Reviews for Brothers Bliss by The Bard

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LoveAndFaith (Chapter 8) - Mon 17 Sep 2012

Keep it coming.

LoveAndFaith (Chapter 7) - Wed 15 Aug 2012

Keep it coming.

Emma (Chapter 7) - Wed 15 Aug 2012

love! <3

snowbird (Chapter 7) - Wed 15 Aug 2012

I'm glad Sango made her finally open up her eyes and got her to thinking.  I bet she deliberately did not offer to have Kagome stay with her.  I'm glad Sesshoumaru is giving her a second chance.  Now when she looks at him, she's really 'seeing' him as a person who cares for her.  It's a start toward her opening up her heart to him. 

snowbird (Chapter 6) - Mon 06 Aug 2012

She really should have kept up with her bank statements by either a computer or an old fashioned log book.  I'm surprised the bank overdrafted that much for her.  Of course, a large portion of that was probably overdraft charges.

I wish somehow she could find out how much Sesshoumaru cared for her and how much she hurt him.  I think it would really be good for her to know that she was not just another 'piece of tail' for him.

If he were to find out about her financial situation, maybe he could use it to his advantage to put her under his control and in his debt.  I know he's hurt and angry at her right now, but if he went about this the right way, he could end up being the winner of her heart.

LoveAndFaith (Chapter 6) - Mon 06 Aug 2012

Keep it coming.

snowbird (Chapter 5) - Thu 02 Aug 2012

I'm glad Sango is kind of innocent in this mess.  It would seem she would not have made the suggestion if she had known Kagome was a virgin.  I'm also glad that Kagome is feeling guilty about using him and sneaking out leaving him asleep.  If she had stayed, she may have learned how he felt about her and would not have all those misconceptions about him.  I hope she is constantly bombarded with images of him as he made love to her. 

What's been going on with her that she's in such financial straits?  I kind of got the feeling from Sango that Kagome is irresponsible with her money.

Oh boy, poor Sesshoumaru.  He is really hurting.  I look forward to the time when he and Kagome come face to face.  I hope with every word he says to her, along with expressions from his eyes, manage to jab her to her very soul with lasting pain.  In fact, I think the pain would be even worse if he let her know his feelings for her but since she thought no more of him than to use him, it would be a cold day in hell before he would let himself care for her again.  I think knowing that he'd had feelings for her for a long time and her using him like she did would really add to the guilt and pain and maybe cause her to start looking at him in a different way.

LoveAndFaith (Chapter 5) - Thu 02 Aug 2012

Keep it coming.

LoveAndFaith (Chapter 4) - Tue 24 Jul 2012

Both chapters are great, keep it coming.

Emma (Chapter 3) - Mon 23 Jul 2012

I love this story!

snowbird (Chapter 4) - Mon 23 Jul 2012

I hope she doesn't try to blame this on Sango.  If she wasn't so blindly focused on Inuyasha, she'd recognize that bodily and subconsciously, she's attracted to Sesshoumaru and has been for awhile.  I feel so sorry for him and the pain he's going to go through when he's faced with reality.  I was not surprised that she was a virgin.  She was always so focused on Inuyasha that she had no time or desire to let any of her emotions be what she would consider to be wasted on anyone else.

I just had a thought.  It would really be something if she became pregnant.  As the baby grew inside her, it might help to take her focus off Inuyasha since her main concern would now be her child and its father.  Of course, I'm going with the theme that she loves children and would never think of aborting it thus there would be no need for the pregnancy plot.  But you may have something better planned.  I'm eager to know.

Sarah (Chapter 4) - Mon 23 Jul 2012
In a way Sango isn't a very good friend telling her to go have sex with some random guy when shes a virgin, not the best advice

Andrea (Chapter 3) - Mon 23 Jul 2012

Ahhh oh my goodness I love it!!

Chaos Ninja (Chapter 3) - Mon 23 Jul 2012

Ok, during the wedding I kind of lost some of my pity for Kagome, but I'm hoping that being with Sesshoumaru will open her eyes and not break his heart. Maybe you could write in her thinking about what happened after she went home, and have her realize that he might care for her more than she thinks he does, and she asks him to dinner? I know its out of order, but if she wakes up that Inuyasha is 't the only guy out there, but still has trouble letting him go, she could convince herself to date to maybe get over the pain. Idk... Just an idea. ;) 

snowbird (Chapter 3) - Mon 23 Jul 2012

She is so pathetic.  I'm glad she didn't get to talk to Inuyasha before the wedding started.  Not with the frame of mind she was in.  I have a feeling that even if she had other dresses to choose from, she still would have worn the black one just out of spite. Sango knows exactly what is going on with her friend and is showing her aggravation with her.  It sounds as though she's also beginning to lose patience with her.  I love the neat way you chose to get them together but when he eventually finds out why she ended up with him, he's going to be very angry and disgusted.  I also think he'll feel disappointed with her and at the fact she was willing to screw whoever first appeared to her like some slut.  More than that, because of his feelings for her, I think he will be deeply hurt.

LoveAndFaith (Chapter 2) - Sun 22 Jul 2012

Keep it coming.

Chaos Ninja (Chapter 2) - Sun 22 Jul 2012

Awwww! Poor Sesshoumaru! I feel for Kagome too. I'm sure they have both tried to talk themselves out of loving the person they do because of how much it hurts, but the heart never listens to logic, which makes it hurt even more. Hopefully Kagome can start to see Sesshoumaru soon, so they can both stop hurting. :) Loving the story so far! :D

snowbird (Chapter 2) - Sun 22 Jul 2012

It would seem her obsession is a bit over the top.  I feel sorry for Sesshoumaru.  If he decides to pursue her, he's not going to have an easy time trying to open her eye's to what she's doing to herself and those around her.  An obsession affects more than just the person doing the obsessing.  He should have taped her while she was drunk and shown it back to her once she sobered up.  It would not have cured her of her obsession but it might have at least got her to thinking.

Nilee1 (Chapter 2) - Sun 22 Jul 2012

I really love this story. You have been able to create a lovesick Sesshoumaru and yet stillkeep him in character. I am eagerly awaiting more chapters.

LoveAndFaith (Chapter 1) - Sat 21 Jul 2012

This story sounds interesting, keep it coming.

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