Just found this story and it is amazing. I can not wait for the next chapter. Keep up the great work.
This was a very powerful chapter. The scene where they exchanged the pipe had actually brought tears to my eyes when he brought up Rin, I didn’t realize how much of their emotional pains I felt so strongly. I actually began to cry a little and felt that pain in my heart for him. What he’s been through has been terrible up to this point and his traditions have made him unable to vent or exert his pain without just sleeping it away and hoping it will go away. Kagomes portrayal of her strength and courage is very admirable. Her light hearted moments takes me back to her in the manga, so that was amazing to realize! Sesshomaru‘s genuine journey of pain and love is just amazing as well. Though, if InuYasha or Kimi isn’t in the future, I might genuinely cry again (please bring my Inu back!) Lol. Thoroughly love the way you write and you make me fall in the love with this pairing all over again. I don’t particularly indulge in the canon universe, but you made me make that exception and it was well worth it. Bravo!! Great chapter!
NThat was such a sad chapter but it ended sweetly. So sad to see how far Sesshomaru had sunk to. It took Inuyasha giving him a good bum kicking to wake him up. Well done you! Cheers!
Sammyjams (Chapter 19) - Tue 25 Jun 2019
I’m so in love with this story, and the way you portray the characters so well. And such and original idea! I can’t wait to read more!
Okay, I’m so hooked on this it isn’t funny. I can’t wait for you to update again. This last chapter was heartbreaking, but I love how you managed to show a broken Sesshoumaru without killing his character. Beautiful. But I’m going to ugly cry if Kagome never gets to see Inuyasha again. I’ve really liked how their friendship has been portrayed. Awesome job!
Koree (Chapter 19) - Mon 24 Jun 2019
Awww I know that cry :( when you’ve held it in for soooo long & it just comes out . Sad to see Inuyasha stay but it’s for the best he’ll do great
Faith (Chapter 19) - Mon 24 Jun 2019
The angst is bearable when it's so well written. I never mind crying along with characters as they grieve. It's necessary if you're going to have a truly fulfilling ending after tragedy. Otherwise it just feels false.
Barredwindows (Chapter 19) - Mon 24 Jun 2019
I loved this chapter (I've loved all the chapters, but this one in particular). Sesshomaru finally grieving and releasing all that stress that he has had to live with all these years really made me cry. I'm hoping against hope Inuyasha somehow makes it to the modern world alive. What was really intriguing was the way Kagome provided Sesshomaru a way to vent his emotions without him having to speak.
Many a times people forget that people grieve in different ways and speaking is not the only way to begin the process. Everyone has different ways of opening up and I loved that you projected that in this chapter.
Eagerly awaiting your next chapter.
Poor Sesshomaru. Really just shows how the mighty have fallen. It gives me hope though that he is obviously in the future and better. I also hope she can find a way to intertwine their lives because after everything they’ve been through...Geesh! Thank you for the chapter <3
Loved it.
I get so excited when you update ! Sad chapter. I can't wait for the angst to be over. I feel so bad for sesshy and all he's gone through. Bye Inuyasha
Ugh!!! Who told you that you could make me cry?!? This was such a good update. Sesshoumaru and Kagome confronting that grief and loss. He’s crying! I’m crying! And Inuyasha!! Taking his place as leader! Ughhhhh! It was all so good!
Him painting her face was ALL the things! Loved it.
What a sweet and sad chapter. Beautifully written. Thank you.
Misunderstood Maiden (Chapter 19) - Sun 23 Jun 2019
Can't review well. Busy crying. Maybe next chapter.
KayAkuma (Chapter 19) - Sun 23 Jun 2019
Another BEAUTIFUL chapter. Made me cry a bit not gonna lie, lol. But it was a good cry. This story has completely stolen my heart and I am always happy to see a notification that it has been updated. Thank you for this story, you are an amazing writer!! <3
Orotami (Chapter 19) - Sun 23 Jun 2019
Beautiful. It flowed wonderfully. I can't wait for the next chapter! I have to know what's going to happen next!
Koree (Chapter 18) - Thu 13 Jun 2019
Such an emotional couple of chaps I just read , sighhhh to have someone as loyal & faithful as Sesshomaru in my life I can only dream lol amazing chaps
Bibi (Chapter 18) - Wed 29 May 2019
Yes! An update, I've had this tab open since the last time I read it. I am super stoked for the meeting they have, the one where they become mates the first time. I expect we have some before that yet, till then:3
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