i dont care if there were mistakes(i didnt find any but it could be because all i wanted to do was read} It was awesome
that first chapter left me shivering that was absolutely delicious smutterific smutastic and i have so many more smut worthy chappies to go
you miss lady are a smut addicts best freind
JUICY! Another great chapter...love it...I really enjoy Sess being more caring and loving..Still would like to here I love you from him.
He's got babies on the brain, so cute he asked her to be his mate. And she said yes! Yah! but then again if that cucukoo general finds out he will try somethng probably. Can't wait to see what happens next.
Now, I'm confused. Why did he tell Inuyasha that he wanted to hear what he had to say about Kouga the wolf prince & that Inu should say whatever it was that Kagome didn't want him to know ,as Sessh would take care of his Mate? I could swear that as of this point,Sessh hasn't marked Kagome as his Mate & that if he had then Seiya wouldn't be able to touch her so easily as once Sessh marked Kagome as his Mate then Sessh would be able to sense Kagome's feelings & thoughts thru her mark. I know by rereading this entire story today I've left quite a few reviews & asked a lot of questions & of that I hope you don't mind. I love this story & I still feel as if there are so many questions left unanswered & so much info that's been left out that I find myself very confused. I love this story & look forward to reading it. I'm glad Kagome's finally admitted to being in love with Sessh. I'm confused over the fact that Sessh shared his sexual past with her & she's had only 1 other partner & hasn't shared that with him,why is that?? Isn't that something that would make him feel good about things between them ? especially knowing that the one other being she's been with other than him won't be born for 500 yrs so at this point in time the guy doesn't even exist. I look forward to the next chapter with a combination of hope,fear & confusion. I hope the next chapter will have some answers & that Sessh & Kagome will be closer & Kagome will open up to him more.I also hope as Sessh said he felt that the majic Seiya is using is familiar means he'll have a few ways of fighting him off,keping him from Kagome & hopefully killing him permanently. I also hope that the info regarding Sessh & Kagome become mated for life & Kagome's lifespan extending to his? I also hope you'll give us info into what happened to Shippo? what happened to the Jewel ? Is there a reason Kag's is in the past & if this is where she's always belonged or where she was even born ? Is she even human? If all the things that led up to this point,like Kag's being born with the Jewel that was made of both miko & youkai power within her, her living near the 'Well' that was the gateway to the past, her family's acceptance of her traveling into the past thru the well,Kag's never really having any fear of youkai even one's as powerful as Sessh,her ability to pull the fang in Sessh & Inu's dad's tomb & is the fact that she's now trapped in the past because this is where she belongs ? will they be going to see Bokensu? Will you tell us why Sessh called Kagome his Mate?
As I said I still fear Seiya & I hope the next chapter or chapters will have more info.
I love this story & I really hope things don't turn tragic.
This chapter I reread again & cried just like I did the 1st time. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE tell me that you won't be dragging out Kagomes torture or the fear of her being tortured,abused,raped &/or marked by Seiya. I know it's not right to beg an author of a FF but I love this story & after this last chapter & knowing that by Sessh just Marking her would lessen the chance of her terror. The fear I feel after this scary chapter I'm almost afraid to continue reading. There's one chapter left that iis new that you've updated & I plan on chancing it & reading it now. I hope & pray that things start looking up. I guess as I've already been reading this so long I 1st need to read the new chap before giving up or going on.
I just reread up to ch.21 & it ended with the 3 way that included Kagome & 2 women.It was agreed beforehand that since Sessh had told her many times that no other male was ever to touch her & she agreed with him by telling him that as long as she had him she didn't want or need another male to ever touch her & while this made him extremely proud she also told him bluntly that if she was only allowed to touch females then it was only fair that he only be allowed to touch males & he agreed. The 3-way included Kagome,Mayu & Mimiku,a female that Mayu had sex with before,happened with the agreement Sessh would watch. He found watching & not getting involved was frustrating but,he'd agreed with Kag's not to touch any female & he couldn't be sure if he tried to get near her,that no part of him would touch one of the other females was frustrating but,when Kags had an orgasm & called 1 of the girls names,the shock of hearing her call out a name other than his while she was pleasured,consumed him with jealousy to the point he almost tossed the women out,so he could reclaim her body as his. Afterwards,he came to the conclusion, while it wasn't easy watching her with women & not getting involved,he realized that no female but her could ever satisfy him.
