I like your story so far. It has captured my interest and it will be exciting to read your treatment of that age old question of 'What is Love'.
At first, I thought Kagome was going to drown herself because of the failed ship with Yasha but I'm glad that was not the case with her.
She just basically did a mental and emotional shut down so she can re-boot herself and start over again. Inuyasha was like a virus that needed to be purged. Now that she is back up running again, she is getting rid of all the bad memories by literally cleaning house. She is going to protect her heart this time around and I say good for her. I love a strong Kagome character.
Absolutely no failed relationship is worth killing yourself over.
I hope you update soon and as often as you can...also, hope you do not abandon this story. lol :)
Excellent writing and welcome to Dokuga!
I'm liking your story. I believe kinkyho should be evil and then pay dearly for it. Sorry, just hate her ????
Please, make kikyo be a good person here. There is so many kikyo bashing and its getting old. This is AU. Just dont let her end up with inuyasha...
Thanks for updating about kikyo I don't really like her but maybe in this story she could be nice or at least neutral
Wow...Inu is dense. Was he raised spoiled or did he go that way no matter what his parents did? Should be interesting to see what Papa had planned.
I like a Kikyo that's a bit self absorbed and evil because she can't picture anyone doing anything as well as her... Just seems closer to cannon to me
Can't wait to see where you take this
Inu’s going to get what’s coming to him! I always love stories where Toga is alive and loves Kagome like family.
I love this story hope to read more soon
Wow I like the story Toga is gonna kick some hanyo butt.... lol... Wish Kagome had more of a backbone though, hate when people make her weak and frail as if she was a granny. Update soon love to read more.
Please keep updating it's really good so far.
This is a good start. My only suggestion would be to start a new paragraph when someone different is talking. It helps avoid confusion in a conversation
"Hi, my name is Fluffy."
"Hi Fluffy. I'm Kagome."
I can't wait to see what InuPapa does.
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