Reviews for Wisteria by MissTeak

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Snowfall (Chapter 52) - Sun 04 Apr 2010

Kagome's mental state was really sad, and even though she was being selfish, I understand the feelings from the inability to function normally.  Sesshoumaru's treatment of her at mealtime was very sweet.  The emotions he showed when she tried to kill herself was unexpected.  I hope she makes progress now.  She does need to confide in someone about what had happened to her.  Sesshoumaru might actually be able to fit together the pieces of that plum scent.  He many even know who it is. Whoever it is planned the whole thing with setting Sesshoumaru and Kagome up to be together.

You know, I wonder if being reunited with the Shikon would help her to feel more like her old self.  It's a thought.

RayRay (Chapter 52) - Sat 03 Apr 2010

Yaaaaaaaaaay the angstyness is going to be overcome! Love the mixed in fluff, it worked so well and YES that did seem familiar :) teehee, loved it and I SO can't wait for more. Sorry my review is late, so much going on lately. Much love to you as always until next time girl!

Inumaru_Rapture (Chapter 52) - Sat 03 Apr 2010

Oh god.  I was practically sobbing (embarrassing as I am sitting in my parent's living room) My dear, this is getting fan art (again) as I am still working on fanart for chapter 50 (my computer died and I had to restart ;.;)

Thank you for having her realize how much she had to live for!  I am so grateful.  -wipes away tear- Please update again soon!

Madison (Chapter 52) - Sat 03 Apr 2010

Oh, god, love!

You nearly killed me with that chapter. I mean the intensity of Kagome's depair, and sorrow was so much for me to bear, that I had to read the chapter in two shots! That's right, I had to take a break, becasue I wasn't sure if I could keep reading. For a second there, I really thought Sesshomaru would never arrive.

And how he spilled his own blood to stop her, the way he refused to give up. It nearly broke my heart in two.

I must say, I am very relieved that Kagome is coming out of her despair, and that things will iight up in the future. I dont think I could have taken more, lol!

Overall, I'm saying, amazing chapter :3

Stacerue (Chapter 52) - Sat 03 Apr 2010

That was the best chapter! I really can't wait to read the next one.

Angela (Chapter 52) - Sat 03 Apr 2010

yehey! she's getting better! but the thing with the knife! man it was! it made me wanna gag!

but the end of the chapter was really nice! ^ ^

DancingFlower (Chapter 52) - Sat 03 Apr 2010

awww i luv this chapter soo much, they finally hugged. i ALMOST cried during this chapter. great job...again! :)

JeniNeji (Chapter 52) - Sat 03 Apr 2010

At last!

I hope this go better for them from now on...

I usually dont read stories so long!

I was captured when it only had but twenty chaps... I have been deceived!

Almost... but oh well, I am enjoying it =)

Melly (Chapter 52) - Sat 03 Apr 2010

Marvelous job well-done, my dear!  Kagome is finally out of her depressing depression phase and on the road to recover and we can read more fluff...!?!?  Though, I wish the epiphany had been drawn out a little more than the extended angst and suicide imaginings (or the angst cut down a little to make the happiness more pronounced), I thought the transition was smooth and sweet.  I'm glad it's moving on to more happy and celebratory themes.  

I can't wait for the next chapter!!!  Please update soon!

allegorypuck (Chapter 52) - Sat 03 Apr 2010

Your rendering of this scene was as beautiful as it was heartwrenching. This whole story has been lovely and skillfully written. I crave each new chapter! Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful tale with everyone. You deserve high praise!

LM Bluejay (Chapter 52) - Sat 03 Apr 2010

Wow...that really was fluffy! LOL. Can't wait for the next piece. ^_^

Saide (Chapter 52) - Sat 03 Apr 2010

*teary eyed*

This is so's going there, a little bit more. Sesshomaru you can do it! :D

LadySafire (Chapter 52) - Fri 02 Apr 2010

Miss Teak, I so love this story and was so pleased to see the update. I still commend you on how you have Kagome handling her assault. Very well done and very true. Sometimes the hardest choice is to CHOOSE to live.

Huggles my friend, I can hardly wait to read the next chapter.

Vicky (Chapter 52) - Fri 02 Apr 2010

How sadddd.....*sniff...sniff* you really know how to make the readers cry.  It seems Kagome is finally on her way to getting better.  I can't wait to read the next chapter.  Please update soon.

Starlyte (Chapter 52) - Fri 02 Apr 2010

This chapter was probably one of the more darker ones, but i loved how you finally ended Kagome's angsty chapters, it was raw, powerfull and yet tender all rolled together if that makes sense. It was also very realistic and believeable, instead of some mushy, hard to believe, over the top type of closing to her ordeal!

Thank you once again to a brilliant chapter and i eagerly look forward to the next ones!

Britt (Chapter 52) - Fri 02 Apr 2010



If perfection can be written, and all the angst instantly made up for... well you just did it.


REDWOLF (Chapter 52) - Fri 02 Apr 2010

Well I can't stop crying.....this was such a desperate attempt for Sesshoumaru to finally get through to her and it worked. Good chapter, yes, well done! Now, maybe she'll want to live! Great Chapter indeed!

KAggie (Chapter 52) - Fri 02 Apr 2010

Of course I'll review! You leave me with tears again! This was so great! i'm glad Kagome got a much needed wake-up call! She definitely needed it for her sake and Sesshoumaru's. I hope their relationship can finall move on from this experience.  Will Kagome ever tell him what happen?

laenfante (Chapter 52) - Fri 02 Apr 2010

Okay, after having to walk away from this chapter twice, and going through several tissues, I can now see well enough to review.


This was an overwhelmingly powerful chapter; the emotions just swamped me. This climax has been building since Kagome's fall, and the catharsis was just incredible. And all this, with the story not finished? Wow...what heights and depths are left to experience?


Beautifully done, m'dear...

knifethrower (Chapter 52) - Fri 02 Apr 2010

Another terrible and beautiful chapter.  Building a deeper relationship between our heroes.  This is one of your strengths as a writer of romance, Miss Teak.  I have a hard time respecting a relationship built upon nothing deeper than appropriate age, race, and economic status.  And while I do believe that true love can begin as "love at first sight", even shared deeply shared affinities need to be tempered by adversity, and I think this is something you must feel as well. 

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