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Whitemoon (Chapter 36) - Thu 19 Jan 2012

When will you updated this story? It very long time since your last updated.

I really want to know what Sesshoumaru plan to help Kagome family financially.

Can you make more scene when Kagome trashing Inuyasha and Bakotsu. Also make Kagome give lesson to Izayoi who will be better woman.

I really want to read when Nishimiyas's company will fall.

Please! Plase! updated this story quick

henandchicks (Chapter 36) - Mon 19 Dec 2011

I have thoroughly enjoyed this delightful story.  I sincerely hope your muse hasn't abandoned you as I would dearly love to hear "Plan B" and see the story live up to it's title of "Happily Ever After."

henandchicks (Chapter 21) - Mon 19 Dec 2011

Loved this chapter soooooo much!

yet another sesskag fan (Chapter 11) - Sun 20 Nov 2011

omg, how  sweet of him ! <3 :D sesshomaru nishimaya is adorable !

Aoi-Kaji (Chapter 36) - Wed 03 Aug 2011

Le sigh..... Finally reached the end and @,@ it's torturous! PLEASE UPDATE SOON!

Aoi-Kaji (Chapter 26) - Wed 27 Jul 2011

LE GASP! I was like, "oh sh--!" By the time I read the last part of the chapter! OMG!!!!!! SUCH AWESOMENESS! I can't wait to read the next chapter! Poor Kago and her soft heart.. sigh hopefully Sesshoumaru won't eat her alive... in a bad way xD ROFL

Aoi-Kaji (Chapter 25) - Wed 27 Jul 2011

LOL poor Kago. I hope everything turns out great! I wonder what her family will think of him xD

Aoi-Kaji (Chapter 24) - Wed 27 Jul 2011

OMG! I've never felt such a blazing blush like the one I feel now! Virgin Sesshou is > than experienced Sesshou! LOL Omg.. Poor Kago! and OMG SO MEAN WITH THE UBER CLIFY! lol but it's okay c; BUAH-HAH! ONWARD!

Aoi-Kaji (Chapter 23) - Wed 27 Jul 2011

LOL! I could NOT stop cracking up at this...... b/c.... omg! Believe it or not.. my fiancé and I were virgins too @,@ and let me tell you... that was the most embarrassing 1st time ever. LOL so I really do love t his chapter just b/c I can relate to it xD LOL all he had to go from were videos and... for me =,= novels, fictions, and mangas @,@

Aoi-Kaji (Chapter 22) - Wed 27 Jul 2011

Omg.... you are so evil. I AM SO SORRY TO EVERYONE THAT HAD TO WAIT! lawl goody for me I have come late in the chapters but @,@ I shall soon suffer as well! Omg.. I was totally not expecting that.. CONDOMS?! LOL best surprise ever. I honestly thought it might be a new fish or idk.. not THAT lol <3 onward I go!

Aoi-Kaji (Chapter 21) - Wed 27 Jul 2011

Omfg... I luff you, Miss Teak! This is the first and only Virginal Sesshou I've ever read and probably will ever read. This is so amazing and exciting! Sigh.. just as it's about to get good.. ofc, someone has to interrupt @,@ First the kid, now some strangers! Grrr! No more interruptions @,@ I hope.

Aoi-Kaji (Chapter 20) - Wed 27 Jul 2011

AWWWWWWWWWWW! You make the best fluff and in the most proper of moments <3 You just torment us with his past and facts about how hard life will be the upcoming chapters and then just shower us with that sweet fluff in the end. <3 wonderful.

Aoi-Kaji (Chapter 19) - Wed 27 Jul 2011

D'awww! Yush, I am back from work! Most boring day ever.. I couldn't help but think  how badly I wanted to just have internet on my phone so I could read this while at work <3 yay. Perhaps, next time c;

This chapter made sad, happy, and even angry! Lol, angry at you know who for saying those rude things on the phone, happy because Sesshou is finally accepting Kagome more and more into his life, sad because of how hard it must have been for him and for what's to come for Kago when she meets his horrid family. I'm so excited to continue! HERE WE GO!

Aoi-Kaji (Chapter 18) - Wed 27 Jul 2011

*gitty squeal* Omg.. I am so tired I think I can hardly spell, BUT! GOOD NEWS! This is a perfect spot to park my reading! Omg.. at first I was so confused by the chapter title and I even tilted my head to the side and I could have swork I saw "???" pop up randomly around my head, lol! But it was SO SWEET omg.. you are just a miracle worker with writing. TEE HEE! Kent wait for tomorrow after work! EXCITEMENT! *bounces all the way to bed*

Aoi-Kaji (Chapter 17) - Wed 27 Jul 2011

P.S. *pinky wave* bai bai, Hojo!

Aoi-Kaji (Chapter 17) - Wed 27 Jul 2011

GEEEEEE!!!!! OMG! That "clify" c; *smirks whickedly!* brough a hot shiver down my spine b/c I GET TO READ THE NEXT CHAPTER! HAHA! And b/c of what just happened.. OMG YOU ARE SOOOO GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD! .... =,= I am so in trouble for work tomorrow, BUT IT'S WORHT IT!

Aoi-Kaji (Chapter 16) - Wed 27 Jul 2011

Awwwwwwww!!! I'm on a sugar high, too! This was so beautiful! And ofc, the most perfect songs keep playing while I'm reading are playing on my AOL radio. My heart just swelled into a huge balloon after this chapter! SO SWEEEEEET!

Aoi-Kaji (Chapter 15) - Wed 27 Jul 2011

Omigosh.... I haven't cried this much in... like forever. I sobbed like a babe! My chest is tight from feeling for both of them.. UGH such an emotional wreck =,= I LOVED IT! You are too good for us, Miss Teak.

*bows like a humbled servant* ALL HAIL, LADY MISS TEAK!

Aoi-Kaji (Chapter 14) - Wed 27 Jul 2011

AWWWWWWWWWWWW OMG!!! YOU MADE ME CRIES EVEN MORE!!!! Poor Sesshou.. my heart truly bleeds for him. It just dawned to me how blessidly refreshing it is not to have a pre-kag/inu relationship. I have never read one with a pre Hojo/Kag. Ofc our brilliantly lovely Miss Teak would be so open-minded <3

Aoi-Kaji (Chapter 13) - Wed 27 Jul 2011

Ah, wonderful Miss Teak <3

I have once again returned from the great beyond! I have missed your fictions so SO much! Yes.. I have been reading this non stop(almost.. had fiance stuffs to attend to @,@) and I LOVE LOVE LOVE IT! I think.. ._. more than Wisteria! GASP! I KNOW!!!!!!! LOL but it's SOOOOOO GOOOOOOOOOD! Better than brownies and pocky! BUAH-HAH! This chapter has effected me most b/c it's so amazingly emotional and it actually made me cry moreso than the others xD. Dear Sesshou... sigh. I MUST GO ON NOW! Even though I have work in the morning. The baggy eyes are worth it c;

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