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terryanna (Chapter 24) - Tue 06 Sep 2011

I absolutely love your story. And it has few, if any, grammatical errors along with a consistent and well connected plot. Keep up the good work but please update more often(no pressure). I can't wait for the next chapter. Again fabulous story.

1CarinoInu (Chapter 24) - Tue 06 Sep 2011

Finally the end of the chaos.  Or is it.....?

Alice (Chapter 24) - Tue 06 Sep 2011

I'm surprised that Sango acutally died, lol. Well, hope things are better from now on. :)

yasurei (Chapter 24) - Tue 06 Sep 2011

Ding Dong, the witch is dead! Sorry if I´m not sad but Sango deserved that for trying to kill an innocent baby and all the hurt she caused a family and her so called best friend. Now finally Sesshoumaru has the chance to get to know his son.

Saraniya (Chapter 23) - Sat 03 Sep 2011

I officially hate Sango...probably mentioned that already but right now I seriously mean it! Loved the chapter and the cliff hanger

bk2008 (Chapter 23) - Sat 03 Sep 2011

Lady Lyris (Chapter 23) - Fri 02 Sep 2011

Ohhh... When I get my hands on Sango she's a dead woman! >:( 

>.> Anyways... you have a great story going on. I love it!! :) 

The Reader (Chapter 23) - Fri 02 Sep 2011

Evil! To leave us at such point in the story and with that big of a cliffhanger, is nothing short of evil. But II forgive you because I know that you will make it up tous by updating soon, RIGHT?

Diane Dixon (Chapter 23) - Thu 01 Sep 2011

I glad Kagome purified the goons!   to bad she can't purify Sango!

Erynnn (Chapter 23) - Thu 01 Sep 2011

AAARRRGGGGHHHH!!! I read your entire story in under an hour and a half because I'm so enthralled, only to come to a cliffy!? AGONY! Please update soon, you are doing a marvelous job! I can't wait to watch the relationship between Sesshomaru and Kagome heal and blossom. Nice work.


Miss Anna S (Chapter 23) - Thu 01 Sep 2011

Sorry that I haven't left a review in a while... :-(

Well I still really, really LOVE your story!

I still believe Sango needs to burn and I will even by the lighter fluid to start the fire!
What is she smoking/drinking/etc. to believe that Sesshoumaru hurt Kagome because he is a demon and not because of what she herself said to him? Does she believe that a demon/half-demon raping Kagome in front of everyone including the father of her child not evil and that it is still the demon's fault? Does she not believe that lying to Kagome and wanting to/dreaming about killing the little puppy and his father an evil act in of itself?


Sango has wraped beliefs and I won't even go as far as saying that it is because she is a slayer, it seems as if she has a true hatered for the Tashio men outside of Sesshoumaru dating and impreganting Kagome.

Oh that's right she was jealous because more than likely she thought Kagome would leave her in the dust after becoming rich and mated.

Chaotic.Lover (Chapter 23) - Thu 01 Sep 2011

NOOOOOO!!! I don'te a  want him to die!!!! Please don't let that bitch hurt Kazuki!!! You're so cruel!!!! ANOTHER cliffhanger ONCE AGAIN!!! PLease my poor heart won't take anymore of it!!!!

btw thanks for the update^^

KEdakumi (Chapter 23) - Thu 01 Sep 2011

There you go again with those evil cliffees!!!  Why?!?!  -_-'

I can't wait to see Sango get her butt kicked by Kagome.  Hell may have no fury like a woman scorned, but even that's got nothin' on a Momma protecting her baby.

Can't wait for the next chapter!

Kanon (Chapter 23) - Thu 01 Sep 2011

Sango should die a horrible, horrible death. Racist bitch :P

AmoraLynn (Chapter 22) - Wed 31 Aug 2011

Do human males not rape in Sango's fantasy land?! As if being raped by any male of any species would be a light punishment. Idiot. I know this is sick but I almost feel like it would be justice if she had to feel that pain as well. I hope Kagome can keep her composure enough to keep Sesshomaru calmish. But I think Naraku is to easily dismissing the boy if he thinks Kazuki will just remain calm while his mother and Alpaha are distressed and possibly hurt. That would be a surprise for him!

megan007 (Chapter 4) - Wed 31 Aug 2011

Wow like Wow, Toge is my hero in this story, but hear is the thing, if Kagome and Sango are best friends, how is it that Sango never once helped her? why? that seems stupid, and yet hear kagome is friends with her suposted friend Sango, and... grrr in this story I hate sango for what she has done, but I kind of hate Kagome too, hear is the thing, yes I know she is so very prideful, but pride can be your downfall in life, and her pride almost cost her, her life and the life of her child, pride is not a good thing to have, but Honor is, there is a time to ask for help if that help can help you and your new born child, but she did not, there for to me, she was not at all a good fitting mother, yes she has suffured a lot, but as I said before, "there is a time were you need help for not just yourself but the life of your child, sacrafise must be made.


good chapter so far.






P.S. she should have never givin her heart so completly so a man, and if that man was a powerful demon!!! you should always have a backup plan if ever you get hurt.


megan007 (Chapter 3) - Wed 31 Aug 2011

How come I have a feeling that Sango is the one that is the backstaber of both there relationships, because how the hell does she know that kagoma's kid is not Sesshomaru, somthing is telling me that Sango is the one behind all of this.





megan007 (Chapter 2) - Wed 31 Aug 2011

Sesshomaru is kind of OOC but hey it works, can't wait to read more.





megan007 (Chapter 1) - Wed 31 Aug 2011

You know I have seen this story before, but never had the chance to read it, but now that I am, its good, I can't wait to read more.





SmilingFool (Chapter 22) - Wed 31 Aug 2011

Oh wow you've done it again.....  I have never read a fic where an evil Sango had been portrayed so well....  To think she'd betray her friendship due to beliefs is more than disturbing.  I want Kagome to kick some demon slayer ass...  Sango needs a crash course in miko fury....  I cannot wait until Miroku shows up hopefully he'll stun (Shoot) Sango while Sesshomaru loses total control....  Humm...  Better yet have Kazuki realize he's in danger and attack Sango....  That would be fitting as well...  I enjoy your stories, I give two thumbs up and commend you on making this fic a work of art...  Update soon.

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