your story is getting more exciting with each chapter can't wait for the next chapter
Grabs mic...
*Excuse me, Testing 1, 2, and 3*
I would like to say first and foremost that THIS has been one helluva read. I remember whne you posted the first chapter....Ive been a little drifty on Dokuga because of school...and everything else, but I always knew this story was going to be BAD ASS hands down.
Secondly, are you a gamer? if so aweseome if not...awesome. There is this game called "The Last of Us" that i thought of when I realized that Kagome might be a friggin human sacrifice and thought of it. SO in a nutshell its the zombie apocolypse, a girl is bitten by a zombie but never turned by the rest of humanity, the survivors rush to the opposite end of the world almost (killing zombies and whatnot) tofind a cure and what is in her body that makes her immune to the poisen After all the trails and tribulations to get to the end of the world, the researcgers wo are left instead of helping the girl plan to basically kill her and dissect her body. It was pretty bad.
*Spoiler alert*
She didn't get killed. Anyway I feel like Kagome may be that sacrifice. Ya know that chosen one who's so gifted that in order to save millions she is to be killed....yea that. I thought of that.
Moving on.....
Miroku is like a big brother, its so adorably annoying lol
Sesshoumaru is so Sesshoumaru I love how you kept him in character even with the feelings hes having about her. *Swoons*
The traitor in the midst ha! SO glad oyou didn't chose Naraku...but I honestly think that it is Izayoi...why? I will tellll you ...nothing. I just have a gut feeling lol. I could be wrong...I could be right. Only you know lol
Also..I enjoy reading in depth stories. like if it wereyour own characters and not Dokuga. GIRL I WOULD BUY THIS off the shelf. It would be my all time favorite read next to Danielle Stearts mystery novels. I think I just have a thing for action, sci-fi, mystery stuff. Go figure.
In conclusion,
I didn't mean to write an entire chapter (just a short story) on your revuew page. I just really wanted to show my appreciation for all of your hardwork, dedication, and creativity with this fic. I thank you for an awesome read and I hope you feel better soon!
Drops mic....
Holy friggin hell this story is turning me upside down and i need MORE.
DevaG (Chapter 24) - Mon 12 Dec 2016
OMG... This was the best... I can't wait for them to meet, but I don't want it to end. I've been waiting for another great story and believe me when I tell you, it's hard to find. But not yesterday!!!!... I'm so in love.
Feel better and I really can't wait for the next. I hope something unlocked in kagome and she's going to be unstoppable.
Thank you so much for updating! And for this story as a whole! I can't even tell you how much I love it. BUT THIS CHAPTER was so worth the wait, it played out just perfectly, like a movie! Oh man, I'm so psyched, shit's about to go down! I know the holidays aren't over so there might be a wait, but thanks for updating and letting us all know that you hadn't dropped this fic. :)
Mary Sun (Chapter 24) - Mon 12 Dec 2016
blommie8 (Chapter 24) - Mon 12 Dec 2016
Thank ye gods for the update!!!! It was worth the wait though!!! I am glad that Kagome has finally woken up and everyone can now kick some serious alien butt!!! However, I am sooo freaking worried for Eden and the beautiful tree in the middle of the garden that my fingernails are down to the nubs! I cannot wait to read what happens next! And finally yea!!! Kagome and Sesshomaru will get to meet!!! I am sure that sparks will fly there!!! Ho ho!!!
Once again thanks for the update, especially in the middle of the holidays and all!!! It was great! Of course, I am sure that Kouga will imediately try to convince Kags that she is "his" woman and all, but Sessy will soon put a stop to that you know heh heh heh hee hee hee!!!
Happy for the update and excited to know the leads will meet soon. I am sorry you've been so sick lately. :( Don't worry about rushing the chapters out. As a reader I woud prefer you take your time and write the best you can than put out mediocre content. Keep up the amazing work!
Anonymous (Chapter 24) - Sun 11 Dec 2016
Interesting chapter.
candy (Chapter 24) - Sun 11 Dec 2016
Well I hope you get better I do know what is like to have that. Keep up the good work.
OMG!! What a chapter! It was definitely worth the wait. I hope you're feeling better, I know how those sinus infections can be! I can't even wait for the next chapter, I'm so excited to see what happens. I liked how Totosai basically called Kagura a guy, I about lost it!(: I cannot wait to see what happens in the next chapter!!!
Violla (Chapter 24) - Sun 11 Dec 2016
Non vedo l'ora per il prossimo capitolo .
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