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Margaret Armstrong (Chapter 285) - Sat 20 Jul 2019

So sorry to hear of your suffering. It really sucks when your mind wants to focus on something and pain interferes. Still, you continue to keep my interest with this amazing tale. When you have finally finished it, I will go back and read it all as one. You are truly superb at getting the emotional feel of the moment. At some point, a dream closure with Inuyasha might be nice, for both of them.Sesshoumaru is also in need of one, whether he admits it or not, lol

Faith (Chapter 285) - Sat 20 Jul 2019

Ugh! Pain! I've been grumpy all day because it's been a higher pain day for me (I have chronic illness) though I don't think mine is as intense as what you're dealing with currently. It just sucks soooo much out of you to be in pain constantly, I'm so sorry you're going through that.

I'm sorry I don't have much to say in review today, I'm still enjoying this story immensely, I'm just...yeah, grumpy. In pain, so once again not terribly verbal. Maybe tomorrow will be better for both of us. 

Tana_san (Chapter 280) - Sat 20 Jul 2019

This has been an absolutely wonderful fic. I have cried and laughed right along with Kagome and Sesshoumaru.

The grief they both endured was so real and heartfelt. I don't believe either would have survived the trials we go through when those we dearly love die and especially being there unable to stop the deaths of all whom become a blended family through this war that Naraku put them through if they didn't lean on each other.

You showed a side of Sesshoumaru that no one ever sees let alone would believe him capable of. The tenderness and gentle understanding he gave Kagome was beautiful. For once she wasn't condemned for her tears and human weakness.

When Sesshoumaru brought the Rin and Shippou back (Tenseiga only allowing the bodies restored) my heart truly ached and I was glad There was a box of Kleenex close. There never is any reason to murder innocent children and even Jaken didn't get away.....then when Sesshoumaru found out that his brother wasn't truly dead when he buried everyone so Kagome would leave the battlefield with gosh, how sick he must have felt to discover he might have lived if it wasn't his human night and died from the blood loss and internal injuries.

I love how they learned about each other with trust as"friends". Am looking forward for more. You are doing an awesome job.


Lammy (Chapter 280) - Sat 20 Jul 2019

I look forward to every update from you. I constantly check Dokuga around certain times of the day to see you if you updated. I love, love this story and your absolutely love your style of writing. 


You are amazing to update while injured and in pain! Thank you so much for the additional joy in my day! 

CookieAsylum (Chapter 280) - Fri 19 Jul 2019

Poor Mama Higurashi. Lol kagome is gonna be a cause for a lot of gray hairs. I kinda wish we’d gotten to see the convo between Sess and Satomi, but I think the “less is more“ angle worked well too. Kagome confessing her thoughts on Sess was very cute. I look forward to seeing their relationship grow more with each update. You’re doing an amazing job!


I’m glad to hear you’ve got something for the pain. I hope you feel better, and sending you super positives vibes! <3

bloodymoonrose (Chapter 280) - Fri 19 Jul 2019

This is so great!! I love it so much!! I honestly laugh out loud when they are being funny or I hurt when they hurt!! You’re such an amazing writer!! Keep up the great work and feel better!! 

Sandra sirake (Chapter 280) - Fri 19 Jul 2019

Hola soy una de esas lectoras, silenciosas, me encanta la historia y la sigo siempre, espero que estes mejor pronto, me quedé con la intriga de que hablaron la mamá de Kagome con Sesshomaru, pero bueno, las cosas están mejorando y es bueno algo de paz antes de la tormenta, yo Desearía mucho que pronto se embaracé y me imagino lo hermoso que será ese bebé ...

Sandra sirake (Chapter 280) - Fri 19 Jul 2019

Hola soy una de esas lectora silenciosae encanta la historia y la sigo espero que mejores pronto, me quedé con la intriga de que hablaron lasma de Kagome con Sesshomaru, pero bueno las cosas están mejorando y es bueno algo de paz antes de la tormenta, me gustaría mucho el que pronto kag se embaracé me imagino lo hermoso que será ese bebé...

Toni (Chapter 280) - Fri 19 Jul 2019

as always I look forward to your updates  hope you are feeling better

keep up the great work  

Orotami (Chapter 280) - Fri 19 Jul 2019

Brilliant! Truly amazing drabbles! The pantsying party is still going strong! Hopefully the pain management eases you back into hardcore pantsying mode. A month will be here before we know it! 

silence (Chapter 280) - Fri 19 Jul 2019

Well I hope you continue to feel better, just don't push yourself too much. I would've liked to see the conversation between Mama and Sesshomaru but I know there's only so much you can write. Although we still have to see him get accepted by the rest of the family, and I believe Satomi still wants to see Sesshomaru prove himself. ;) I'm looking forward to see where you're going with the rest of this story and how it wraps up.

genie48 (Chapter 280) - Fri 19 Jul 2019

Glad you have some relief and you're still in my prayers for this mess to heal quickly. Thanks for the lovely update. You made my day. 

KEdakumi (Chapter 280) - Fri 19 Jul 2019

Such a good, touching story 

Neelixonee (Chapter 280) - Fri 19 Jul 2019

Mama Higurashi showing true mom cred there.  I'd love to hear more from her. She's always been such a passive charachter, but you know with the way Kagome has turned out that she's at least instilled a good foundation.  I'd love to see her explored. 

Darkness living in Hope (Chapter 272) - Fri 19 Jul 2019

Super good story, love the storyline. Definitely had me crying during the children scene and Inuyasha too. My question is what about Sango miroku and Kirara? I’m going to assume they also don’t make it but does Kagome find them? Or...?


cant wait for the next chapters 

genie48 (Chapter 272) - Thu 18 Jul 2019

Thank you for another lovely update. I hope your appointment was successful in both getting answers and easing your pain.

hw (Chapter 272) - Thu 18 Jul 2019

Wow! What an introduction to the family! LOL, poor Sesshoumaru. Hopefully, Kags finds the right time to tell her mom about her mating him sooner than later. I understand her reasons but feel bad for Sesshou. 

Another wonderful set of chapters! 

I hope your ortho appointment yields results. Sending well wishes and warm fuzzies your way. 

Neelixonee (Chapter 272) - Thu 18 Jul 2019

Oh sweet lord. Even the whip.  What a mess.  That's going to be some cleanup.

Orotami (Chapter 272) - Thu 18 Jul 2019

You have no idea how happy I was to see this update. Today has been terribly stressful and now I feel like I can proceed forward with work in a better state or mind. 


You're amazing!


Good luck with ortho! I can't wait for the next updates! 

Chelsea Harris (Chapter 272) - Thu 18 Jul 2019

Wheeeeeewwwwwwwww lol They’re finally home!!! And I feel a storm coming with this explanation hahaha I’m sorry you’re in so much pain and good luck with your appointmen!!! Be safe ??

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