Unmei Taisho has 2 stories
Kagome, having lost her parents and grandparents to a care accident she is left to raise her 3 siblings shippo, rin, and sota all alone while still attending high school and if those problems aren't enough her friends have all shunned her leaving her as the school outcast making her life just a stressful. will she find love with the most unlikely person who is involed in this too.
Rating: MA -
Universe: Alternate
Status: Incomplete
Category: Chapter Stories
Created: 19 Jun 2011
Updated: 22 Sep 2017
Genre: Action, Angst, Dark, Drama, Friendship, Humor, Romance
Chapters: 13
Reviews: 32
Words: 42,696
Reads: 32,931
I came here as a young girl, Naïve lovesick and stupid...I am no longer her. She no longer exist in this world. The jewel is still is not complete. Naraku is alive but missing, we do not know where he could be but we live on knowing that our final battle is far from over.
Rating: M -
Universe: Canon
Status: Incomplete
Category: Chapter Stories
Created: 28 Oct 2014
Updated: 29 Jul 2017
Genre: Action, Angst, Dark, Drama, Friendship, Humor, Romance, Tragedy
Chapters: 8
Reviews: 11
Words: 37,994
Reads: 14,595