I just binged through this whole thing and let me say ITS AMAZING! SO AMAZING. I will admit the slow sesskag is killing me but my god this is amazing and I'm obsessed with it.
Oh yea and just wanted to tell you that this pace is fine. It's called Her Voice, Sesshoumaru is just beginnig to ge the stirrings of love. He doesn't fall in love at first sight but at first hear/caress of her energy. Don't listen to the nay sayers, this is a great story with awesome intrigue and plot development.
ja ne till next time and keep up the great work
I love the plot and I love this story
Oh snap! Wasn't expecting her to be dangerous! Can't wait to see what happens next!
Kae (Chapter 19) - Mon 24 Oct 2016
Another fantastic chapter! Thank you so much! :D I love your characters!
Loveyaa (Chapter 19) - Mon 24 Oct 2016
It will be interesting to see you tie everything together, but that is actually my favorite part. Well that and happy endings. I can't wait to see how the puzzle pieces fit together and how you're gonna get Kagome and Sesshoumaru to fall further in love :)
Skylar (Chapter 19) - Mon 24 Oct 2016
I am absolutely in love with this whole story! From the writing technique and down to all of the details. It has been a joy to read thus far!
Love this chapter! we get to read about the other characters that will tie into the story! I can't wait to read who the mystery physic is!
Lonelylulaby (Chapter 19) - Sun 23 Oct 2016
Holy shitake mushrooms!!!!!! Now we're getting somewhere. Now we know tht the mystery gurl is a 'made' psychic nd she's looking for Kagome. What we don't know is if it's fir ill or good. Could Kagome be a made psychic too and just not know it because it happened when she was really young and thats why she doesn't experience the tremors? So Inu no taisho doesnt remember tht Hidani is part of Sesshoumarus crew? What will happen when he finally remembers? or is there another connection that hasnt been revealed yet? Welp Micah karma is a bitch so I've been told.
The plot just keeps thickening
ja ne till next time and keep up the fantabulous work
What!? Psychic Junkie Killer? I can't wait for more!
Ariel (Chapter 19) - Sun 23 Oct 2016
I really like the plot development and that's definitely important in a great story! The S/K romance stuff will come later and I do feel the pace is right, at least up to this point. I think other readers are complaining since we are unsure when updates are coming and how many chapters the story will have, so the wait for relationship development can seem never-ending. However I get that you're trying to weave an intricate one here and I personally haven't had trouble keeping up with the new characters so I'm totally supportive of your plan for more plot development :3 Thanks for the updates and I look forward to what happens next!
Who is that person? Hmm. . Yes no s/k action huhu
Love the drama in this chapter. That phsycic had it coming after she sole kagome's work. Although now I'm worried for her safety with this mystery woman after her.
Leaora (Chapter 19) - Sat 22 Oct 2016
Oh my God! There is so much intrigue and drama is not far behind. I can't wait!!!
Deana (Chapter 19) - Sat 22 Oct 2016
Awesome chapter! Who would have thought that Micah would be killed that way? you never mention who the girl is but I have a feeling it's Kanna. Next update please.
Thank you so much for updating fast! Ever since I read Her Voice I was captured . I always see to it to read the updates as soon as possible. I admit I'm a bit disappointed every time there's no Sesh-Kag action but I'm really curious as to where the story is going. good job so far and I hope you keep working on it. please don't ever ever drop it. please! OK, with that said, I look forward to the next update! can't wait!! Godspeed!
No!! i didn't want to get to the last chapter! THis story is so amazing and just sucks you in. When will Kagome and Sesshomaru meet???? Who is the strange girl? I'm dying here!! Update soon please!
I really liked your story but it's starting to just get confusing and hard to keep up with, with all the sub plots and so many characters. I'm sorry.
Ree-san (Chapter 19) - Sat 22 Oct 2016
It is disappointing that they never have any contact outside of training or missions. It's pretty far into the story and they know nothing about each other. Hope the next couple of updates have something.
Anonymous (Chapter 19) - Sat 22 Oct 2016
There is so many side actions, I can't keep up and who are these new characters.
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