this is actually interesting and enjoyable..
I read some reviews first, and so I had a few missgivings, but I never judge a story fully on other people's opinions. I choose to make my own assessments.
I am looking forward to reading more of this.
I thought chapter three was quite funny and fun to read. I am still slightly confused about the three other maidens or witches . I guess I need a litttle more background history on them to understand more. I hope you will be doing that soon. While you are at it, please explain the history of the tournament like how long has it been around, it's purpose and how are the women are picked. etc.I am not going to give up on this story because I do like it.
Good, keep it coming. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
I like it kind of funny. Mom is going to be a riot.
Yay puppies! I always love a funny Sesshomaru's mom.
Eva (Chapter 3) - Thu 24 Dec 2015
Oh 8m just dying over little maruchan maru. Mommy is so bad. I like her.
I normally don't like OC in a fanfiction because they always ended up Mary Sue-ish...hopefully you will balance that out to not be a Mary Sue fanfiction. The story is actractive enough so I might be keeping an eye on this. Personally Chapter One felt like a better rendition of the story and Chapter Two is awfully rushed. Please do balance the story out before posting, it would kill the whole mood of the story if you rush it out. Also, I feel like Chapter Two could be written out with more detail than just a rush of information. That rush seemed to appear with the OC's and the sudden fountain of dialogues. I'm sure it can be improved with more characters interraction outside dialogues.
Looking forward to reading more of this. Very unique take on things. Loved the cat idea
I liked this chapter but it was a bit confusing towards the end when the other strange people appeared. It leaves me with a few questions but I will continue to read and hopefully to get a full understanding of what's going on. Please update soon. Great job.
Still loving it. Keep up the good work!
Mona (Chapter 2) - Tue 22 Dec 2015
Please update again soon, this is a great read.
I love it!! Keep it up!!
Inuyasha must have been drunk and stupid as hell when he picked that hideos woman over Kagome. She is sure lucky he sent her away. Kagome is much stronger in this story and I like that. I'm glad that she got that jerk out of her system and life to move on to bigger and better things.
This is a fasinating tale so far. Nicely written. Hope you update soon. Good job!
Mona (Chapter 1) - Tue 22 Dec 2015
Interesting and must I say Inuyasha is stupid to leave Kagome for that woman she described. She really dodge a bullet and knows the truth, he cheated, got an ugly hag pregnant and still cheats.
Tarajah (Chapter 1) - Tue 22 Dec 2015
I love this strong Kagome! Can't wait to see what happens nexr
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