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Neelixonee (Chapter 427) - Mon 29 Jul 2019

Another awesome set of updates.  I'm glad for them both and what a sweet idea about the twins conceived in friendship.  "Sweet potatoes" killed me.  Thank you again!

Neelixonee (Chapter 422) - Mon 29 Jul 2019

This is probably the best chapter. And the two preceding it. Love it.

silence (Chapter 427) - Mon 29 Jul 2019

Sorry to hear about your leg. I hope it gets better. I liked these updates. And yes, Sesshomaru is totally a hypocrite! But that was to be expected when taking a human mate. You know he would die for his twins (you just continue to surprise us) the same way his father did for his brother. Also it shouldn't happen when they were conceived because what happened, happened. What's important is that they love each other NOW.

Blommie8 (Chapter 420) - Mon 29 Jul 2019

Wow i skip lots of notification...

Lammy (Chapter 420) - Mon 29 Jul 2019

Sweetest chapter thus far and there have been so many. 

Tana_san (Chapter 420) - Mon 29 Jul 2019

This has got to be one of the most sweetest, heartfelt fics I've ever had the pleasure of reading. I have been so emotionally attached to this couple and all of the ups, downs, rights and sorrowful wrongs that they were thrown into. The loss of ones so unexpectedly and painfully taken away from us is at times so unbearable we think that we'll just explode inside, but it's through the love and care of those we didn't anticapate would come from such strength and love to keep us grounded and provide us a safe habour through each storm.

I am so sad, but happy that Sesshoumaru and Kagome were able to bond after the descruction of Naraku took everyone they loved and cared for.

I have to wonder, would Sesshoumaru have taken Kagome away from the fallout if InuYasha hadn't asked him to, it being a last request between brothers? I think he would have at least taken her to safety maybe another human villiage,but somehow through their mad dash to the well and finding that the miasma and descuction was still quickly following before they could actually get there, that at that time he made the decision to go another way and she would not put up an augument in her state of mind. 

Kagome took a chance in touching his face, knowing it might cross a personal boundary of his but they both lost a child they loved ( even if he scoffed at love) and he looked at her and leaned into her hand needing the comfort as she said how sorry she was and the the bonding I think started there when he said in return,"so you did not?", "we are both bereft", it was quick and painless(for the children) and now they sleep together.

Comforting was a rather foreign thing for Sesshoumaru but he couldn't just allow this woman/child to think she didn't do her part within the destruction of a very devious foe who had thing everyone of them hated: the Shikon no Tama

Their journey through the well, meeting Kagome's family and accepting that they knew InuYasha first and instead it's the brother that InuYasha had no kind words for made it a little uncomfortable, but for him to allow Kagome to put Inu's beads on him for the sake of her family's feeling safe by seeing it.was a hugh tell to me that this man/youkai wanted her and her family to know and understand, and accept the he would not harm them or their Kagome.

The brotherly scenes had me smiling and thinking how wonderful that Sesshoumaru is learning what a real and true loving family is all about. I have so enjoyed this side of him. His struggle to accept these changes he needs to go through and accept this future Kagome really lives in.

I can go on and on but really I want to say Thank You for this fic. You are an excellent writer and storyteller.










Orotami (Chapter 420) - Sun 28 Jul 2019

I'm a gooey pile of emotions! Bravo my friend. 

Neelixonee (Chapter 418) - Sun 28 Jul 2019

He did the very best he could.  We can't all move the stars, not even him. Poor guy.

Tilayha (Chapter 415) - Sun 28 Jul 2019

Dang it..... You got me with this one ????

Neelixonee (Chapter 415) - Sun 28 Jul 2019

Rin.  I'm sure it will be painful but a happy reminder so he never forgets her face and smile.

Neelixonee (Chapter 414) - Sun 28 Jul 2019

Sesshoumaru is a damn saint.

Faith (Chapter 412) - Sat 27 Jul 2019

Oh also, forgot to say that I'm definitely going to support any writing you publish in the future. You are so talented, I feel honoured to read your work and interact with you through reviews and messages. 

Faith (Chapter 412) - Sat 27 Jul 2019

I'm confused about what Sessh lied about. Was that something in the manga or one of your previous chapters.

Btw, thank you so much for being so meticulously careful about your content/trigger warnings. I know it takes extra effort and I appreciate it immensely.

Orotami (Chapter 412) - Sat 27 Jul 2019

Mic drop. The truth is sometimes the hardest thing to hear. 

Neelixonee (Chapter 412) - Sat 27 Jul 2019

Oh what little she knows.  I'm sure she'd never let Kagome go anywhere if she knew. 

Orotami (Chapter 411) - Sat 27 Jul 2019

Oye vey. Momma is going to love sesshoumaru even more now. 

Neelixonee (Chapter 411) - Sat 27 Jul 2019

He's a big ole softie.



Midnight Song (Chapter 411) - Sat 27 Jul 2019

I always get so caught up because I'm come back to read and there's like 40 some chapters to read...and then feel so bereft when there's no more and I can't catch up. Great job lol. 

silence (Chapter 409) - Sat 27 Jul 2019

Oh man the honesty in this story is so real! But I am more curious about the jewel storyline and how that plays out. So perhaps on your next drabbles you can focus more on that? I have mixed feelings about Kagome being pregnant. I'm happy for them and think a baby would bring a lot of joy in their life after everything they've been through. But after everything is resolved, I don't know what will happen afterwards. What if they return to their own era and the well closes behind them? Satomi is going to miss being a part of her grandchild's life. I don't like the idea of them using the well at their will to back and forth because I feel that messes with the timeline too much. Besides I think adding babies is a little too convenient sometimes. And despite what everyone believes, babies don't always make everything better. So we'll see how everything plays out. I do trust you to make everything work out. =)

Neelixonee (Chapter 409) - Sat 27 Jul 2019

What a good way to hone your skills!  Simetimes the short drabbles are best to really sink in an idea vs doing huge chapters.  The limited word count makes each one matter more and it's certainly reflected in your work here.  I'm very excited to see where this and it's eventual sequel goes.  


I'm so glad for your recovery and hope that you continue to get to 100% fast and comfortably!  Good luck and full speed to your own publishing!  You'll have to let us know what to look up! 

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