I have to let you know, the developing relationship between Sesshoumaru and Kagome is wonderful! You are doing excellently with depicting two young(ish) people falling deeply into lust and common affection for each other. It will be interesting to watch them develop their relationship over time.
Sesshoumaru has been wonderful in his patience with the attachments Kagome comes with - her son, Shippo, old friends - and he has managed to open his life to the idea of a enlarged family.
I would personally like to see Lady Maniko taken down a notch or twelve. She's a real...bitch. Her lack of concern for the health and safety of Kagome, while to be expected and typical of a lady of her rank, shows a disregard for the future of her relationship with Kagome. It's hard to believe that Kagome will ever trust Lady Maniko as far as she can throw her....
Great chapter! Thank you for writing this and being willing to continue the story line - I been enjoying this fun story both here and on FF.
Best thoughts.
Kahdejus (Chapter 154) - Thu 18 Dec 2014
I love Maiko she has to be one of my favorite supporting characters. (^.^)
Cool, keep it coming.
Just when things were starting to get hot and heavy they get interrupted! I love the part when he made that remark about turtle soup. I can't wait to see what you have in store for us next!
Cathyrin (Chapter 154) - Wed 17 Dec 2014
I loved it! It was serious then sweet then serious and then sweet again. Wonderful
katie (Chapter 153) - Wed 10 Dec 2014
That is so cool please keep going
I am so in love with your story. Your characters are so well rounded and complex; I'm utterly enchanted by them. The plot of your story reads as a true epic does. I adored the Kitsune Wedding. I think you have done an excellent job of using lore and imagination to descibe the different yokai customs and traditions. I like that there is a gradual developement of the romatic relationships. I love every thing it this story. I await the next chapter in eagerly.
Kahdejus (Chapter 153) - Wed 03 Dec 2014
I think I love scary Kagome. LoL!! Can't wait for the new update.
Eve (Chapter 153) - Wed 03 Dec 2014
Really love this story!
keep those chapters coming. I'm always checking for updates to this one!
love it!
Caedes (Chapter 153) - Tue 02 Dec 2014
I love. Love. LOVE. your story. When I see it update, I get really excited! Thanks so much for writing :)
Like, keep it coming.
KEdakumi (Chapter 153) - Tue 02 Dec 2014
I love how Kagome and from almost pitying the snake to being the one to finish him.
Katsurou is too cute!!! I'm am going to combust from cuteness overload! Seriously, you're going to have to sweep my ashes.
Kahdejus (Chapter 152) - Thu 27 Nov 2014
Wah I can not wait for the next update!!!!
Great, keep it coming. Happy Thanksgiving!
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