redoxide Profile Page

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Hi, I've been a long time lurker at A Single Spark and now Dokuga but I've recently decided to become more active in my favourite fandoms. I'm starting to keep a list of fanfiction recommendations, mainly for my own reference, at my livejournal so feel free to look me up there.

NOTE: I just want to give credit for my icon to lj user planetgal471 whose work I found at the community shikon_shards.

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05/11/2012 08:55:38Re:Help finding a story - Kagome turned into a dogFound Fanfictions3074
05/11/2012 08:36:13Re:Help finding a story - Kagome turned into a dogFound Fanfictions3074
05/11/2012 08:34:37Help finding a story - Kagome turned into a dogFound Fanfictions3074
03/10/2010 06:41:24Re:The Best of Unfinished FanfictionRecommendations82259
03/08/2010 19:50:10Re:The Best of Unfinished FanfictionRecommendations82259
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  Freya Ishtar


redoxide has 0 stories

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I Wont Let You Fall (Color)
So close, no matter how far....
  • So close, no matter how far....
  • Author: Steph
  • Category: Fanart
Nothing Else Matters
Southern Star by R0o in color!
You're so Fluffy
Location, location, location
Bed time   hall of bishies by belafantasy
...Her Inner Beast?


Name Entry
Freya Ishtar

Created On: 09/29/2010 13:52:53

Yes, I just got your reply. I stumbled over this issue myself about posting feedback to a wall entry, only to find out the person you're giving the feedback to doesn't get a notification, so you don't know unless you check their wall. Funny, after I asked, it occured to me that you probably meant 'non-consentual' (and I feel like I'm spelling that wrong). I dont' really like scenes like that, either, I only wrote a scene like that once, but it was for one of my original fictions and it was an in hind-sight scene that was sort of necessary to establish better for the reader how the main characters were relating to each other. So there you have it, I don't like those sort of scenes, I understand it, and I let it slide if it's intended to establish something particular in the story, but beyond that my thinking is . . . if I'm writing a citrus scene I want it to be (I cringe to use this phrasing, but here we go) I want it to be sexy for the reader and in my opinion someone being violated, male or female is NOT a turn-on. Taken advantage of? Sure. Being seduced? Heck, who doesn't love that? An ancient lust demon using his powers to make you forget to be scared of him just long enough for 'stuff' to happen? . . . That one's kinda right up there with the seduction bit. >_> As long as the ancient lust demon is hot XD.

Freya Ishtar

Created On: 09/28/2010 07:53:08

Thanks so much for another awesome review. I'm going to try (TRY XD) to keep this fic going at a pace of 1 to 2 updates a week, so if I ever go longer than a week without updating once, please drop me a line and bug me about it, 'cause I have bouts of blondness where I let life get in the way and then honestly forget.

I have a question . . .>_> what do you mean by 'non-con'?
Feedback from redoxide: I replied to your comment on your wall as I'm not too sure how this feedback function works

Freya Ishtar

Created On: 09/07/2010 14:48:28

Thank you so much for reveiwing Stealing Heaven. And I think I can hint without spoiling anything on your comments about the romanctic aspect. The romance will not be rushed, at times its presence may even be questionable, but there will be interactions between Sessh and Kagome of . . . other sorts that won't actually affect the relationship developing between them. That part I can't explain without spoiling. The thing I'm most excited about with this story so far is that people are telling me they found the footage-bit creepy or spooky, and I wasn't at all sure I'd managed to pull off even a li'l chill with that. I've already started chapter 3 and am hoping to have it posted soon.
Feedback from redoxide: Haha, you've made me even more curious about the story now I really can't wait. You definitely pulled off the creepy factor, no worries. I'll be checking Dokuga constantly for updates


Created On: 12/04/2009 04:40:35

LOL. Don't we all love Sesshoumaru to itty bitty bits?? I have no idea if you've watched the anime Bleach, but I somehow have a very hard time choosing between Sesshoumaru and Kuchiki Byakuya (from Bleach). They are so similar and OMFG so hot. Anyway, I've finally updated Wisteria and Pearl of the Underworld! Do check them out if you can


Created On: 11/30/2009 04:35:08

Yayy!!! I am so glad you loved Sesshoumaru's emoticons in "Jealous of You"!! He can be soooo cute at times.(OK, I know he is fictional but we all love him nonetheless, don't we?) What a dreamboat


Created On: 11/12/2009 15:36:03

Thank you for your review for Frog Prince. I was tempted to list it with my post for Sesshoumaru's alternative jobs, but I always feel uncomfortable promoting my own work, especially when I am being so slow to update. Yeah, I went into retail to try to improve my people skills, too. I can't say that I have noticed a huge difference, either.

Anyways, thanks again.



Created On: 11/12/2009 07:28:44

Ooops. my cover is blown! I was gloating over Kagome's misery as well! You and I both know how she deserved every moment of it for being so mean to poor Sesshy. Though he didn't seem to enjoy the glitz and glamor too much either. Thank you for reviewing; you made my day! speaking of the chef Sesshoumaru, I was thinking of writing something about Kagome being his apprentice and goes through hell while learning culinary skills from him. What do you think?


Created On: 11/08/2009 06:04:05

Dear Redoxide, thank you for the lovely reviews for "The Third Parties" I really appreciate them, and I agree with you on how Inuyasha needs to suffer big time (partly to make all the readers happy. LOL) Triangle relationships are just so agonizing, aren't they? It was quite an emotional roller coaster I put myself through to write this story. I will try to update soon, so see you in the next chapter!


Created On: 11/07/2009 15:10:14

Thanks for yet again a motivational review Redoxide! Wow, I'm glad you like the chapter.
Thank you 2x!


Created On: 10/31/2009 03:55:22

Thank you for your awesome review Redoxide. I'm happy I could read your opinion about US.
Yes what Sess had done was still essentially rape and it's hard to believe that Kags was the one who blamed herself for that event. When writting that chapter I tried to picture an overly emotional exhausted young woman and I thought blaming herself was one of the possible respon that could happen in that condition.
About Sess' sincerity on his feelings toward Kags... He had tried to be sincere. But his nature had always been cruel and ruthless so sometimes manipulation emerged in order to secure Kags by his side. But I can't denied that Sess is a bit OOC in this story. Just a bit I think...

Aww thank you for your kind comment on my writting. The grammars were being beta-ed by Ceferadel before I launch the story.
Of course I'll continue writting! Thank you for your motivation!

Something big WILL going to be happen in their future relationship. Don't worry and keep reading 'till the end and review if you got the time! Your review is so inspirationing and motivating..

Thank you so much!

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