Violence in fiction doesn't bother me, but I had a hard time reading this chapter. It was hard for me to believe that Kagome would be so cold and sadistic :( Of course, I know she has suffered a great loss, but still...
Sorry, just had to get that off my chest.
LOL so much for Katsurou minding his manners...! Swinging from Sesshoumaru's arm like a tree branch, bahahah
But, aw, he loves his uncle already!! :3
I started reading your fanfic this morning, and I just wanted to stop here and tell you how AWESOME it is! The characterization, the plot, the writing - just everything!!
I kept wondering how Inuyasha had died, and now to learn the truth...I teared up, I'll admit it. :'(
Can't wait to see where the rest of the story goes!
Nicka (Chapter 102) - Wed 29 Jan 2014
I love the mature Kagome!!!!
KEdakumi (Chapter 102) - Wed 29 Jan 2014
Awww... they're bonding. Love it!
Eve (Chapter 101) - Tue 28 Jan 2014
Woo hoo! Love the update!
can not wait to see the next installment!
Koi (Chapter 99) - Fri 24 Jan 2014
Wow this was a deep, intimate chapter. I love they are getting alone with one another. I can't wait until she wakes. more more more can't wait for the next chapter!!
i am greatly enjoying your story and cannot wait for another chapter!
My opinion:
End opinion.
Denise (Chapter 98) - Sun 19 Jan 2014
O men, I hope they talk. Great story..keep up the good work :)
Denise (Chapter 97) - Sun 19 Jan 2014
ahhh, it was not funny but sad. BOth of them misunderstand each other a lot. I hope they talk about the problems soon...
Denise (Chapter 96) - Sun 19 Jan 2014
she is so funny!!!! the next cahpter is going to also be gunny :)
Denise (Chapter 95) - Sun 19 Jan 2014
lol. he is soo silly. MAybe he will go talk to her??? Probably not, she will come to him.
Denise (Chapter 94) - Sun 19 Jan 2014
Well at least she understands a bit. :) This is going to be hard on her
Denise (Chapter 93) - Sun 19 Jan 2014
ohhh, school!!! Kids want to play instead of learning. Lets hope he does not embaress Kagome in the future.
Denise (Chapter 92) - Sun 19 Jan 2014
Well I am happy everything went well with Kagome. Now I hope Kagome and Sesshoumaru fix there relationship.
Denise (Chapter 91) - Sun 19 Jan 2014
lol, ahhh I knew it. She is soooo loveable :)
Denise (Chapter 90) - Sun 19 Jan 2014
Ahhh, I feel bad for her. They still don't trust her...with time
Denise (Chapter 89) - Sun 19 Jan 2014
So I hope he goes and apoligizes to Kagome, maybe they can start fresh and talk to each other??? Maybe thats to much to ask lol great story
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