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Cheyanna (Chapter 5) - Wed 17 Jul 2019

Wow so intense! I can’t wait to read the next chapter!! I wonder what will happen now?!? Thanks for updating. This story just keeps getting better and better!:) 

misa (Chapter 5) - Wed 17 Jul 2019

You are a gifted writer. I would definitely read any book you might publish E(I hope you do). Every story of yours have literally left me with an emotional upheaval that takes many re-reads for me to somehow calm down and accept it. The first stage of moving on, done. I hope you update this one and all the other ones soon. Especially ichi-go-ichi-e. 

AuroraDarlene (Chapter 5) - Wed 17 Jul 2019

Ooohhh, things are getting complicated and I'm so excited about the twists that you are bringing into it. Can't wait to read more about Kagome's past. I hope Sesshomaru becomes more stumped by Kagome's past ;-)

richelle (Chapter 5) - Wed 17 Jul 2019

Omg!! Everything is heating up! Poor kagome she's been through a lot I just Sesshomaru wont give her such a hard. I'm so addicted with your stories kept on re-reading them. ????? Can't wait for your next update.

Mysheeki (Chapter 4) - Tue 16 Jul 2019

Eeeep! Fascinating story!!! Please continue <3

hana sora (Chapter 4) - Mon 08 Jul 2019
interesting keep it coming

(Starry) Knight (Chapter 4) - Sat 06 Jul 2019

Rin, just understand and love her, she needs all the love in tHE WorLD. Poor Kagome, she keeps doing this martyr thing and it's really not heALThY

Maya (Chapter 4) - Sat 06 Jul 2019

I always get so excited for this story, every time it updates I always rush to read it. It's extremely captivating and beautifully written, I very much look forward to the next chapter!

Orotami (Chapter 4) - Sat 06 Jul 2019

What an amazing chapter! I'm always very excited for updates on this story. The uniqueness is so refreshing and the tale has been brilliant so far! I'm so excited for the next chapter. I cant wait to see what happens between Kagome and Sesshoumaru. 

Blommie8 (Chapter 4) - Sat 06 Jul 2019

Poor rin chan....she's annoying here...sorry.

AuroraDarlene (Chapter 4) - Sat 06 Jul 2019

Thank you for updating!

I know that Rin is just reacting according to her brought up but she is really annoying with her naivety. I really hope she learns the truth of her misjudgements soon and realises how much Kagome is suffering/is not as simple as she seems. 


I can't wait to read what happens next!!!

Faith (Chapter 4) - Sat 06 Jul 2019

Ack! Rin is driving me nuts! 

Very interested to see the result of her conversation with Kagome.

Also a little confused about Kagome being so worried about Onigumo's absence...or is it really Souta she's afraid for?

I'll have to reread to see if I've missed something or forgotten something from previous chapters.

Natalia (Chapter 4) - Sat 06 Jul 2019

Somehow I am starting to dislike Rin. Not in a bad way just that annoying way. Like: read the situation and act accordingly! I am curious what will come out of this. 

Thanks for updating! Amazing chapter!


Koree (Chapter 4) - Sat 06 Jul 2019

* face palms * I knew Rin tagging along would ruin a lot she’s been naive & obnoxious the whole time

Cheyanna (Chapter 4) - Sat 06 Jul 2019

Thanks for updating and I can’t wait to read more!!:)   Man Rin has a big mouth, I hope she learns from this. Kagome is so awesome! Also Miroku’s Crow is awesome too. I wonder what she’ll do to Sesshomaru? Can’t wait to find out!

Koree (Chapter 3) - Fri 28 Jun 2019

Very interesting plot !! I love that it gets more confusing as the chaps go on lol i makes for a great story 

Zaac (Chapter 3) - Sun 19 May 2019

So GOOD! You are such an amazing writer.  I love this story and i love your writing and i can't wait for the next chapter! 


I am so beyond invested! Rin showing up and making Sesshomaru's job harder, Sesshomaru's sparking interest in Kagome (which i love watching blossom from beast grumble to beast jealous wants and needs), Kagome's complicated backstory and facade and her keeping a watchful eye on Sesshomaru not gaining favor. I love ALL of this! 


Thank you for writing! 

Zaac (Chapter 3) - Sun 19 May 2019

So GOOD! You are such an amazing writer.  I love this story and i love your writing and i can't wait for the next chapter! 


I am so beyond invested! Rin showing up and making Sesshomaru's job harder, Sesshomaru's sparking interest in Kagome (which i love watching blossom from beast grumble to beast jealous wants and needs), Kagome's complicated backstory and facade and her keeping a watchful eye on Sesshomaru not gaining favor. I love ALL of this! 


Thank you for writing! 

AuroraDarlene (Chapter 3) - Sat 11 May 2019

This was beautiful. Words cannot express how heartbreaking it is to see Kagome in this situation. I really hope by the time the truth comes out, she will be reunited with Souta. Can't wait to read Rin's shock when she discovers that the Lady Onigumo is not what she seems at all.

You have a way with words that makes every sentence deep and profound, and I admire you so much for that.

Can't wait to read more.

Arc-an Angel (Chapter 3) - Fri 10 May 2019

Rinnnnnnnn, you fucking up the plan girl! Geesh! Thanks for this chapter <3

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