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Anonymous (Chapter 30) - Sun 15 May 2011

ahhh so good cant wait till next week:)

JordenMichelle (Chapter 30) - Sun 15 May 2011

Firstly, let me congratulate you on your wonderful news!

LOVE this fic! Truely.  The little love triangle going on... it's so exciting :)  Will she be talking to Sesshoumaru... or will she finally have her conversation with the demon?

Can't wait to find out!

Thanks for Writing, and, again, congratulations!!

Aura (Chapter 30) - Sat 14 May 2011

Looking forward to the next chapter.  I'm always excited to see that you've updated.  This last week I was busy with family stuff and reading your new chapters always helps me to just relax and get into your story instead of worrying about the real world.  I love it.  Can't wait for more.


Elle (Chapter 30) - Fri 13 May 2011

Yay~ :)

Everything seems sorted out by now; before Kagome seemed more insecure about the whole Nah Rah Ku thing...

It's good that she's trying to fix everything up.

I can't wait till the next chapter~

randomfan17 (Chapter 30) - Fri 13 May 2011

I voted for this story as many times as i could, hope you win. I liked this chapter, seemed a little like filler but i think it's just leading up to the next one so that's okay. Please update soon, i was wondering if the thief can get drunk =)

kathryn (Chapter 30) - Fri 13 May 2011

yet again another great chapter

Paradise_Kiss (Chapter 29) - Fri 06 May 2011

The only thing i can say now is: WOW

I mean: ITS AMAZING! *.*

The best ff I've ever read!! I'm your fan from now on :) And pls update soon :>

niioroze (Chapter 29) - Mon 02 May 2011

Hey twice a week is more than enough, its better than once a month....i find myself waiting at my comp for your updates....loved it!

Loveyaa (Chapter 29) - Mon 02 May 2011 if it could get any more intense. Nothing is worse than a confused love triangle. I wonder how things will turn out between the 3 of them esp with 2 in the same body but the 1 not knowing bout the other that is sharing his body. I feel like Naraku would rather shrivel up and lose his host than admit his feelings or even the confusion of his feelings. Oh the drama just keeps building. I can't wait to see what happens next and how many more people Naraku will actually scare away while Professor Sesshoumaru only thinks bout it :)

Elle (Chapter 29) - Sat 30 Apr 2011

Not bothered to sign in to review, but I've got to say that I'm really very happy that you've updated.

I can't wait till your next update, but take your time! :)

randomfan17 (Chapter 29) - Sat 30 Apr 2011

I didn't notice any errors, almost like i thought it would happen though i didn't expect him to go after Kouga like that. Ah man, poor innocent Sesshomaru, all he's done is fall in love with a student, he didn't deserve to have a vicious demon posses him and be jealous over her as well. Well, whenever you can update is awesome, i always look forward to an update whenever it comes.

Margie (Chapter 29) - Fri 29 Apr 2011

moreeeeeeeee ; ; <3 this story so much......

Kazanova (Chapter 29) - Fri 29 Apr 2011

Yay! Although it wasn't hot angry sex., I was still satisfied. >__>" Still waiting for that moment though!

Thanks for updating!

Kazanova (Chapter 28) - Tue 26 Apr 2011

Wow, I'm really hoping the cliffhanger is to some really hot angry sex.


What a dream come true! :) Anyways, looking forward to it.



Niiroroze (Chapter 28) - Tue 26 Apr 2011

man do u know how long i waited for your update? I love this story it;s one of my favs. update soon please!!!!

Loveyaa (Chapter 28) - Tue 19 Apr 2011

Uh oh...I think it is def interesting that now Naraku has enough control to make Sesshoumaru sleepy enough that he can then take over. I think you did a stupendous job describing the purification/banishment ritual. It was quite believable and impressive. I always feel like something is happening and I can't wait to see the blacklash of this :)

Violetcarson (Chapter 28) - Tue 19 Apr 2011

I just had to cheer when I saw the 30STM quote at the beginning, and have to mention it. Now. Before I even read the chapter. Which I'm going to go do. Yeah. Go Jared Leto!!! XD

 *pause for reading*

Okay. So, awesome. Bitch is finally down for the count! She'd best stay down, if she knows what's good for her. Bloody dead people, sheesh! And can I say that possessive Sesshoumaru is hot? Mmm, yes, yes he is. But, with the Thief coming out again, this could turn nasty. I'd say a throwdown is in order. In which certain demonic types get pimp-slapped. XD

MoxyMikki (Chapter 28) - Tue 19 Apr 2011

you evil, evil woman! Although I hate a cliffy, I do so LOVE it too! :)

First of all - VERY colorful chapter. The visuals you inspired from the described ritual, was exquisite. Then the explanation at the end of what it all meant was so precises and susinct. Sometimes these "technical" scenes can be daunting to read through, but this was highly intertaining, and very clear.

You write Kouga VERY well! I hope we might get a few more cameo's wiht our fave wolf prince.

Something that left me scratching my head (in a good way, of course) is this new found side of the professor. It makes me wonder if he's simply discovering a side of himself that he's always had or if its a little of Naraku's influence helping him discover that side of himself. I think its clear that those feelings and emotions are ones that he has in him to feel - Naraku has said he doesn't CHANGE the professor in any way, but his presence certainly has an impact. Kinda like the Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle.

Also, nice delicate hinting to Sesshomaru having a back story in this. I remember our discussion about where you were wanting to take this. Do you still plan on sorting it out that way? I can't wait to read about it. I wonder when and how Kagome will come to know this as well.

OOOOOO possessive Sessy - smexy! (because he's too sexy to just be "sexy") I loved that you didn't take it too far - eventually he reasoned out the situation in his mind, even if he was still feeling that possessive instinct. Na-Rah-Ku however... different story. I wonder how Kagome is going to work this one out if he confronts her.. either she tells him a lie which might implicate something between her and Kouga, thus causing Naraku to try and stake his claim on her OR she gives a partial truth, which could prove to get her into just as much trouble, considering he's pretty skilled at picking up on lies and omission.

Naraku is a vindictive little cuss, so i'm wondering how the next chapter will pan out. Will he drag the professor in to the punishment? (Avoid the gum again, or something like that to make him suspect) Will he make Kagome do something more than she was prepaired for? Will he threaten to use the professors body to take an offering elsewhere to make Kagome jealous? LOTS of rampant thoughts running through my head, but one thing seems pretty certain:

I smell... citrus in the near future. Can't WAIT! Kagome, you've been a BAD bad girl running off with sexy (he only get a "sexy") wolf boy.

Love you boo! Glad you're back. I've missed you so!

Mizuki (Chapter 28) - Sun 17 Apr 2011

Omg talk about a cliffhanger i wonder wat will happen next lol. please continue writing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Liz (Chapter 28) - Sun 17 Apr 2011

so this was definitely amazing. cant wait to read more. :) love the characters.

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