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The Reader's Have Chosen is a new fanfiction recommendation community dedicated to finding the best of the best in fandoms across the boards, and sharing them with other authors and avid readers. Your story, "Devour Prometheus", has been rec'd and is now being voted on in the Monthly Poll: Inuyasha. Fellow fandom-aficionados will vote for their favorites of all the recommendations, and the stories with the most votes will be posted on the front page.
You can find our website at (without spaces): http : // thereadershavechosen . eternflame . com You can find the Inuyasha Monthly Poll at (without spaces): http:// thereadershavechosen. eternflame. com/ forum/ index. php? topic= 1180.0
faby (Chapter 9) - Sat 29 Aug 2009
O.O What happened to Shippo and the cat!?
Congratulations! You’ve won a Dokuga Award. The winners list can be found here and banner pick up can be found here. The Dokuga Awards were created in 2008 to celebrate Sesshoumaru/Kagome fanart and fanfiction everywhere.
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Congratulations again!
Awards Admin
Okay, this was probably the most intense thing I have ever read!!! As soon as Sesshoumaru said, "He is under your feet." My heart just sank to my toes! In that exact moment I remembered the salve Kioshi had used on Kagome. It nearly gave me a heart attack because I was just thinking "Oh no, oh no!! He's dead!" I am attempting to remain hopeful that he is somehow still alive, but I am probably just fooling myself. This chapter gave me so much to think about! Was Sesshoumaru angry because he thought Kagome was lying to him, or was he enraged that his brother had been killed? What's Kagome going to do now? Will she side with humans or turn against youkai? Will she heed Sesshoumaru's words or choose her own path? OH Man!!! I am so eager for the next chapter where hopefully some of these questions can be answered!! Fabulous writing as always and congrats on the awards!!!
Um, I didn't see a 'character death' warning, although I had suspected that Inuyasha was in the salve that she was using and was hoping it wasn't true. However, now that it is confirmed, I can't read any further, not unless you can tell me that Inuyasha can be saved--that he isn't dead. I don't normally read horror, but there weren't any warnings of character death. Please email and let me know whether or not I can continue to read. Thanks. (Yeah, I'm a big fat wuss)
OH NOES!!! I pray that she came to the wrong conclusion, Inuyasha was not truly the salve that healed her... so sad! Yet another twist in you ever-growing plot. I love this story soo much, and I look forward to reading more. ^.^
........ Damn! I don't really know what else to say, but that's f#*$ed up!
Lilith (Chapter 9) - Mon 24 Aug 2009
wow. i don't know what to say... can you say, im speachless. That was amazing. other than Sesshou's liver... that wasn't amazing...
I can't wait until the next chapter!!
REDWOLF (Chapter 9) - Mon 24 Aug 2009 wonder this fic won!!! I just now got the opportunity to read all the chapters so far and I am just shocked and sad...sniff..sniff...that this is what they were doing. Kagome will probably have a nervous breakdown now, and I could not expect nothing less. Then, she will get mad and I just can't wait to see what she does. WOW...I can truly say I have never read anything like it. I thought it was gross when Sesshoumaru eat that girl's liver, but I think it more tragic what these people are doing to youkai. Well, I can't wait to read what is next! WELL DONE!! A new loyal reader! CONGRATULATIONS!!
stars (Chapter 9) - Mon 24 Aug 2009
please updata
WOW. Stunning. Perfectly, positively STUNNING. I don't usually read dark!fics - they're not really my cup o'tea - but this is (as always with your work) incredibly intriguing. Oh, AND stunning. Did I mention that? *smirk* I'm betting he caught InuYasha's scent on the bandages on her feet, didn't he? That was the reason for his sudden change in attitude, because he thought she knew? I can hardly wait to see where you go from here. I imagine it will come with a few good bits of hysteria and loss of bodily fluids on Kags part, huh? Darn it, you've got me guessing!! AND abusing punctuation. Funny how some of you make me do that, isn't it? *snicker* Anyway, this story has all of your usual attention to detail, layers upon layers of mystery to be peeled back, and plenty of action and intrigue. I'm hooked, even though I know I'm gonna get grossed out along the way (okay, I'm a wuss)! :-) ~~Wiccan~~
higan (Chapter 9) - Mon 24 Aug 2009
oo wow !! that last chapter gave me chills.. oo this is getting awesome.. and so different, i think oo yea she'll find him, thou that is a different way.. and i didnt say dead or alive...
oo this is getting GREAT!!! keep it up.. cant wait for the next installment.
ooooooooooooooooh nasty!
L-desu (Chapter 9) - Mon 24 Aug 2009
firstly, no one writes a psychothriller quite like u do. the way u mix morals with debate and then interweave it thru a story is just mind-boggling. this unworthy one bows humbly at your feet! secondly, that's just sick about InuYasha, but i had a dreaded feeling it was coming. now i have to wonder what path she will choose after this, and if she will die in the end. oh. my. gawds.
This story is obtusely horrid and macabre, and I love you for it.
Please keep writing, I'm anxious for the next chapter!
I was in tears at the end. Inuyasha is dead?? Holy cow. Kagome better save Lord Fluffy! If she doesn't I'm coming to kill her! Humans can be completely evil as well and those need to be killed. She better pick up that bow and kick some butt. I would.
Man, this story makes my heart beat faster. I feel bad for Kagome, but at the same time she is grating on nerves for her indecisiveness, though I'm sure with her new realization, her mindset may have changed.
I'm curious as to what Sesshoumaru smelled; was it the salve? If so, where did it come from? Did Kagome have it? (I might have missed something)
Great chapter!
OMG! Did Sesshomaru smell Inuyasha in the paste they used to heal Kagome's ankle? How is she going to stop Sesshomaru from killing her now? Please update again soon!
Wow this story is intense and it makes you think. the plot is different and i like it.
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