Yes, Kagome. What's happened between the two of you was inevitable but in a way she started this madness and Sesshomaru finished it.
First she decides her childless state is the reason her marriage is screwed up. No doubt she has been taunted by inuyasha for not bearing one in a roundabout or blunt manner. As if a child fixes spousal compatibility problems right ?
Second she decides to solve a marital issue by asking her half brother in law who her husband quite strongly detests to help her out with baby making thinking it'll be ok to lie to her husband and raise the child in that manner.
Third she actually goes through with the plan. (No fear here or maybe there was and i missed it)
Fourth she continues the deed even after her pregnancy is confirmed and all the self loathing has manifested even in this ultimate desire culmination or exorcism. Bitch cant decide whether she wants to come or bwarf in her fear of discovering the horny side.
This kagome is an idiota and the only understandable emotion felt by her is the fear element.
Fear dictates everything for THE time travelling shikon miko and i fail to see how Seeshomaru would be attracted to such a wretched creature unless he is as convoluted as her in the head.
In response to your AN: I'd be surprised if it was anything but :)
Also, great update.
Kaylah (Chapter 21) - Thu 18 Aug 2022
It's pretty clear that he is in love with her. He's trying to show her that she could have so much more than what Inuyasha has to offer. Not just sexually either.
ink142 (Chapter 21) - Wed 17 Aug 2022
"Author's note: For the sake of 100% transparency, this is a smutty, angsty, slow-burn fic. Emphasis on the ANGST. Emphasis on the SLOW-BURN. Double-emphasis on the SMUT."
Haha it's like you're writing the perfect story. Thank you for keeping this one going! Can't wait to see how this one plays out.
Kathy (Chapter 21) - Wed 17 Aug 2022
This is a great story.
Wah (Chapter 20) - Tue 16 Aug 2022
Ok now it feels like nothing is happening..too many chapters exactly like story progression between sess/kag
Ya know... your Sesshomaru's tend to think vastly different than most others. Can't quite tell where you'll go from here with it, yet, but should he be anything like Control's Sesshomaru, I shouldn't be surprised in the slightest lol.
REDWOLF (Chapter 20) - Mon 15 Aug 2022
I think Kagome may be bi-polar, at least a little. Or whatever has caused her to stray in her marriage has made her a little nuts. She definitely needs a psychiatrist. I really don't feel sorry for her as much as I do Sesshoumaru. Not sure if it was him loving her from the beginning or just another way to aggravate Inuyasha. I just wonder why she strayed and if she realizes the problems Inuyasha is going to have. Great chapter.
Kathy (Chapter 20) - Mon 15 Aug 2022
Can Kagome stop playing around and just stay with that sexy man
Man... this was deliciously savage. And quite inevitable. Sure, it sucks for Inuyasha but let's be real here: he isn't right for her and seeks to control. He can't help it, right? It's nature and nurture, of which he's really only in tune with one. I wanna make predictions but I won't, because I want to see how this plays out in your mind. Though I've said before (in a Control review) - I think your mind is a scary place lol! For real, though... it makes for great reading material.
ink142 (Chapter 19) - Sat 13 Aug 2022
One more review given how much I'm loving this fic..! Love the slow unfolding of the past interactions between Sesshoumaru and Kagome, the subtle (or not subtle!) hints hahaha... thank you for yet another good read :)
ink142 (Chapter 18) - Sat 13 Aug 2022
Another amazing update!!! Thank you, Char, I really love this story! Much less heavy than the other usual haha. Loving the fact that this chapter revealed more of Kagome's deaire to travel ancient Japan and her restlessness of being in the village. Please keep the chapters coming (in the meantime I'll try and play catch up on the Control side stories and the Rebel Anthology...) <3
Kathy (Chapter 19) - Fri 12 Aug 2022
Now how will things go down
Amai (Chapter 19) - Fri 12 Aug 2022
At present, I think this is THE fic to read on this site suspense wise, no offense to the other authors who might be reading this comment.
Much thanks for updating frequently.
I want to know why sesshoumaru allowed kagome to make the 'mistake' of being with Inuyasha in the first place and why he was not outwardly jealous of her doing inuyasha and him at the same time so to speak. Whats your take on this ? I feel like i need some originality with the explanation because you have raised the expectations content wise with your incredible writing style and storytelling. And no, i did not miss kagomes recollection of sesshomarus vague comment of young girls not knowing any better when it comes to such matters
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