This story is facinating. I am intrigued by it. Your writing is wonderful and your story is very enjoyable. You have me wondering how Kagome could have been turned into a youkai, that's interesting.
Looking forward to future updates. Thanks for sharing your story with us. Great job!!
Now this is getting interesting. I wonder why she's turning into a demon and what kind she is. I can't wait to see sesshomarus reaction!
Natalia (Chapter 1) - Tue 02 May 2017
The beginning is certainly catching! I am already hooked and want to see more! Thx for posting! Will definitely be waiting for the next chapter!
Kristen (Chapter 1) - Tue 02 May 2017
Wonderful beginning to a beautiful story.
Mona (Chapter 1) - Mon 01 May 2017
Great!!! I hope you can update soon.
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