 2015

Nice,keep it coming. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! 

Nara Ogin (Chapter 36) - Mon 23 Nov 2015

I was looking for such a good and well written story. Thank you! Keep going. Can't wait to read more 

karla (Chapter 1) - Mon 19 Oct 2015

I sincerely hope you come back and finish the AMAZING story, I have never read a fanfic that gets the characters this perfect, kudos times a million for that! I hope you update soon and finish this amazing price of work, I'm dying to know what happens next.

Silverblossom (Chapter 36) - Thu 16 Jul 2015

This story is beyond amazing! The flow of the story, the sketch of the characters and the intricate web of bonds that you have formed between the little pack is just so endearing to read. 

I completely understand that real life should be given priority and there's probably a lot on your plate. So please, let me share your work here and assist you to complete the story. This story is too good to be left incomplete. I can't express how amazing this fanfic is. I can be your beta reader, editor, or whatever you need me to be... I will help till the very end. :D


ScarlettLioness (Chapter 36) - Fri 19 Jun 2015

Oh my lordy kagome you have your work cut out for you

KaminokoDaughters (Chapter 36) - Fri 22 May 2015

I'm falling apart here. Here is this captivating story you've left at such an amazing point!!! I mean really, those lines he delivered to her. My goodness. *swoons* And still we wait in earnest for not only her answer to such a steamy declaration, but the evolution of their feelings, the take down of their three enemies, and the revelation of Kazue's nature. I really hope you're okay because theres just been no response from you and no hint of a response. Please be well.



Krys2007 (Chapter 36) - Mon 18 May 2015

“Once she is destroyed, I will do to you what my beast, what I have longed to do for so long. I will love you Kagome and then I will truly take you; I will worship you, make love to you, fuck you, and pup you. Hear me clearly as I am not fond of repeating myself which you are well aware. I will have you, all of you. There will be no other for you and there can never be another for me. From that moment until forever Kagome, there will only ever be you and I.”

WOW just WOW!!!!! I got chills reading this, I mean who could say no to THAT?!

I absolutley love this story and your writing style!! I just discovered this, and I hope you finish one day.

loraine mae (Chapter 1) - Wed 13 May 2015

I love this story soooo much!!!! I also love sessh character and masahiro ^^ please update soon!!! 

Black Phoenix (Chapter 36) - Tue 28 Apr 2015

omg I love this story and miss it so much! I know first hand how RL can get in the way of updating. I hope you are able to update soon! Please oh please!

Stephanie (Chapter 36) - Sat 18 Apr 2015

Love love love love. Can't wait for a new chapter. 

Fanfic Reborn (Chapter 36) - Fri 02 Jan 2015

I beg you to update please! I just reread this story and I'm dying for rest. Great great job!

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