Good chapter. I'm glad that they are communicating about what is important to each other.
i am glad he went after her and decided to try to understand her! i would like more details about her days shown not told, how she learns and other things including her interaction with the servants also with her mother in law! that should be cool since it seems like the inu lady disappeared?
kagome's motivation is sound but i don't see the process of her being annoyed and annoyed till she snapped, that is what confuses me, since it looks like she justs reacts this way for the sake of it! i mean the lack of process is frustrating since i want more! this chapter was amazing but i need more! more details, how other females act, how they look at Kagome, what they say? i see no other characters except her hana and Sesshoumaru and the pups, and no interaction with anyone else.
p.s. autocorrect is still annoying, i always mess text to my mom with it lol!sometimes its hilarious!
thx for updating!
Waking in the middle o the night to a sick kid and seeing an update is nice. Was a good read while I stayed up a bit to make sure she would be okay. Great chapter. Really enjoyed it!
Nechi (Chapter 12) - Sat 19 Aug 2017
I hope she asks Sesshomaru for training as well so she can defend herself without the handicap. He should build resistance in her for his poison so others would not affect her as much
Lorena (Chapter 11) - Fri 18 Aug 2017
Oooh, I hope Kagome has an easy enough time learning demon customs so she isn't such a fish out of water.
There story is super intriging, I hope you update soon! =D It's interesting to see them grow together. There's little spelling mistakes but i think thats mostly due to your auto correct
Nice chapter. The last paragraph sounded a little insulting to Kagome. He made it sound like he was going to have her trained into a prized Bitch at a dog show.
Knowing Kagome's personality she will not allow that to happen, I think if anything, it will be the other way around. Maybe after everything is said and done they will learn to respect each other as equals with compromises.
Looking forward to future updates. Nicely written. Great job but too short lol :)
Hooray for more!
Mona (Chapter 11) - Mon 14 Aug 2017
I hope Kagome gives Sesshoumaru hell, because his description of alpha female is far from what Kagome is. Hopefully you want make her submissive and obedien, otherwise it would just be boring.
Natalia (Chapter 11) - Mon 14 Aug 2017
ah an update so glad!!!!!
i liked their interaction just where you state sesshoumaru has parental skills not material and some at the end in rest an amazing chapter! i can't wait to see the grandma's reaction to the pups! please update soon!
Lorena (Chapter 10) - Sat 12 Aug 2017
I just found this story so I had to binge read it, I am into it and hope to read more soon!
Amazing story so far! I can't wait for you to write more!!
I hope sesshomarus mom doesn't cause too many problems. Then again she IS his mom after all.
Natalia (Chapter 10) - Thu 10 Aug 2017
Wow a double treat! I enjoyed it! Just curious how did his mom know about the pups? Did she look into her mirror?
The for updating!
Erica (Chapter 9) - Thu 10 Aug 2017
I'm starting to look foward to the update notifications in my email :) can't wait to see where it goes
Great story keep up the good work.
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