Tsuveras Profile Page

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7 years ago
6 years ago
6 years ago


Hi there, I'm Tsuveras! I love Sess/Kag pairing and have moved my two sess/kag stories here from ff.net. One is because I wanted to post the mature content here and the other just because it is Sess/Kag. If you want to check out my other stories, I have many more on ff.net.



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Tsuveras has 2 stories

Before anything, only light and dark existed. The dark fell in love with the light, but upon consuming her love, she began to fade. He gave his breath to her and she felt betrayed at being tainted. She threw herself in death's way and realized she loved him, for without him, she could not exist. The gods were born from her faded light. What has happened before will happen again.
Rating: MA  -  Universe: Canon  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Chapter Stories  -  Created: 11 Jul 2019  -  Updated: 12 Aug 2019
Genre: Action, Dark, Erotica, Friendship, Humor, Romance  -  Chapters: 6  -  Reviews: 4  -  Words: 58,563  -  Reads: 6,787
Years after being sealed on the modern side of the well, Kagome feels hopeless at the way things left off. When shes dragged out by her roommate to be the third wheel of her friend's date, she gets left there with an old enemy she had never expected to see again. Even if once they hadn't been on such friendly terms, now each other is all they have to hold onto the past.
Rating: T  -  Universe: Canon  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Chapter Stories  -  Created: 13 Jul 2019  -  Updated: 13 Jul 2019
Genre: Friendship, Romance  -  Chapters: 2  -  Reviews: 2  -  Words: 9,000  -  Reads: 3,789


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