I'm hooked! I am liking how very canon and in character everyone is being, how stoic Sess is but slowly coming out of his shell, especially if he's talking to someone he cares about (Kags, of course!). So Naraku is still lurking about? Who has most of the jewel shards? Please update!
I truly enjoy fics where Kagome plays the role of a surrogate mother. If hou keep true to the title there will.be lots of mom.moments.
Shippou is her kid no matter who gave birth to him. It surprised me that Inuyasha seems to be so accepting of that bond even giving her the title "mother", but why not?
Both females love with all of their heart, no matter how old Kagome is, her mother will always worry for her. That bonding moment between mother and daughter was heart warming. Unfortunately Kagome never gave her the promise she wanted to hear, but it's probably better that way. If her mother is right, Kagome may as well.not be able to return and that could turn her into a liar.
I didn't get what you meant by Inuyasha's village and the others not feeling comfortable because that was his territory...
Looking forward to your next update.