Revang Profile Page

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I do stuff sometimes.

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10/03/2019 21:44:13Re:Holiday Boat Extravaganza 01/01/2020Challenges5347
12/31/2018 00:01:04Re:New Years ChallengeChallenges7734




Revang has 2 stories

While her friend group is on a cruise with Inuyasha and his family, Kagome sees a familiar face in the crowd, not realizing Sesshoumaru is in fact related to Inuyasha. What will come of these two tentative friends when they are forced to face one another? Modern AU #SessKagBoatDay
Rating: T  -  Universe: Alternate  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Chapter Stories  -  Created: 02 Jan 2020  -  Updated: 02 Jan 2020
Genre: Romance  -  Chapters: 1  -  Reviews: 2  -  Words: 582  -  Reads: 3,582
As Kagome struggles to find her place after her return to the Sengoku Jidai, Rin is kidnapped and she must join up with Sesshoumaru to get her back. But is there something more to all this than a simple youkai attack?
Rating: MA  -  Universe: Canon  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Chapter Stories  -  Created: 07 Feb 2020  -  Updated: 07 Feb 2020
Genre: Action, Romance  -  Chapters: 1  -  Reviews: 5  -  Words: 9,520  -  Reads: 3,934

Favorite Fanart

Total number of favoured images: 84

Peculiar Tastes
Caught Up
Together in hell
—Dios quita, pero cuando devuelve multiplica.
  • —Dios quita, pero cuando devuelve multiplica.
  • Author: XmeLi
  • Category: Fanart
Nonchalant Sesshomaru
Under the sunset
Or draw 45
mexican au retablo
Dracula Kiss
she yell
The Kiss
Forehead kisses
Sharing ghosts
Dog Lord
Nother otp doodle
The miko sisters
Western Lord and His Lady
<< Start < Prev [1] 2 3 4 5 Next > End >>


Name Entry
Midnight Song

Created On: 01/28/2021 19:07:00

Thank you for the kind review of Bitter Like Chocolate. I hope you enjoyed the rest of the story. ^_^


Created On: 05/26/2019 19:13:18

Ahhh I'm so happy to know you enjoyed A Noteworthy Kiss! A blushing Sesshomaru is a hot Sesshomaru indeed I feel a bit like Oprah writing this one, "You get a kiss!" and "You get a kiss!" "Everybody gets a kiss!" Thank you so much for the review!

Best wishes!


Created On: 05/22/2019 01:46:34

Hey there!

Thank you so much for all the reviews you have left on "A New Year's Challenge"! They really made me smile. And yeah, Sesshoumaru can be an asshole...BUT he's a cute asshole

I was really laughing at your salmon-color-comment!!! That would serve him right, wouldn't it! Although I can imagine that those females would accept that ugly gift with a forced but sweet smile and even compliment him on his choice.

And yeah, Sesshoumaru dancing to Beyoncé is one of the mental imagines I still laugh at today! I'm proud of that idea.

Haha, so glad that you noticed Sesshoumaru's generosity! He is a modern man.

Thanks again! I'm glad you found the fic hilarious! And hope you had fun reading it!
Feedback from Revang: I’m glad I was able to brighten your day~

He is definitely a cute asshole hahaha

They totally would kiss up to him about the lipstick. He doesn’t need any more inflation of his ego! lmao

And oh-so generous! He really leaves the playing field wide open XD


Created On: 05/20/2019 19:45:33

Thank you so much for your review on Meat. They are silly ????. I'm really glad you liked it. ????

Best wishes!


Created On: 01/09/2019 02:56:06

since i honestly don't know how to comment on a tumblr post if it's not in my dash feed, i figured i'd come here to comment on your first chapter of Fate's Reprise

first off, i definitely disagree with you from the forum where you said inn your post that you didn't think it worthy of being voted on. i loved it, and i thought you wrote them very well too! i always love canon fics where we get to see how Kagome has grown, and that that growth isn't always happy the way we want to think. i also like how in those times i feel like she compliments Sesshoumaru a lot, and i think you portrayed them really having a moment very well.

it'll be interesting to see where the fic goes! especially with the little hints you're dropping about what could be happening with the well.

good job ^-^
Feedback from Revang: Aaah thank you so much! Your comments mean a lot~ I’m really glad that it came across the way I meant it to, and I’m really glad you liked it.

I also love post canon fics- Kagome is such a good character and she has so much room for growth, but the series mostly focuses on our two favorite brothers... I’m pleased I can help add to that for you c:

I have a general idea of where this fic is going, but I’m also excited to see all the places it takes us hehe~


Created On: 01/05/2019 00:49:20

Hi revang,
I also don't have a tumblr account, but I wanted to comment in your first chapter.

Congrats on starting your first fanfic! I enjoyed the chapter quite a bit. I particularly enjoyed how you wrote what Sesshomaru thought/understood of Kagome's shifting scents. How you wrote about Kagome's panic attack was good too.

I look forward to seeing more of the story when it gets posted on Ao3!

Feedback from Revang: Thanks so much! I’m really excited to try my hand at this whole fanfic thing (and writing in general), so I’m so pleased you liked it~

And thank you for your specific feedback too. I have a very strong sense of smell, so I enjoyed getting to play around with it and I’ll definitely continue to do so throughout the fic.

For her panic attack I wrote using some of my own experiences for reference, and I was a bit worried it might not really make sense or else be too oddly specific in parts, so I’m very glad it came across well.

Thanks again for your comments and I look forward to seeing you as the story progresses!


Created On: 01/02/2019 18:32:55

Hello revang,

I do not have an account on tumblr, so I'm going to leave my review for chapter 1 of your story "Fate's reprise" here:

I really like your concept so far. Many focus on how happy Kagome is when she decides to stay in the feudal era, but totally ignore the other side, the hardship she has to face and the different viewings she is confronted with.

You focus on that side. The expectations she has to fulfill. Her losing faith in herself. Forgetting who she is. I really like that and I do hope that you will focus a bit more on that side in the future.

It was a nice idea to let Sesshoumaru be the one Kagome will lean on. And I'm curious to see what he will find out about the well and Kagome's purpose.

I'm looking forward to your next update.
Feedback from Revang: Thank you so much! You pretty much hit on everything I was going for with my writing of Kagome, so I’m so glad it came through for you! I hope I can continue to deliver as the story progresses. My hope is to really show the complexity of her experiences- that she can have these happy feelings while also struggling with doubts and unhappiness- and to see how she works through them.

And I’m glad my little snippets of the plot caught your interest hehe

Thanks so much for your feedback! I’ll be pleased to see you next time~

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