Reviews for The Flower Girl by Kanna37

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Stacerue (Chapter 54) - Sat 16 Jan 2010

I really have enjoyed reading this story so far. Not only is it very entertaining I have learned something about flowers in the process. I can relate to your Kagome portryal, it is very convincing. It is hard to get over low self esteem especially when someone you love and supposedly they love you or at least supposedly care about you, is at the root of it. It is very hard to overcome , it 's very damaging. I really wish people could be nicer to one another, that old saying you don't know how someone feels until you walk in their shoes is true. I most definetly can't wait to read the big chapter coming. Keep up the excellent work!

autumngold (Chapter 53) - Fri 15 Jan 2010

Go Kagome!  I'm glad that her actions made Sesshoumaru show his love for her.  I still can't wait for him to actually say it, but it's nice to have something to look forward to.  Thank you for this wonderful story!  As always, I can't wait for your next update!

Seshiepersonalpriestess (Chapter 53) - Fri 15 Jan 2010

How sweet.

Serephina of the Kamis (Chapter 53) - Fri 15 Jan 2010

FINALLY! And may I say YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY! They're finally getting it right, though why they are unable to just say it is beyond me. And I don't mean that as a reflection on your writing, except that you portray their characters very well.

Alina (Chapter 52) - Fri 15 Jan 2010

First of all I apologize for my lacking English (i'm from Italy) and eventual grammar and syntax mistakes!

I believe your story is stunningly beautiful, a simple theme as the flower meanings, just a little children game, in your capable hands has become a deep, toughtful love story.

What I appreciate most, aside your style, brief and journalistic flowing as a calm river, is the way you made your characters play and interact, one eachother, as Kagome and Inuyasha, or with themselves, as for Sesshoumaru.

Everything comes together, eventually as in a painted frame, and I really enjoy it so far!

Very well done, I can't wait to read more!

loveyaa (Chapter 52) - Fri 15 Jan 2010

I quite enjoyed it. I loved the way that it was carried out and thought it was totally appropriate as well. I hope that Kagome's declaration is so emotion and energy packed to match her as this matched Sesshoumaru. can't wait til next time...

Koki (Chapter 52) - Thu 14 Jan 2010

I agree, that seemed more like something Sesshomaru would do. Beautiful chapter. I found the site [or sites] that you used for the flower meanings and wow, they really do say it all don't they?

Serephina of the Kamis (Chapter 52) - Thu 14 Jan 2010

YES!!!!!! It's about bloody time! Kagome was starting to annoy me with her "I'm not worthy" rag going. Although I think Sesshoumaru should have stayed behind with her, but leaving also worked well. Great chapter, as usual.

lady_myth (Chapter 52) - Thu 14 Jan 2010



I <3 this story, and you, and everything about it!


*eagerly awaits the next installment!*

autumngold (Chapter 52) - Thu 14 Jan 2010

I'm glad that Sesshoumaru is trying to show Kagome how he feels.  She is just so broken, I hope she can hear his words soon too.  Thank you for the sweet update!  Can't wait for Kagome's response!

Mskumiko (Chapter 52) - Thu 14 Jan 2010

how sweet or him to give her that when she was feeling down

Mia (Chapter 52) - Thu 14 Jan 2010

I just can't stop grinning after reading this chapter, it was absolutely beautiful, I loved it from the beginning till the end, congratulations !!!!!


sugar0o who lurks (Chapter 52) - Thu 14 Jan 2010

awe wonderful :3 silly puppy!

sugar0o who lurks (Chapter 51) - Wed 13 Jan 2010

*giggles* silly puppy

FoxyLadyKnight (Chapter 51) - Wed 13 Jan 2010

The 'I Love You' chapter is next!!!! Ohhh, please..please hurry with it. I HAVE to know what happens during this chapter. Goodness, I so love this story. I wait somewhat impatiently for every chapter..and though it's a bit 'nail-biting', I must admit it is a bit exciting to wait and find out..'what happens next?'

So, please..hurry..because..I like all your other fans..must know..."What Happens Next?"

loveyaa (Chapter 51) - Wed 13 Jan 2010

Can't wait...can't wait...can't wait...can't wait!! til next time may it come with the speed of something that's really fast :)

Serephina of the Kamis (Chapter 51) - Wed 13 Jan 2010

Finally he admits it, the stupid dog! honestly, trust Sesshoumaru to not realize he loves her until after he decides to do something major and irrevokable. . . but we love him anyway. Great chapter, as always.



autumngold (Chapter 51) - Wed 13 Jan 2010

Poor Kagome, after all of the pain that she went through with Inuyasha, now she thinks that Sesshoumaru doesn't like her anymore.  Sesshoumaru doesn't seem to talk much, and his actions have been distant, so I don't blame Kagome for thinking Sesshoumaru no longer cares.  Thank you so much for promising Sesshoumaru shares his feelings in the next chapter!  I can't wait!!

Crescent Dreams (Chapter 51) - Wed 13 Jan 2010



My review did go through..

Well, yeah.  There you go. xD

Crescent Dreams (Chapter 51) - Wed 13 Jan 2010

- Bashes computer. - Bad computer!

I tried to leave a review last night, but for some reason Dokuga just refused to cooperate, and I believe it's the computer's fault.  Moving along.

(Warning: run on sentences below.)

My question last night (along with millions of other praises and adorations for this fic), was, (even though it almost doesn't make sense to ask now) if you're going to put out a chapter where Kagome and Sesshoumaru, for lack of a better term, go on a 'date,' since they're courting and all that.  I don't believe there's really been one like that since their second kiss, so I was just curious if that would be coming about before or after (now obviously after) the 'I love you's'?  You've kind of seen Sess's feelings develope through all of his wonderful thoughts, but Kagome's just been worried, and I think Sess doing some good ol-fashioned wooing and sweeping off the feet would make a great chapter.

Anyway!  I really wish I could have gotten that to you last night, but oh well.

On other notes, Kagome kicking Kagura/Naraku's ass in Rin's dream was awesome.

Also, Inuyasha and Kanna, I can see that.  After she got some life into her, they'd make a good foil couple.

I always love reading Sess's thoughts the way you write them in this story.. they're very.. just to the point, in a refreshing sort of way.

Waiting for more!

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