Mayu apparently was almost mated to a male that I think was human but I'm not sure.As parts of the story from one site were left out of this one. I do recall that once they decided to become Mated she looked into extending his life to hers, she found out how but, something happened & he died.I don't know if he died before they attempted to do what she learned but, it appears as she looked further into it afterward to find out more about extending the life of a mortal to that of a demon or an immortal being.
Once she caught Seiya,the ass,sneaking around Sessh & Kagome's rooms & when Mayu caught him & asked what his reason was for being there & he said he'd found away to extend Kagome's lifespan to Sessh's & she stopped him by telling him she knew from personal experience that what he found out was something he had to keep to himself.When Seiya tried to intimidate her by saying he thought that by how fond Mayu was of Kagome she would want Sessh to know,so she told him from personal experience that if Sessh didn't find out on his own it would mean the death of Kagome & he backed off. From what she'd mentioned,not to Seiya,about what she'd found out afterward was that not all demons could take a mortal mate & share their lifespan. There was more to it,she did say something in the way of for it to work for Sessh & Kag, Sessh would have to admit that he wanted Kagome to be his Mate for life. I don't recall her saying who he had to admit this to & that's why I really hope,especially with Seiya being dead but still a danger, that Sessh & Kagome immediately go see Bokensu,the ancient tree, & find out ways to accomplish what's necessary.
I love this story but I'm terrified of sad endings & try to avoid reading stories without happy endings at all costs.
I just reread chapter 13 & although it still bothered me that he hasn't marked her as his mate I have to wonder what it is about the fact that both of their auras caress each other,accept each other,combine into one & then return into their own bodies. Sessh is aware of it & feels that it's important & he needs to look into it. I really hope that he stops screwing around & goes to hsi library,looks thru his scrolls & goes to Bokensu,the ancient tree, to find out what the importance of this matter is & if it is as important as it feels. I've already read this story on here & on FF several times but in neither has this issue been addressed. I really hope he starts looking into it soon & that he finds that it has everything & anything to do with him finding his soul mate or that she is meant to be his & that the importance of their combining auras is proof that when he finally decides to make her his Mate & mark her as such,they will at that time share his lifespan or even awaken something inside her. I've often wondered & hoped,when they mentioned her soul was larger than then any human (& was so large,that even though Kikyo held a piece of her soul,that it was still so large that 'the soul sucking mirror' was cracked before it sucked in half of her soul & broke the mirror allowing the souls of the villagers to return to their bodies) & along with the size of her soul,the fact she was born with the Jewel within her & the Jewel held both miko & youkai power, it seemed the only way she'd be able to carry a Jewel within her that contained the most powerful youkai & the most powerful miko was if she really wasn't human but,maybe a rare Miko/youkai & when I considered the fact that the youkai she usually attracted were canine ones,made me hope & pray that she could possibly be a rare,powerful Miko-Inu youkai. This story makes me think that the way both her & Sessh's aura's react to each other that when they,& hopefully they will & soon, Mate it will awaken her inner youkai or break the spell that may have been placed upon her to keep her safe,as the last of her kind. It would also explain her being stuck in the past,Sessh's attraction to her,along with all that happened to bring them together. I just also wish, that Inu youkai when mated for love & not political arrangements,were monogamous beings & were physically unable to rut with anyone other than their Mate & that they mated for life. As fooling around with others in youth maybe fine for some, when one finds the one they love & especially when it's one who at one time thought fooling around with many was fine, it's usually that being then suddenly fears allowing the being they love to be intimate with another. Whether consciously or unconciously the fear that the one they love will tire of them. For that reason,when 2 being finally find the one they love,if they allow a 3rd being to become a point of arousal by either,it usually causes nothing but pain,doubt & distrust.Relationships are not easy & when beings live long lives & times are tough,the pain,worry & doubt can become a thing of destruction & if not confronted it can destroy the greatest of loves
I love this story. I reread more chaps & wondered where Shippo is,what happened to Kouga & (his claim of Kag's being 'his woman')Kouga's wolf pack? What happened to Kikyo & did Kag's get the rest of her soul back? So far,since Naraku's demise,there's been no mention of what happened with the Jewel & as it originally came from Kag's body,did it affected her? There's,like,no info of Kagome's Miko power,if she's more powerful,if she's the 'most powerful Miko' since Midoriko or as she was born with Midoriko's power in her,along with her(Kag's)own extremely,strong power,would it make her the most powerful Miko ever? Also,what,how or why did she come to be stuck in the past? It seemed,when she was originally dragged down the 'Well',to the past,it was due to having the 'Jewel of 4 Souls'/'Shikon no Tama' within her. Thinking about it now,with the power of the 'Well' gone,it'd seem,either,her destiny in the past isn't done or she belongs in the past & she was never meant to stay in the future.
