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redbeanbun (Chapter 415) - Tue 14 Aug 2012

Hurray for the daily updates!

CA (Chapter 415) - Tue 14 Aug 2012

it's not over is was getting really good.

CA (Chapter 170) - Tue 14 Aug 2012

hahaha omg wow kagome sure can get sesshomaru to do about anything now can't she.

Rara (Chapter 415) - Tue 14 Aug 2012

Wonderful, good job! Can't wait to see what's next!

Trixx (Chapter 415) - Tue 14 Aug 2012

Awwww!!! Brotherly's soooo cute!!!! Love their little moment!!!!

GreyEcho (Chapter 408) - Mon 13 Aug 2012

Aw.... ^_^ I'm glad Inuyasha and her are getting somewhere with their conversation. lol Hope Kouga isnt too beat up. Lol calling Ssshoumaru a Geisha.

Haven (Chapter 408) - Mon 13 Aug 2012

Awesome.  I'm getting kinda sad that it's ending soon...sniff, sniff.

Neelixonee (Chapter 408) - Mon 13 Aug 2012

I'm glad that they are having this conversation.  Sometimes I read fics where its totally left open or blown out of proportion, but this is believable to the story line, and therefor great.  I can't wait for the next updates!!!  Keep going, you're almost there!!!  

Loveyaa (Chapter 400) - Mon 13 Aug 2012

yay!! the happily ever after is coming up. Hopefully the goodbye will work everything out and then they can each be on their merry way. Kagome and Sesshouamru are pretty sweet with each other and yet still themselves. I am dreading the end and yet I can't wait to see what happens next :)

Cathyrin (Chapter 400) - Sun 12 Aug 2012

ok, so proper review time now that i read it all. :) to start: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is a freaking awesome story.........i dont know why i never read it before now but omfg i love it!!!! i love how in the beginning Shesshoumaru was very Shesshoumaru-ish. like, serious, cold, uncaring, but the more into the story you go, the more caring he gets. hes not overly affectionate but hes a care giver. he feeds when shes hungry, warms her when shes cold, and provides shelter when shelter is needed all without being asked. and the longer hes with her, the more lenient he gets. he lets her talk back in front of Koga, lets her help the birthing in the hidden village and also lets her return the lost child. simple caring tha makes a great change in Shesshoumaru. then you add in that quirky humor to all the characters and i just about peed my pants. Naraku, who everyone thinks is just about kill kill kill has a violent sense of humor to him, shesshoumaru is dry but hilarious and Shippo is adorable in his naivety. I LOVE IT!!!!!! Keep up the wonderful work and quick updates. 

GG (Chapter 395) - Sun 12 Aug 2012

"I read about it once"

omfg -dying-

so perfect.

Cathyrin (Chapter 325) - Sun 12 Aug 2012

just wanted to say.....i love a pure platonic way of just meeting some one and they almost made you pee your pants cause your laughing so so many sword jokes from the mouth of shippo....sorry if i sounded creepy there. 

Kar (Chapter 390) - Sat 11 Aug 2012

rotflmfao! thats all i can say and yeah poor yasha o delusional good thing miroku is the voice of reason within the group lol!


Loveyaa (Chapter 390) - Sat 11 Aug 2012

Well first reactions aren't that bad. Love that Sango loves Sesshoumaru. Or at least has become a fan quite quickly. I can see Miroku trying to swing Sango back to his side but falling to Sesshoumaru's charm as well (he must get Kagome's friends to like him). I can't wait to see what happens next and how Kagome's gets Inuyasha at least not furious with the idea :)

Sami (Chapter 390) - Sat 11 Aug 2012

I love your story! Now that I'm finally caught up, I just wanted to say that I LOVE how you portrayed the final battle. The multiple Narakus were a great touch. However, One must wonder what will happen when Kagome and Inuyasha finally do have "the talk". Till next time!


Trixx (Chapter 390) - Thu 09 Aug 2012

Hahahahahaha!!!! At last!!,  A story where Sango also has a crush on Sesshomaru!!!! It's refreshing to read! :D

Thank you for the wonderful story!!!

Saholia (Chapter 390) - Thu 09 Aug 2012

LMFAO!!!! “'I wasn’t talking about Kirara,' Kagome smiled." hahaha

Sorrows Amaranth (Chapter 390) - Thu 09 Aug 2012

Awww poor Miroku. Lol

Kar (Chapter 384) - Wed 08 Aug 2012

OMFG SHE LEFT THE SWORD THERE LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ahhhhhggghghhhhhh inuyasha lol what the hell indeed lmao and NNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO i cant forgive your insolence, your blantant regard for my feelings! how dare you leave me hanging like this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Where is the rest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Y U NO WRITE MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol cant wait for update lol


Loveyaa (Chapter 384) - Tue 07 Aug 2012

YAY!! He's back and its all out in the open. Prob not the best timing to be putting it out there, but hey. No time like the present. One does not know when it can all be over. I wonder if Sesshoumaru will continue the courting process since Naraku is finally dead or kinda start over. I can't see what happens next and where things continue to go between Sesshoumaru and Kagome :)

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