Reviews for Maid for You by Luna

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KEdakumi (Chapter 84) - Fri 15 Apr 2011

Awww... poor Sess.  He just got a lesson in 'How to feel like an a** in one easy step'.  Great story!

kay (Chapter 84) - Fri 15 Apr 2011

Virgin = non whore?

I like this fic heaps, but cmon. Kagome is getting what practically amounts to fairytale, feeling bad for stuff that she SHOULD feel bad for and getting heaps of help, when Sessy is having all badness happening to him.

You are making me dislike Kags lots lots lots and feel very bad for Sessy.


Just update more please!!

SilentlyFuming (Chapter 84) - Fri 15 Apr 2011

(I kinda assumed that) ooh boy though, tsk tsk Sesshoumaru....

Trelweny Rosephoenixwolf (Chapter 83) - Thu 14 Apr 2011

Aww... Sesshomaru had warm fuzzies remembering his conversation about the legalities of his profession. ^_^ How sweet.

I'm curious to what he unearths. But... how will him finding it through hacking hold up in court? Or are they going to bother with court? I suppose it depends on what he finds...

Thanks for writing!

randomfan17 (Chapter 83) - Wed 13 Apr 2011

Kagome always knew he was a hacker, hehe, just shows how stupid Inuyasha is.

cakeiton (Chapter 83) - Wed 13 Apr 2011



sess nerd= HOT

naqaashi (Chapter 83) - Wed 13 Apr 2011

^_^ Oh d'awwwww. That was a sweet reminder, and I'm glad to see that Sess's isn't so angry at her anymore. Though I have a feeling he'll pretend to be when he finally meets her...just to salvage some manly pride. Tell me if I'm right or wrong? 


On a side note, you seem to have been practicing the art of the subtle, sneaky cliffie. ::groans and headdesks::  

Nyuka (Chapter 83) - Wed 13 Apr 2011

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa what what wha nonononononononno no I neeeeeeeeds more me neeeeds i Kagome and Sesshomaru need to be together please make it happen I promise I'll read it if you do please please please....



Sazukemono (Chapter 83) - Wed 13 Apr 2011

Mmmmm I'd love to have an array like that in MY room. Sesshoumaru can come over to play any time he wants *drool*

*coughs* woops, sorry, let my inner techy run a little free there. I love hacker!Sesshoumaru <3 he's probably be pretty good at it too! Ruthless, cunning, swift, -and- determined/stubborn. I'm gonna take a wild guess and say that Naraku's computers don't stand a chance. As long as Inuyasha is a 'good boy' *snicker* poor inu puppy *pats* you're adorable! *ahem* sorry, I really liked this chapter, it was very awesome ^_^ and filled with much win!

kay (Chapter 83) - Wed 13 Apr 2011

Haha. this chapter was funny and cute.  I can picture inuyahsa and sess interacting with one another as I read your words...

This reminds me of few chapters back when Kagome asked him the same question... I wonder if Sess was reminded . (just maybe, coming from his devious smile? or was it just satifaction of him hacking?)

ANywasy i find this chapter sweet and cute.

Smortz (Chapter 83) - Wed 13 Apr 2011

LOL. 'Technicalities' That's MINT! I love this story!!!!!



Loveyaa (Chapter 83) - Wed 13 Apr 2011

So it looks like everybody is on the right path now I just can't wait to see how all the paths collide :)

REDWOLF (Chapter 83) - Wed 13 Apr 2011

OH WOW....Sesshoumaru is of many talents. I like this devious Sesshoumaru!

mika (Chapter 82) - Mon 11 Apr 2011

I love your story. It's funny, different, and creative. I just started reading it today, and now it's on my list of must-reads. I can't wait for the next chapter.

randomfan17 (Chapter 82) - Mon 11 Apr 2011

Ah, the ultimate relaxation technique, shopping! I wonder if Sesshomaru will see her then or after, hmm, please update soon so we can all see what happens.

Trelweny Rosephoenixwolf (Chapter 82) - Mon 11 Apr 2011

Booyaka!! You go, Jakotsu! *giggles and hops excitedly* Now I'm not the world's biggest fan of shopping (in fact I abhore shopping) but I have to admit there's something nice about getting flattering clothes -especially with someone who is an enthusiast and can really Help. Hopefully... all that Hojo & Jakotsu have done for Kagome will be enough to give her strength and courage when she faces Sesshomaru again. Even though he's worried for her... she hasn't known it and will be beside herself I'm sure. It will also be awkward no matter how it happens most likely.

Hope this isn't the last we see of my favorite fanfiction homosexual couple! ^_^

Thanks so much for writing!

Lady Lyris (Chapter 82) - Mon 11 Apr 2011

You gotta love those gay men. :) I admired this chapter, and when I scrolled down I made a face sort of like this :'( when I found out that there were no more chapters to read. I absolutely love you story! :) Update soon please

naqaashi (Chapter 82) - Mon 11 Apr 2011

Y'know..I think Hojou and Jakotsu are the best girlfriends a girl could ever ask a spare pair? ::wants::

Trelweny Rosephoenixwolf (Chapter 81) - Fri 08 Apr 2011

hmmm... that also means it will be a cjore and a half to PIN anythin on the S.o.B. *makes face*

Thanks for writing!

Loveyaa (Chapter 81) - Thu 07 Apr 2011

Slowly but surely they are nearing the true story. I like that since they can't find Kagome they are going bout it this way with the only thing they know. I wonder if Naraku will find Kagome first when Miroku tells him bout her mishap. I can't wait to see where things go from here next. Will there be a run in wit Kagome or Naraku first? Either way should be quite the show :)

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