When you consider the facts(whether,by the Fates,the will of the Kami's or something else??) & the possibility of how utterly odd it is that: (1)-an object of such immense power as the Shikon Jewel,supposedly(?),made to contain both the most powerful youkai & the most powerful Miko in it,was born within the body of a human girl with the (unnatural) power & ability,to hold &/or keep the Jewel safe(& silent?).(2)-the fact that she lived,seperated from the 'Well'(with the power to traverse time)by a rotting wood door &(3) how her family accepted & allowed her to travel via the 'Well'.
I'm dying to know more about Kagome's lifespan.I know Sessh marked her,in the tub,as his,but its temporary,to alert most youkai she's his & is basically,a courting mark. Sessh mentioned his desire to Mate her when the time is right. Although Mayu mentioned no other female of Sessh's has made it as far as Kagome,Mayu mentioned Sessh had females that were considered his intended before but,there's been no mention of if he'd claimed or marked them as he has Kagome. It was said in the past he shared his females with other males but had no intention of ever allowing any male to touch Kagome.
I can't wait to see what more will happen.
I love this story & I've read it a few times.I'm pretty sure some of the times I've read it were on other sites. I'm not sure if I've read it on this site before or not but since I really enjoy this story & can't wait to see what happens next, I've always tried to make it a point to try to keep up with the story & plan to keep reading it. Eveytime I read it there are so many things I'm curious to know. I don't know if I've asked about any of them.
I hope you,as the writer, don't mind me asking questions about some of things I'm curious about. I love your writing & this story & in no way so I wish to offend you. If you find any of my questions to be offensive,I hope you'll contact me or send me a msg & let me know & I will cease asking anything. If you'd rather I as questions using an email,a PM or an IM, then I will do whatever you ask. I really only ask for my own curious nature & in no way wish to offend,irritate,anger or annoy you.
I just reread chapter 7 & was thinking this was the only time I can recall anyone in the story mentioning Kagome was the Miko who destoyed Naraku.Then as Inu was yelling at Kagome,in front of (Sessh's shiro/castle)his guards,she got so angry she flared her aura/Miko power enough to alert all (nearby) of her power & her anger but, there was no mention of her Miko power affecting,irritating or harming any of the youkai in any way. I then started thinking that not once has anyone mentioned Kagome's the Shikon Miko or if she's more powerful than other Miko's or if her power has grown or changed at all. I know & love that all FF are different & the writer of an FF can make the characters in the FF be anyway she/he wants & that an FF doesn't have to have anything to do with the original story but, I was wondering what happened to Shippo? I've also been thinking about (in this story) what happened to the Jewel,as there's been no mention of it. So I can't help wondering what happened,where it went,was a wish made on it,did it return to Kagome's body,where it came from,did it become one with her? There has been mention that she's matured from kid but no mention of how long it's been since Naraku's death & how long she's been stuck in the past. I know there's been mention of Sessh worrying about Kagome's lifespan but no mention if she's still aging now that she's an adult & her body is matured. I love this story & I love happy endings & hate sad endings.
Im LOVING this story!!!!!!!! Keep writing!!!!! And im sorry for your losses :(
Eventhough their auras became one, doesnt he still need to mark her permenately?...anyway fantastic chapter
What a whore! lol (not kags....)
So far so good I must say.
Sincerely smcandy
I really wanted Kagome to use her powers and whip the demonesses a**
oh boy Kataru is in for a rude awakening...lol
Sorry, but girl on girl and rape scene are a real turn off. Other than that I love the characters and the story its self is great. I'm curious how this dead villian is going to get his end since he is already dead. Who can reach this Bastard but Kikyo since she too is dead? Or am I confused and he is only in another dimensional area?
i was hoping that Inu jumped to the window and would see them going at it...the humor in it...lol
ok I felt like a drank a Mike's hard lemonaid...this story being so lemonie
wow the citrusie goodness is delicious!! Absolutely great
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