Please update your story please
Anonymous (Chapter 1) - Tue 14 Jun 2022
This is a great story. I would love to continue reading!
Oh! this is a very interesting topic for a story, I really like it.
Great so far, I look forward to reading more in the future.
Wow that was fun... Poor Sesshomaru just got balled.... LOL this is actually my second time trying to post for your chapter.... If this one takes then I know I did something right for a change. Any love the story.. Oh I do have a question? Why protry the yokai as weak? Like if a silly fall will break their neck? Things like that have me beliving its a yokai gone human story which i know its not. Anyways, the story is fun lots of laughs and teasing. Update soon
Lord I do hope you cont they story, because i can't wait to see what happens next, thanks
Mimiru (Chapter 17) - Tue 31 Mar 2020
what in gods name did sesshoumarus father do!?! Thats great! Omg xD i couldnt stop laughing!
Mimiru (Chapter 17) - Tue 31 Mar 2020
what in gods name did sesshoumarus father do!?! Thats great! Omg xD i couldnt stop laughing!
Oh I have loves reading this story!! The personalites of each character is funny and brilliant! Each chapter is so good I just have to read it twice! Thank you for your wonderful writing skills and brilliant work on this stor! With what going on in my country being on locked down this really brightens my day ! I can't wait for the next chapter !!! Thank You !!
Mimiru (Chapter 13) - Tue 31 Mar 2020
I love kagura in this " marry me" that was beautiful!
Mimiru (Chapter 11) - Tue 31 Mar 2020
Omg! XDD He killed bambi's mom!!!
i did love how he was to lazy to chase after his food though!
LOL!! This is hilarious. I absolutely love that Sesshy is so dorky, which is so out of character for him, which I'm sure is the
point. Please continue with the has been great comedic relief. ????
LadyEsh (Chapter 1) - Tue 31 Mar 2020
Hi! This is truly a sweet story and I love the fact that Sesshomaru and kagura have a nice relationship here. The cuteness and humor amidst the oncoming tragedy is a breath of fresh air!
Keep up the good work!
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