Sesshoumaru is so cool. He knew the bitch is gonna betray him with another man. Instead of attacking koga, he just observed the situation and use it for his gain.
Hi, I wanted to drop a review to tell you how much I'm enjoying this work!
You caught my attention with the first chapter, as it started smack dab in the middle of the action. It was fresh compared to other works, and you actually inspired me to try something of the same with perhaps a new work of mine. This third chapter had me smirking the whole time. You gotta love Kouga. And I can't wait to find out if Sesshomaru was affected by seeing Kagome and Kouga embracing.
I also wanted to tell you, in all friendliness and desire to help, that Inheritance is spelled with an A, not an E. I'm not sure if you did that on purpose, but it was itching at the back of my throat. With that simple change, I really would have no complaints about any aspect of your story.
Keep writing, and update soon!
Philosophy Blue
This story is addictive. Can't wait for the next chapter. Keep up the good work. ^.^
I'm enjoying this already!
I cant wait to see what will happen next! This story is amazing and very unique! Please update soon!
Awesome Awesome Awesome! I love the plot! <3 im so excited for the next chapter :):)>.<
Looks good. . just keep it coming!!
PLEASE update the next chapter!!!
this first chapter was AMAZING!!!!
I reallly realllly want to read all future chapters you write!!
The plot has me hooked, lol
I loved the start of this story. This first chapter was an exciting beginning; it intrigued and peeked my interest. I know I am going to enjoy reading this very well written drama.
So I take it that Kagome is a fox demoness. It seems like some fanfiction writers like to portray her as a special kind of demoness. They seem to favor fox,wolf or inuyoukai with spiritual powers I notice, but most of the time she is a fox demon. I wonder why? lol
I look forward to future updates on this wonderful story thus far. Excellent writing!
OMG! That was absolutely fantastic and intense! I'm excited to see more!
Ella (Chapter 1) - Sun 08 Jan 2017
Excellent start. I feel this story is going to become one of my favorites. Please update soon.
Steph (Chapter 1) - Sun 08 Jan 2017
This is wonderful so far! Great development :)
Natalia (Chapter 1) - Sat 07 Jan 2017
Well that was intense! Picked my curiosity! Will wait for more!
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